
No stress at all :) I was thinking more continent, mountain ranges, lakes, huge forests etc. Various large kingdoms/noble houses etc etc Open to any input though
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Oooh I think they could definitely pass through some kingdoms on the way. That feels like a lot of solid drama in the potential future
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Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking. I may make a cheeky little thief or something along those lines to add to that drama in the cities
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i like the idea of them passing through the kingdoms! they could always visit oleander's old kingdom lol Urux said: No stress at all :) I was thinking more continent, mountain ranges, lakes, huge forests etc. Various large kingdoms/noble houses etc etc Open to any input though

I mean some of the side characters probably won't need character sheets unless they're going to be a main piece of everything. It'll probably take a lot less work on your end! ^^'
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I'll have to adjust Tyrren's sheet to fit here, but it's there now. I already had his ready to go lol. I'm making another main person anyway, but I want to see what characters roll in first so I can make one that fits in well :)
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Makes sense XD Imma be honest, I really have no clue where Nolian came from. I figure I'd figure that out later... and have it be a "mystery" for now.
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Hahahhaha no problem. I make half these characters on the fly, so I'm amazed I can even come up with the background sometimes
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If anyone wants to make additional characters that's fine, I forgot to add it to the rules or main post that multiple characters is okay. :P Just not something silly like 8 of them haha. Also, no rule to have more than one either, what ever you feel you can handle :)
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Delivering an update: I will have the beginning of the thread ready to go as soon as all character sheets are in and everyone is pleased with their starting positions. The scene will be meeting upon the Antifell Peaks to receive instruction on what the letter's author wants in return for their promised wealth and power. Everyone will be climbing at the same time, all characters will meet at the peak. Then we go from here :)
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