
I'm going to be gone for 5 ish days. If the roleplay starts and I'm not posting that's why.

@Bruiser, What do you mean? I am confused about what you're saying about them being a legend and truly the shadowbane pack. lol I do like the idea of them having a reason to start a war though. A new pack coming in and messing with them sounds like a good idea. Or, another idea, is that it is actually one of the three packs, Dawn, Night, or Moon pack who has been doing it. Maybe they are secretly trying to take over more land and have started testing the waters with ShadowBane land. Perhaps the perpetrator pack has kept this a very tight secret and no other packs know of their plans. Thus, when the ShadowBane pack arrives, the perpetrators play dumb. This could lead to the ShadowBane either already knowing/suspecting who their new enemies are or not knowing at all. If they do know already, then they may go to the gathering trying to get a read on the other packs and seeing if they can get help from them and testing their allegiances to the perpetrator pack. If they do not know the enemies, then maybe they truly are going there for help and not to kinda test the allegiances between the packs. Just ideas.

red, like further out packs are skeptical becuase they've only ever heard of the shadowbane pack as a myth ^^ if that makes sense. like packs way out past any closer, neighboring one. like i said though, that idea would depend on how far they were to travel to get their story out about a new pack trying to take their home sort of thing.

@Bruiser, Ah, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. More distant packs would be more skeptical for sure. Did you see what my previous post said? About maybe one of the three main packs(Moon, Dawn, Night) being the secret perpetrators?



My decisions of my male character being a flirt or more darker/power hungry male is halting on my next character form...

Hmm, could also be both...

You're right. I have a character like that Cassius or I can shape my fav boy Tedashii..

Sounds like fun. I do like those kind if toxic characters lol