
Game Moderator Neutral
Thundering Embers I think Kisha my blind cat OC was my first RP character ever but now I want to try Nightshade
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Every single rp I've been in has died mostly because of inactivity from the creator and the other roleplayers, but if mods create a rp it's very hard for them to become inactive. Also Crimson thinks crushes take up your time leading other foxes, so that might be another weakness, crushes stop her judgement etc.

My first OC is sitting, neglected, at the bottom of my blog. Nori and Nightingale are my main two now. Nori will be getting a page on TH soon.

Game Moderator Neutral
I'll write down anymore weakness that anyone announces out of nowhere but feel free to edit your forms if anyone wants to.
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Sorry about saying that out of no where sometimes thoughts just hit me.

Game Moderator Neutral
Bobcat Maybe get art of Nori? Thundering Embers It is fine. I do the same
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what season is it? just so i know which coat to draw my arctic in
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Fei I'll be drawing a ref during study hall.

Game Moderator Neutral
los campesinos! said: what season is it? just so i know which coat to draw my arctic in
Summer so summer coat.
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