
- Chogan reflects on the patrol avenging Hirola and accepts death as a part of life - Cypress worries about Marigold angry at the humans - Tundra is disdraught over the bad news - Chargin responds unworried about the badger but deep down is a little - Violet asks someone to carry Hirola home - Chogan volunteers his head low - Honey thinks about Chargin and his future - Spider is very upset and returns to his den - Violet leads the way back to camp - Chogan places Hirola in the center of the camp gently - Tundra and Cypress notice Spiders reaction and feel bad - Chargin is upset over Hirolas death - Weevil, a Beach Clan Trainee, notices the commotion and does not heed it - Crimson, a Beach Clan soldier goes for a swim instead of joining Sparks meeting

- Willow regrets not confessing her feelings to Hirola sooner - Chogan takes note of his and his clanmates new injuries - Honey orders the injured to Asters den and then to bed before mourning the loss of her freind - Spark leaves the meeting trying to look confident and spends the night in the med den waiting for Marigold - Aster tend to Violets torn ear - Dune lies down across from Spark - Chogan decides his wounds are not life threatening - Chargin sits vigil before heading to bed - Frisk hopes he can stay the night out - It is now morning - Crimson is announced the new Alpha of Beach Clan

- Marigold returns to camp in the morning questiong Spark about the unfamiliar kit - Chogan tries to enjoy the morning - Cypress and Tundra congratulates Crimson - Spark asks Marigold to watch the kit for her and calls the rest of the clan to a meeting - Honey woke up and assigned some duties to violet before catching some rabbits for her clan mates and looking for her sister - Aster wakes up and assists Chogan with his injuries - Chogan doesn't think his wounds are that bad - Chargin sleeps then looks for something useful - Frisk is excited he made it the whole night - Violet accepts Honeys commands and assigns patrols - Crimson accepts her new position and responds to Spark - Weevil awaits Sparks commands - Marigold tends to the kit asking its name - Willow prepares for her patrol not noticing Honey

- Dune nervously responds to Marigold - Spark sends out patrols and reports the mysterious kit to Crimson in a particularly bad mood - Spider prepares to patrol with Cypress - Breeze becomes a medic trainee - Aster helps Chogan - Violet goes looking for Frisk - Breeze wkes up, checking her surroundings - Marigold tends to Dunes injured eye - Dune lets Marigold help her - Chogan accepts treatment for his wounds in a gruff matter - Cypress thinks Spark is being worse than normal and goes on a hunting patrol with Spider, pushing past the clans borders - Tundra growls at Spark, upset by her demeanor

- Weevil wakes up, having a hard time adjusting to the new day - Umbra, a Beach Clan Soldier asks Weevil if he is alright. She is also not impressed by Spark actions - Weevil says that he feels weird - Umbra asks what was weird - Weevil says he felt light headed and asks if theres something wrong with him - Umbra suggests visiting the medic, Marigold - Weevil considers it, also curious about the strange kit - Umbra wishes Weevil good luck, goimg off to help someone - Breeze, a Meadow Clan Trainee, plays in a stream - Crimson walks with Spark discussing the new kit and threatens to put Spark in her place for being so snappy

- Tundra calms down ready to train Weevil - Weevil asks Tundra to go to the med den, worried he will get scolded for missing training - Tundra says yes, saying she will handle Spark if shes upset - Umbra says hi to Tundra and then goes to do her own thing - Spider follows Cypress but starts to get nervous as they cross the border - Spark responds to Crimson sharply referencing her own ignorance before go back to camp and awaiting the meeting - Cypress tells Spider to live a little - Flint, a Beach Clan Trainee is made a med Trainee - Chargin goes to bury Hirola - Weevil tells Marigold his symptoms - Chargin thinks they should eliminate Beach Clan all together

- Crimson is confused about the missing foxes after not attending the meeting the night before, she calls a meeting to discuss the lost kit - Umbra responds to the meeting - Marigold helps Dune and then asks Weevil about his day - Weevil reports he hasn't had anything to eat or drink yet - Marigold tells Weevil to start with that at least and asks to check his temperature - Weevil bows his head to let her - Dune thinks all these herbs are strange - Spider is still nervous about being in the other territory not wanting to get into a fight - Honey checks up on Chogan - Spark finishes her report to Crimson then stands behind her waiting for the foxes to gather - Flint starts to help Marigold noticing Dune and Weevil - Chogan says hes ok but is upset he couldn't save Hirola - Cypress says its ok because they will be out quickly and catches a rabbitEdited at January 6, 2024 08:43 AM by Squeky

Im going to have to stop updating this because I literally cannot keep up with it and I dont know if its even being used >.<