
Ooo yes, they and Pallas need to be friends because she's like a Utah Raptor based dragon :D So kind of bird like too. Determined_Wolf said: okay prepare for bird-like dragon >:) Imperial Sands said: Im completely okay with both of those. People have free reign over their dragons, and I've had dragons who have had feathers in the rp. Determined_Wolf said: okay random question but can air dragons have head feathers and and little dips in their scales like a golf ball?
also hey spellsy!! :D

awww that would be so cute!! Both of them cooing and chirping at each other would be so wholesome- Imperial Sands said: Ooo yes, they and Pallas need to be friends because she's like a Utah Raptor based dragon :D So kind of bird like too. Determined_Wolf said: okay prepare for bird-like dragon >:) Imperial Sands said: Im completely okay with both of those. People have free reign over their dragons, and I've had dragons who have had feathers in the rp. Determined_Wolf said: okay random question but can air dragons have head feathers and and little dips in their scales like a golf ball?
also hey spellsy!! :D

Awesome! So excited! Bagel is up for affiliations. -- also, if by monday we still need the squad leader (and no other characters) I can take them Edited at December 17, 2022 12:56 PM by Argos

I'll keep that in mind, thank you <3 Argos said: Awesome! So excited! -- also, if by monday we still need the squad leader (and no other characters) I can take them

man so many people want the squad leader! also I feel like Bagel and Juniper will get along well <3

Im trying so hard to get Nina done ;-; I just have to type out a description of her appearance and her likes/dislikes but shes pretty much done since I have a dot point appearance.

I don't think Desmodus will have any affilations- He's a super lazy boi-!

Of course, Imp. - @D_W (can I call you that?), yes, they are both are peaceloving awkwardness on legs XD
Oo.. what is this? Juniper likes singing?? I think they'll have to do some (really bad) karaoke sometime.

yeah of course you can call me that!! XD also absolutely- if these two are not paired together they both at least need to do karaoke together!! what's even better is that Juniper and Bagel get along personality wise but Juniper will also fight any dragon if they are mean to Best Boy Bagel also don't worry Impy, I will probably do the same for personality and appearance of any other characters I make here

Determined_Wolf said: yeah of course you can call me that!! XD also absolutely- if these two are not paired together they both at least need to do karaoke together!! what's even better is that Juniper and Bagel get along personality wise but Juniper will also fight any dragon if they are mean to Best Boy Bagel also don't worry Impy, I will probably do the same for personality and appearance of any other characters I make here
That would be so cute~ Them singing horribly together so loudly and annoying Dssmodus would add a bit of goofiness to it~ Edited at December 17, 2022 01:26 PM by Fruit Lovers