
Finley's no-fucks-given i-am-apathetic-as-shit attitude would have provided an A+++ dynamic for the group, but alas. the resident bitch-ass immortal bastard has like 99% of his vibes, so Fin sadly had to be yeet.
Sasha is going to boss Aries around like you wouldn't believe.

also guys if y'all wanna make your characters x10 more OP than they already are, feel free to. you can even make 'em all the more OP as the RP progresses because they'll be getting more power and learning new shit, so yeah.
because i have a kid who can kill everything and a man who is extremely immortal, so. like. yeah. we do unbalanced characters in this RP.

Yeah, Fin is a fun one to have and I get that. Honestly, I'm not even that good at writing him yet because I can't go in depth with his thoughts given the most thoughts he has is how to murder people, how to manipulate people, and what weaknesses people have. I can't talk about his emotions, just future plans. One fun piece of trivia about him is that his ability was actually supposed to also have the con of making him unable to see any color except for the color of the anklet/bracelet he wears. Everything else would just be gray. I hadn't been sure if I should add it or not though, so I ended up not adding it. - I am already expecting Sasha to do so, no worries. Aries will probably listen, for the most part. He has no qualms with her, as of the start and thus his loyalty shall prove useful to the twelve year old god.

Ah man, you shouldn't have told this to the one who can legit regenerate an entire neck if given enough time. Aries is totally going to develop more power as it goes on, let's go! Total 'God of War' vibe going to be coming from him eventually! He shall be unstoppable! Other than his multitude of problems, of course. LifeisnotUwU said: also guys if y'all wanna make your characters x10 more OP than they already are, feel free to. you can even make 'em all the more OP as the RP progresses because they'll be getting more power and learning new shit, so yeah.
because i have a kid who can kill everything and a man who is extremely immortal, so. like. yeah. we do unbalanced characters in this RP.

LifeisnotUwU said: also guys if y'all wanna make your characters x10 more OP than they already are, feel free to. you can even make 'em all the more OP as the RP progresses because they'll be getting more power and learning new shit, so yeah.
because i have a kid who can kill everything and a man who is extremely immortal, so. like. yeah. we do unbalanced characters in this RP.
kage's fire is only going to get more controllable and more hot as time goes on, so. you know i'm going to take advantage of this, LMAO. Overthink101 said: Yeah, Fin is a fun one to have and I get that. Honestly, I'm not even that good at writing him yet because I can't go in depth with his thoughts given the most thoughts he has is how to murder people, how to manipulate people, and what weaknesses people have. I can't talk about his emotions, just future plans. One fun piece of trivia about him is that his ability was actually supposed to also have the con of making him unable to see any color except for the color of the anklet/bracelet he wears. Everything else would just be gray. I hadn't been sure if I should add it or not though, so I ended up not adding it. - I am already expecting Sasha to do so, no worries. Aries will probably listen, for the most part. He has no qualms with her, as of the start and thus his loyalty shall prove useful to the twelve year old god.
oooh, i really like the colorblind idea, actually! it sounds like it would've been an interesting character thing. generally, the ability was a very cool concept, so it's just another cool thing to add on. i genuinely really do like aries and what he can be for the group, though. he's one of the most loyal ones and he likes to encourage others so even with the bad social skills i can see him acting as better morale than the actual assigned morale of the party, LMAO. could be fun.

@overthink you're making me like Fin's ability more T^T
Aries is probably gonna one of the only ones to be that loyal to her, honestly. that's gonna inflate Sasha's ego.
and, good, we want Aries to be unstoppable :)

Ha, well- If you ever decide Finley could end up working, or have something in mind and just need me to change him up a bit in order to truly make him fit then just let me know. His ability is one of my favorites too. - Yes, Aries shall boost the egos and be unstoppable. No one shall be able to mess with the people he cares for and survive. The underground fighter will be great, haha.

I'm gonna be honest, Finley's ability makes me want to come up with something for Bass, but Bass is already perfect as he is, weirdly evil and all xD If I were to give him an ability... it'd be something he hated. Like charming people to sleep by singing or something. Or, less copied and more to his liking... having the capability to enter someone's mind and trap them there, without them even knowing he was present. Changing peoples' facial features. Turning things into bone at a touch. Or exposing bones at a touch. Aries is real cool, though! He seems pretty interesting-

Ebanon said: If I were to give him an ability... it'd be something he hated. Like charming people to sleep by singing or something. Or, less copied and more to his liking... having the capability to enter someone's mind and trap them there, without them even knowing he was present. Changing peoples' facial features. Turning things into bone at a touch. Or exposing bones at a touch.
oooooh, bass with something like acid touch? sounds like it could be fun, eheh.

Pack- That'd be awesome for the guy xD But I feel like him not having a power makes him more showy on what he does have, like how everyone can easily know he can do as much with no ability as they can all do with theirs-