
We can have them listed with names once we have the RP started, that way we arent accidentally doubling up on names for NPCs when talking.

Gosh, I can't wait for the roleplay. It's gonna be awsome. (If theres a guy named Bob, his wife's Bobett XD)

Didn't realize there was a chat til now. So hi.

I'm so excited to use Tuska and Snake Bites! Anyone else really excited?

I would still like 2-3 more mated pairs before more unmated are accepted, and then we should be set to start. (Beta's mate is still open, but you have to talk to both myself and Apple)

Dude at this point I'll take anyone to be mated to the beta, cause if not may just go with she died lol

Right, but we still need more older characters. XD no way a rival pack left nothing but 13-18 year Olds alive. XD

I would offer to be the betas mate but I usually play male, so I'm already out of my comfort zone. Sorry.

Fair enough on both of those xD. And I would do it but seeing as I have two characters in a sort of odd position I don't want to do that and make his mate be a third character of mine

Plus my rules saying no to being mates/crushes with your own characters. XD