
Yes. *^* I love that. Basil as the healer of the group, but will whack someone if they hurt themself doing something stupid.

You can add him to the Sign Ups <3 I'll make a "Non-Riders" Section for now. And like a "Wild Dragons" section, but those wont be reservable, and will be claimed via encounters ^^

Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna toss in a farmer boy but I'm not sure if I wanna go above one character. I'm already behind on posts thanks ta my blastest pink eye. >.>
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If you're very tempted, you can always make him a Side Character to starT? High Hills Pack said: Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna toss in a farmer boy but I'm not sure if I wanna go above one character. I'm already behind on posts thanks ta my blastest pink eye. >.>

I may just do that. I'll get a post out first though. Don't wanna have Ivara doing nothing now that I can look at a screen without my eye watering.
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Oooh, I might wanna throw a non-rider into the mix at some point. I've got a girl waiting to be used so it seems like a good opportunity. Imperial Sands said: Cereal said: I might drag Basil in and make him the healer of the group. I miss playing as my flower boy. I just need a plot on how to drag him into the group.
Honestly, I have an idea. I was planning on bringing in a Resistance Member, a Non-Dragon rider [for now?] who is like a Ranger, so he goes on horse back into the mountains on various missions. Perhaps Basil got sent on a mission with some others, and they got ambushed and scattered, so my guy was sent out to go and find the survivors and bring them back?
Or if anyone wants to Rp some Future Riders or Non-Riders, we can then go about the Wild Dragon encounters for them? :D
Or just side characters. Im honestly completely open for ideas and stuff.

Absolutely! Ill have my Non-Rider up soon ^^
And hes sinngggleee ladies Azalea said: Oooh, I might wanna throw a non-rider into the mix at some point. I've got a girl waiting to be used so it seems like a good opportunity. Imperial Sands said: Cereal said: I might drag Basil in and make him the healer of the group. I miss playing as my flower boy. I just need a plot on how to drag him into the group.
Honestly, I have an idea. I was planning on bringing in a Resistance Member, a Non-Dragon rider [for now?] who is like a Ranger, so he goes on horse back into the mountains on various missions. Perhaps Basil got sent on a mission with some others, and they got ambushed and scattered, so my guy was sent out to go and find the survivors and bring them back?
Or if anyone wants to Rp some Future Riders or Non-Riders, we can then go about the Wild Dragon encounters for them? :D
Or just side characters. Im honestly completely open for ideas and stuff.

NOOO, my poor girl 😭 Cereal said: Finished with Ciaran...who has a lipstick stain on her neck. >:3 Hehehe. Fueling Keo's jealousy.
I'll have Keo up after a sleep :>

Just gonna... give this to you, Meian XD Imperial Sands said: His post is up ^^ I could not resist Cassia after her post and rereading her form. XD

I'm reading his post now >:) So excited to see how they interact >.> He's gonna give her a heart attack