
She just has that mother's instinct. im gonna have to finish my juvenile because I need him and Enigma's interactions

We're gonna have a bunch of overprotective mommas in the pack lol. Azalea is also gonna get really bad with her strictness around Mullien when Shadow dies.

Oof. Would Azalea need a older son? Because my juvenile will need a mother.

I could ask the person playing Azalea's mate. If they agree then sure!

Noice. I definitely want her to tease him about his crush on Enigma hehehe

Why do I have a feeling that Azalea and Sikúnguaĸ may end up trying ta pull for a Ravindra-Enigma pairing-? XD
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Crazydayz said: That post was amazing! I feel reqally bad for Silence though. She's probably gonna have a bunch of trauma from watching them die
Thank you so much! Actually, you bring up a very good point here. I'm thinking of either having Silence never, ever go back to the Bridge again, or she visits the place every single day like she expects Mudslide and Katyusha to be there waiting for her or something. Another idea: Silence actively trains herself to become extremely strong and fast to ensure that it never happens again, not under her watch. Spellbound said: Oh definitely. For a good while Crazydayz said: Ooh geez. Will she end up blaming silence?
Ohhhh no *evil laughter* Brilliant, now imagine Clem losing Cascade to Malakai lol

Mama ain't loosing any more of her kids

Spellbound said: Mama ain't loosing any more of her kids
Not yet :) (I'm kidding lol I thought Crazy mentioned something about having Cascade being injured or somehow harmed by Malakai due to her forbidden relationship or something)

I think I may be able ta get Eila's appearance finished today! As well as possibly some of her personality. ^^
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