
Elk said: If anyone wants their babes drawn, let me know.
I would never say no to one of your pieces, but only if you really would like to and have the time.

Game Moderator Darkseeker
I'll be glad too. :D I have free time for a week and I'm dealing with art block after spamming Elk lmao

sorry everyone, life's been kicking me in the butt! i'll try to post asap but no guarantees. please do not wait up for me

You guys I did it. After many tutorials and lots of hours, I can say I am actually proud of how this turned out. Say hello to Vaeos. 

Nice! Well done dude! (nicely done with the stray hairs, I can never draw those well digitally.) Lighting is good too.

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Let me know if I have to throw in a post;o. Also, Lapin, stunning art!! If you do art trades--let me know!!<3

You know something, I just realized that Lapin's name is Lapin. I've been reading it Lupin this entire time.

Also, I just sketched this. It is Akib without his horn (too lazy lol)

Argos, haha yeah that's a common mistake even I read it wrong sometimes. Lapin means rabbit in French. Also awesome drawing. I'm super impressed with the detail in the hoodie, folds are hard.

Dudes after forcing myself out of writers block I think I'm done with my starter. My apologies for taking so long