
Yeah!! The art is really cool!! I'm glad you decided to stick with her!! :) Salt Shaker said: apologies for my own inactivity, been burnt out lately I'll try to get around to pinning relationships at some reasonable time
I get that!! Burn out is a pain in the ass, don't push yourself!! :)

Does anyone remember what page those character questions were by any chance?

Moose said: The art you did of her is so pretty :0
Thank you :0

silhouetteissleepy said: Yeah!! The art is really cool!! I'm glad you decided to stick with her!! :) Thanks! ^^

yeah!!! that drawing is really, really pretty, man :)

ThisIsAPackName said: yeah!!! that drawing is really, really pretty, man :)
Thank you :>

Moose said: Does anyone remember what page those character questions were by any chance?
no but i have them here What do they hate most about themselves? What’s their worst memory? What’s their favorite memory? What’s the easiest way to offend them? What traits are they attracted to? If they could kill one person without consequences, would they? How’s their self esteem? If they could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? How do they feel about lying? How organized are they? Who’s their biggest inspiration? How would their friends describe them? What’s their biggest secret? If they could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would they choose? What makes them want to befriend someone? What are their hobbies? What’s their biggest fear? Who’s the person they love most? What’s their favorite food? How self-aware are they? What does their ideal life look like? How do they deal with grief? If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? How forgiving are they? How well can they keep secrets? How do they feel about religion?

ok Guys i will try to get a post out by sometime next week 😭going on my perilous journey (road trip) so maybe I'll get inspired out of me writing rut

I'll be posting for my characters after I finish Anubis and this character for a different RP.

I have been kind of tempted to make another character but my ideas for her thus far have been nothing but vibes which are very hard to properly put into words