

I've made it now there's a link but we won't start yet maybe tomorrow or later.

alright! I'll bookmark it, if you've got the link, Is it in the first post? Thundering Embers said: I've made it now there's a link but we won't start yet maybe tomorrow or later.

Yep, It's like a hub lol.

huh, am i doing something wrong? when i press the link it's opening the sign up thread Thundering Embers said: Yep, It's like a hub lol.


alr ^^ Thundering Embers said: Fixed I think.

I might make an omega male character just to get the roleplay started, but I'm not sure

Since Beta's position has already been filled, I am removing Cyclone from the RP and will participate only as Trixie.

He's finished Name: Rye Age: 3yrs Gender: Male Breed: German Shepard Role: Beta Rank(if in pack)*: Beta Desired Rank(if in pack)*: Alpha Male Appearance: His coat is silver sable. His fur is medium-short and straight like that of a natural wolf. His eyes are a golden silver hue. One thing that is physically noticeable about him is his elongated tail and darkened muzzle. His build is very slender his legs are also moderatly lengthy. Personality: He is weary, allways covering his tracks and looking over his shoulder though, that part of him should not be taken as a weakness as he is not skittish but rather bold consistantly working in the dark to overthrow those who oppose him and deep down trusting nobody. When comfortable he can easily come across as a soft whisper keeping any secrets, antics, or plans he has far from prying eyes. It is said that when suffering loss he becomes "one step away from madness". He enjoys being alone but only on ocassion, most of the time he cant seem to handle silence for too long having gotten used to the noise of pacing paws and lonesome howls. Strengths(2+): Manipulation, Agility, Composure. Weaknesses(3+): Strength, Conflicted, Distrustful. Crush*: N/A-Ask in discussion Kin: Valentina -Ask in discussion Offspring(no pups)*: None currently. Backstory*: His puphood was rough living in a puppy mill packed with many other dogs he just never got along with and the only way to get by was to fake his personality- Eventually there was an oppertunity to escape..one that he didnt take lightly. With the help of some of the other shepards he grew to cherish, trapped with him they pryed an opening in the "secured" fence enough for one dog to fit through at a time, despite the meticulis planning only two made it to so called freedom. The pair had made it for awhile on their own until unfortunatly the other had met their fate in due time, starvation and mange being the biggest issue. That wasnt what really sealed his loves fate though, it was tetanus from that old rusted fence..she never even had a chance. The journey that ended in tragety haunts his mind at every waking hour..he too never really found the freedom he promised. Perhaps she would still be alive if he had never persuaded her into coming. Edited at May 1, 2024 10:24 PM by Noricai