
Out of pure curiosity, what's the word count for everyone's posts?

Game Moderator Darkseeker

Oh good thing I write in google docs and it can tell me exactly. 711 words. Elk, Holy cow thats a lot, good job.

My current word count is 2020 in google docs <3

Raven Wing said: Out of pure curiosity, what's the word count for everyone's posts?
1061 words -- Also, Cereal, your wrists must be made of steel!! Great job, mate!

Goodness gracious Elk :V Just put out a Milost WIP! I'll most likely go back and change things too >.>

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Since Elk is kinda my new Sona, I have to expand his lore while I'm role-playing. Which makes it easier to write more.

the ONE time i don't write in docs i get logged out ;-; post will be out sometime tomorrow 😭😭

Queen that is literally the worst I'm sorry

Queen Oh gosh, I despise when that happens >.>