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Hey Mercenary, i was curious what the dynamic between War and Peace would be and wondered if you'd want to talk about that. I like to talk about it in discussion so that the discussion is active and other people can contribute

Sure! Here's some characteristics of Zephyr that I will (hopefully soon) be fully typing out so we can get started -Strategic -Observant -Competitive -Very few moral lines left -Low opinion of humanity -Gives what he gets unless he absolutely doesn't like you -Passionate -Stubborn Edited at July 21, 2024 08:34 PM by Mercenary

A discussion? How exciting <3 Froggington, I'd love to hash out the dynamics between my monstrosity and your dutiful peacekeeper :0 At the very least I can say that on a very bluntly superficial level, Cresil will likely have little to no regard for Shiloh, most likely finding her to be an overlooked and barely relevant try-hard, and otherwise doesn't take her too seriously. On a more real note, I imagine Cresil does acknowledge Shiloh's efforts to be more purposeful than he would ever admit to, if only because without any peace at all, he would find himself with nothing to ruin when he's grown bored.

Shiloh has a low opinion of humanity, but she gotta keep fighting for em Mmf lol fair. Shiloh would be using her emotional manipulation to cause people to feel afraid and hopefully run when he is around, which honestly might make them vulnerable to him. She certainly doesn't approve of him and would try to give him therapy sessions which would probably annoy him and the cycle would repeat. Hate and War are fairly anathema to her, but in some ways death can be peaceful just not necessarily her definition of peaceful luckily for everyone else

Mejer and Shiloh will get along quite well if she finds death peaceful
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Edling, I'm a little interested and curious to see what kind of potential dynamic Cresil and Amias may have... Bluntly, on the surface they are beings who I don't think would get along at ALL, however...I feel like love and hate as concepts can go very hand in hand, and I'd love to maybe explore that within these two. Spitballing my concepts of love and hate: heartbreak of any kind (but specifically within relationship contexts) can cause animosity and chaos, and with Amias being such an emotional and unpredictable impulsive soul, I would think at times that perhaps he seeks out some sort of validation of SOME kind from Cresil?? Just some vague spitballing that I'd love to discuss more^^

Froggington - aw, no need to run from Cresil, he only wants to inconvenience anyone he can by a lot :) Please, therapy sessions would only be something he would participate in with Shiloh if it meant abusing her patience so it was an equally miserable experience lol. Creek, I would LOVE to delve into their dynamic :0 There's a fine line between love and hate, so perhaps they've got some kind of complex push and pull aspect to their dynamic? In regard to your concept for them, I absolutely adore the idea of Amias seeking some kind of unspoken validation. Cresil, being the toxic creature he is, I think would be able to kind of sense that since he takes an analytical versus emotional approach to everything, and would probably use it against Amias or hold such validation just out of grasp to serve some kind of selfish agenda of his. Maybe even just for cruel entertainment?? Cresil's such a jerk, there's a lot of ways it could go lmao. Either way, I'm actually pretty excited to see how such iconic concepts in our respected portrayals handle each other as beings of power, as well as on a personal level :)

Hello, Hello!! So I know I put it in my form but Lyra has a relatively positive relationship with Mejer, along with a...let's say..complicated past that could come into play at some point ^^ . but aside from him, I think she'd had a decently positive relationship with Shiloh and Amias tbh considering their roles. @Mercenary, I'm not certain about Lyra's relation with Zephyr. I feel like it's probably complicated considering he's the god of war haha . @Edling, I feel like Lyra probably has a strained relationship with Cresil. She likely doesn't totally dislike him, but I do feel that she sometimes is at odds with him.