Wolf Play : Froggington x Freedom x Spellbound x TIAPN | Discussion
03:13:20 Amy

I need help😅
03:12:47 Amy
I swear to got...the store was completely emty the last 30 minutes bit as soon as i start eating people show up
02:57:35 Fei the writer
-WP Click-
02:53:04 Amy
Oh no poor shark...he/she deserves a bunch of treats after XD

Says the expert
02:50:54 Fei the writer
just waiting for her dinner time
02:50:14 Fei the writer
Nope. I'm going to apply treatment >:D
02:49:10 Amy
Oh no poor shark...is it a vet trip?
02:48:32 Fei the writer
I'm soon going to have my shark hate me
02:47:20 Amy
Oh well i just got 2 more bones from wolf party😅
02:46:20 Amy
I mean you don't get the 5 extra moves XD

But i see your point
02:45:50 Amy
You can run but you can never escape wolf party
 Crystal Pines
02:44:56 Phoenix
Run cloud run 😂
02:44:41 Amy
No problem we are always happy to help <3
 Crystal Pines
02:44:39 Phoenix
I still wonder about the point of negative vitals. Like it does say in explore that they're afraid of the weather, but they never actually do anything about it
ok i need to go to bed before i find myself back in wolfparty
02:44:19 Amy
Group nap!

Mood: Exhausted

After exploring the last 2 hours this semms fitting XD
02:42:47 Fei the writer
we are happy to help :)
02:40:42 Dance, tango
Ohhh okay

Thanks everyone for being my teachers lol:')
02:39:48 Amy
If the weather is right positive vitals can give you +5 moves in explore sometimes
this is my fav wolf i have right now but we shall see what pups i get with my ladies it might change.
-WP Click-


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Froggington x Freedom x Spellbound x TIAPN | DiscussionOctober 11, 2023 12:12 PM


Posts: 1305
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We could do a combination of fantasy and modern! Like, fantasy gods, a monarchy, magic, strange races, fantasy creatures, but also modern technology, clothing, and general aesthetic. I read a graphic novel like that once, it was amazing. So they can live in a modern kingdom where a king/queen rules, and a puppetmaster pulls the strings. Now, perhaps the puppetmaster has to do with the fall of the god. Here are a few ideas for that:

1. Technology's Too Powerful. The Puppetmaster has been accumulating all kinds of technology only for themselves. t's grown powerful enough to take down a god - but they have to be sure. The deity is the Puppetmaster's guinea pig. They must find help, and come across the group (or the two - I guess it's two humans and a god.) It could even be that one of the two works for the Puppetmaster.

2. Divine Right. The deity is the one who has granted the Puppetmaster the "divine right" to rule. Only thing is, none of the other gods agreed to this. When they find out who did it, they promptly banish the deity, causing turbulence for the Puppetmaster. The deity is certain these two can help reinstate them as a god - though they may not be entirely honest about the goal of the quest.

3. The Heirs. The Puppetmaster is in desperate need of heirs. They invoke a ritual to bring this deity to the earthly realm, where they have some amount of control over them. They order the deity to choose the two best potential heirs and bring them to the palace. But the deity doesn't exactly appreciate being told what to do.

Edited at October 11, 2023 12:14 PM by Freedom
Froggington x Freedom x Spellbound x TIAPN | DiscussionOctober 14, 2023 09:56 AM

Sir Froggington

Posts: 17573
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That works!
All of these ideas sound really interesting for combining. I think I had a dream last night where I was trying to write about this plot lol
1 and 3 might be better for a 1x1x1 group
Froggington x Freedom x Spellbound x TIAPN | DiscussionJune 22, 2024 12:16 PM


Posts: 8778
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Freedom said:

We could do a combination of fantasy and modern! Like, fantasy gods, a monarchy, magic, strange races, fantasy creatures, but also modern technology, clothing, and general aesthetic. I read a graphic novel like that once, it was amazing. So they can live in a modern kingdom where a king/queen rules, and a puppetmaster pulls the strings. Now, perhaps the puppetmaster has to do with the fall of the god. Here are a few ideas for that:

2. Divine Right. The deity is the one who has granted the Puppetmaster the "divine right" to rule. Only thing is, none of the other gods agreed to this. When they find out who did it, they promptly banish the deity, causing turbulence for the Puppetmaster. The deity is certain these two can help reinstate them as a god - though they may not be entirely honest about the goal of the quest.

my nine-month late judgment is that two sounds the most interesting to me basically entirely on account of the fact that the puppetmaster no longer being divinely supported means they might be unable to continue their bullshit, meaning they could be one of the characters in this. that means this would essentially be forcing them out of comfort into a new, extremely turbulent situation without the power they had before and the comfort of having no eyes on them, and now they have to go back into the public view in order to help that deity who they're slightly spiteful towards for letting themself get caught and letting them, themself, get used to that power when they couldn't even maintain it, but they still have to put that guy back up in the sky so they can get back to their previous lifestyle.

also, there'd be some random third guy there to also help those two, and i like the creative liberty that brings alongside the fact that a random straightman getting stuck in the middle of two people who used to be powerful beyond words can describe and now are decidedly Not That and slightly angry about that is funny to me. also also i like the drama of both the puppetmaster and the deity knowing what's going on but being silent about it, if malding a little about it, while the third guy has no clue and thinks they're helping with something else entirely but is more knowledgable with this quest than the two of them due to actually having experience in the mortal civillian world.
Froggington x Freedom x Spellbound x TIAPN | DiscussionJune 23, 2024 08:38 PM


Posts: 1305
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Okay, I kind of like it! I think, though, that whoever winds up playing the "random third guy" could decide more of their role and involvement in it. We, of course, would need to think of an actual goal they're moving towards. Something that would reinstate the god, I guess, and therefore reinstate the puppetmaster? And the third guy, as you said, probably doesn't fully comprehend the situation. They could be something like a hero/explorer/servant of the puppetmaster/devout of the god, and agree to help for whatever their reason is without fully knowing what they're getting themselves into.

Froggington x Freedom x Spellbound x TIAPN | DiscussionJune 24, 2024 12:08 PM


Posts: 8778
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honestly, i would NOT mind playing the random third guy if you two would prefer to do one of the other two, unless you lot would like the role >>

i do think that what would reinstate the deity and puppetmaster would depend a lot on the lore of the deities' existence. there being enough for the others to Not Agree on the puppetmaster's existence and also them not agreeing leading to a veto of the deity's power suggests that there's a sort of community of gods up there with distinct rules. perhaps there's a sort of acension system that no one knows about that if they complete a certain quest or check a certain set of boxes, then some eligible people can be picked by the gods to ascend, and then become the god of something or other that's picked by them by the committee? and the deity's idea is that if they do it all again, then they may be forgiven and ascended again.

if this is the case, it's probably supposed to be a secret that no one knows about, but puppetmaster isn't interested in becoming a god because they're happy with their life here and just want to get back to it chop chop while neither of them are really telling third what all this will do in the first place, so them chasing down godlihood isn't a risk, either. either that or only certain people can ascend in the first place and those two aren't a risk.

Froggington x Freedom x Spellbound x TIAPN | DiscussionJuly 1, 2024 11:37 AM


Posts: 1305
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I think it would be fun to do a quest sort of thing, yeah! I imagine the deity already did it once, in ancient times, and they think they already know exactly how to do it and where everything is, so it'll be quick and easy. But - surprise surprise! - things have changed a ton since they became a god, and it turns out to bea lot more complicated than they had anticipated. Thus, perhaps, why the third person is needed.

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