
Do you guys want to do a time skip to refresh? Or nah.


Okie what do we wanna do? Experiments? Something else?

Yeah, I suppose we can do a time skip. We can focus on the experiment aspect, it might be fun. I think it'll end up giving a better look into everyone's abilities too, and in the chance other people come back to this, well there's nothing major happening that they would have missed. Unless there are other ideas for what we could do for the skip? I'm all ears for anything lol.

Lets do experiments would that be about a day or so?

Yeah expiremnets sounds good. I'll get a post out as soon as I can. Not super active at the moment due to school and stuff. I have this crazy English teacher who hates me- so that's fun

Lol. I've also been pretty busy recently. So my bad on no post. I am however still up to do this. If it turns into something smaller, I'm still up for that as well. So Since Its been like a week. Do we want to gauge who all is still interested and go from there? Edited at October 21, 2022 05:03 PM by Forerunner