
sorry I haven't posted just been having bad mental health, busy school and family problems will hopefully post today or tomorrow sorry


Although I know that some people need breaks and I thank you for telling us all .
Can someone post please soon ? :) thank you. Please don't take this as an offence

I'm backkk, school is (mostly) over finally!! (yayyy no more tests) I haven't got too many notifications, did i miss a lot?

Tales of Pawprints said: I'm backkk, school is (mostly) over finally!! (yayyy no more tests) I haven't got too many notifications, did i miss a lot?
No one has posted for ages . I don't know why, weird.. keep subscribed though.

Pastry Lord said: No one has posted for ages . I don't know why, weird.. keep subscribed though. Weird, I hope everybody's still alive. I'll see what I can post tomorrow to get some ineraction in the rp (it's midnight right now for me so i should probably go to bed at some point lol)

Tales of Pawprints said: Pastry Lord said: No one has posted for ages . I don't know why, weird.. keep subscribed though. Weird, I hope everybody's still alive. I'll see what I can post tomorrow to get some ineraction in the rp (it's midnight right now for me so i should probably go to bed at some point lol)
Hope so as well. XD.Roleplays in wolf play seek to be having a go slow month or two. Thanks , I'll get a post for one of my charcterS after that