
<3 this is still open for helping

What are some lines/focal points of wolf/canine head that are useful to draw when trying to make wolf emote? Here is some of my stuff to maybe help you get better grasp on my question X) in case it is worded weirdly. To start off I am really happy with how these two art pieces turned out-I know there are anatomy issues and line thinckness I did not learn yet uhh, but I think I got atmosphere nicely in both and that overall if you do not look to closely it is mighty fine artwork XD feel free to zoom in and inspect and critique thou ^^ So one of those things I refer to as focal points and lines on a face would be on my art: eyebrows(I did not use to add those as often before X3), ears(I added them always, but I now try to use them more in expressiong wolf's mood-I think I need to improve anatomy and perspective to really make them shine in that purpose, but dunno, please advise, ears look complicated), bridge of nose from both left and right profile (kinda unsure of this one, like placement and intensity wise, is it better if I use shading instead of line), curved line under the nose bridge to accentuate the umm part of head where whiskers I do not draw come from, bit of fur at temple/eye corner (to umm draw focus on eyelids edge and shape though eye holes do not move at all...dunno I guess it is cute), also I do not reall know how to add eyelids so I can't really do halfclosed eye or something like that. I layer cheek fur in 2 layers-one to give shape to the head, other to rest on a cheek cause-it is cute?)

I'm assuming you need anatomy assistance :o give me a few minutes and I'll redline and write some more tips :3

Here is a redline for ya ^^ and now for le tips and tricks I personally use to help me draw for heads I usually use a real life reference of a wolf to help me out as sometimes it's a wee difficult:0 for muzzles (unless it's breed specific) avoid big chunky long muzzles or skinny weird short ones :D try to aim for a medium slim and proportionate muzzle size! And for the forehead avoid circles or straight of lines use a photo reference to see how the foreheads are slanted :3 oooh for the eyes! Avoid human eye shapes or anime styled eyes also make sure to not make them super big or small as it's unproportionate! Use photo refs to really help you out on it. For noses oh noses are so fun to draw, I draw them slightly different to match my style so I'd suggest finding references or studies to look at :D for fur NEVER do one direction spiky fur it's not normal or good looking 😭 make it FLOOOFY we love floof! Experiment around until you find a good style. thick lines? I use thick lined brushes for my art and it turns out really well ^^ but don't use just any thick brush make sure it has texture to it otherwise it'll look bad x3

My best tip for you though is use references and studies to make your art look good! Unnatural or in proportionate bodies is ugly and not that fun to draw :0 also remember it'll take time to get there but once you're there, you'll be thankful for those references xD

How do you do lineart of wolf fur and make it look as realistic as possible for semi-realism?

Dawn of the Sky said: How do you do lineart of wolf fur and make it look as realistic as possible for semi-realism?
give me one sec and ill draw how i do it ^^

Alrighty here is how I make fur ^^  Here's some tips with fur :D - never make it look like triangles! - go with the flow of the body - practice on blank canvases - use references! - how do i do it? I started out horrible with fur but then I learned the swish and swoop movements where I made the fur look fluffy and lively and crazy :0

So... I've been struggling quite a bit with the front view of a wolf or canine. I have side view and 3 quarters view mostly down (Look at my avatar for an example). It's a little blocky, but thats just my style and I'm perfectly fine with that. But every time I try to draw front view, it ends up looking terrible. Here is the best example I have. It's not the best for an example and is a little dark, and doesn't show much with the skeleton part, but it's all I got.  But yeah... I was just wondering about the lines and shapes you would use to start the sketch, and the best lines to keep with the final lineart, without it being overly complicated. Sorry if that doesn't make sense ^^" Edited at July 20, 2023 07:51 PM by Golden Meadows

I understand :D give me a bit to sketch out some things for you! expect a PM for when the question is answered and feel free to save the redline + tutorials <3