By Scabere
Hello! This is a new project I am starting. I don't know if one has already been started, sorry if it has, but all this is besides the point. The Adopt A Newbie Project is a project to help and benefit all of WolfPlay's newest players! It is organized by the WP community (you guys!) to teach our newbies the way of WolfPlay!
Hello! This is a new project I am starting. I don't know if one has already been started, sorry if it has, but all this is besides the point. The Adopt A Newbie Project is a project to help and benefit all of WolfPlay's newest players! It is organized by the WP community (you guys!) to teach our newbies the way of WolfPlay!
You remember how hard it was when you first started. So lend a paw and welcome the newest WolfPlay members by adopting them! If you see a post in this thread starting with "Help! I'm new!" then a newbie is asking to be adopted. If you are interested in adopting this newbie, simply type "I am adopting (insert pack name here)." You do not have to be a pro at the game to adopt a newbie. But please do not adopt them if you are not going to be able to help them very much.
You remember how hard it was when you first started. So lend a paw and welcome the newest WolfPlay members by adopting them! If you see a post in this thread starting with "Help! I'm new!" then a newbie is asking to be adopted. If you are interested in adopting this newbie, simply type "I am adopting (insert pack name here)." You do not have to be a pro at the game to adopt a newbie. But please do not adopt them if you are not going to be able to help them very much.
As their guardian/mentor you will answer all of the newbie's questions to the best of your ability, give them tips, teach them tricks, and supply them with wolves, items, and currency when they need them/you see fit. Please do not feel pressured to give away all of your stuff to your newbie, but don't not give them anything at all/barely anything. Remember, you are your newbie's mentor, not their vending machine that they can get free stuff out of whenever they feel like. Teach your newbie what you would have liked to know when you first joined. Remember how it felt when you were new.
Please adopt only up to one newbie for now, as there are currently more mentors than newbies. This is so mentors without newbies can get a chance to adopt! Please continue to mentor your newbie for at least up to a month. Please communicate with your newbie through PM.
Hello! If you're reading this, then you are new to WolfPlay! This community organized project is here to help! Simply type: "Help! I'm new!" and then give a breif description of what you are struggling with. An older player will jump in and adopt you. Your guardian/mentor (the player who adopted you) will answer your questions, give you tips, teach you tricks, and supply you with wolves, items, and currency when you need them/they see fit for at least a month. Remember, they are your mentor, not your vending machine that you can get free stuff out of whenever you feel like. PLEASE DO NOT BEG.
Hello! If you're reading this, then you are new to WolfPlay! This community organized project is here to help! Simply type: "Help! I'm new!" and then give a breif description of what you are struggling with. An older player will jump in and adopt you. Your guardian/mentor (the player who adopted you) will answer your questions, give you tips, teach you tricks, and supply you with wolves, items, and currency when you need them/they see fit for at least a month. Remember, they are your mentor, not your vending machine that you can get free stuff out of whenever you feel like. PLEASE DO NOT BEG.
Example of begging
"Oh my gosh, your Beta Female is sooooooo pretty! Her coat is beautiful! Can I have her please please pleaseeeeeee?"
"No, I have plans for her. Sorry."
"Oh come on her coat is super rare I'll never get a wolf like her! They're so eXpEnSiVe! PLEASEEEEE?"
"I'm sorry, but no. I can, however, give you tips on earning mushrooms so you can save up to buy a wolf with a rare coat like hers."
"P L E A S E! I'll love you FOREVER! I'll pay you when I get the money! Please it'd make my day!!!!"
"No, I have plans for her. Sorry."
"Oh come on her coat is super rare I'll never get a wolf like her! They're so eXpEnSiVe! PLEASEEEEE?"
"I'm sorry, but no. I can, however, give you tips on earning mushrooms so you can save up to buy a wolf with a rare coat like hers."
"P L E A S E! I'll love you FOREVER! I'll pay you when I get the money! Please it'd make my day!!!!"
Example of appropriate request
"Hey, would you happen to have any spare wolves with high battle statistics? I'm low on mushrooms and character points and my wolves get beat up in explore all the time. It would be great if I could have one."
"Hey, would you happen to have any spare wolves with high battle statistics? I'm low on mushrooms and character points and my wolves get beat up in explore all the time. It would be great if I could have one."
If you want to get adopted, please make sure your account is at most a month old. Your guardian/mentor will communicate with you through private messages. Remember, we're all in this together!