
This is a revamp of one of my favorite RPs. - Rules Plot Edited at September 16, 2024 12:30 PM by Rogue Wildfires

~Rules~ . 1. Follow the Roleplay rules already created by Eve (Sixbears). - 2. Appearance and personality should have a minimum of 3 sentences. Minimum of 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses. - 3. Don't be a bad sport if you're sign-up sheet is declined. - 4. Max of 3 characters allowed for each pack - 5. Please be active. Two or more posts a week - 6. Don't hate the player, hate the character - 7. If the sign-up sheet is a work-in-progress (WIP), mark it as that so that I know if it's done or not. - 8. Reservations last 48 hours - Edited at September 19, 2024 01:14 PM by Rogue Wildfires

~Plot~ - The alpha of the Losthowl Pack has gone mad. He has the thirst for power, so strong it took over. He will bind the packs together, only to push the down with such force that is unimaginable. - Four will come and win the raging wars. Four will be chosen as the new leaders to fight for others freedom. He shall fall into the depths of darkness. When the four are called. - Edited at October 13, 2024 06:10 PM by Rogue Whispers

Losthowl Pack (Yes, it's short, I know) - Alpha M: 1/1 Matzaka - M - Boeing Alpha F: 1/1 Arrow - F - Rogue Whispers Beat M: 1/1 Fenrys - M - Boeing Beta F: 1/1 Moon - F - Dark Sky Healer: 1/1 Jeraboa - M - Bobcat Healer Apprentice: 1/1 Echo - F - Delver Heirs: 3/4 (Females are full for heirs) - Nightingale - F - Bobcat - Yurvi - F - Rogue Whispers Jeraboa - M - Bobcat - Hunters: 3/4 - Nikolai - M - Boeing Storm - F - Graywing Nyx - F - Delver - - Fighters: 3/4 Stripe - F - Sliver Winter Pack Blu - M - Delver Alari - F - Nirvana_Sky Tedashii - M - Nirvana_Sky Apprentices: 3/3 Fawn - F - Dark Sky Timber - M - Rogue Whispers Akiza - F - Rain Of War Elder: 1/2 Leaf - M - Dawnforest - Edited at October 31, 2024 08:15 PM by Rogue Whispers

Name: - Name Pronunciation (If needed): - Age: - Gender: - Rank: - Loyalty (How loyal are you to the Alpha?): - Personality: - Appearance (Images are okay): - Strengths: - Weaknesses: - Affiliations: - Other: - Edited at September 18, 2024 09:20 PM by Rogue Wildfires

Edited at September 18, 2024 09:33 PM by Rogue Wildfires

Name: Nightingale Nickname: Gale, Night Age: 1.75 years Gender: Female Sexuality*: Straight Rank: Heir Aspired rank: Mother someday Loyaty: Loyal to her family and friends. Her father though, she is not so sure. On the fence leaning away. Description: A large female wolf with a muscular frame and dark blue eyes. Her fur is dark gray with black paws and a thin scar through her left eye. Luckly she retaned her sight in that eye. Nochted ears are from various fights with prey and other wolves. A lighter belly and tail tip finish the look. Personally: This loyal wolf is brave and proud. As Beta, she keep in touch with her pack and her Alpha. A sweet she wolf with a forgiving spirit. Her punishment are light when she gives them at all. On the other paws, cunning and dominace will be aserted on the wolf in they breck a major rule or disobay the Alpha. Likes: Darkness Her pack Hunting Dislikes: Hrashness Permature judgement Not knowing Back story*: TBA Friends: Timber Crush/Mate*: Open Other: I will be writing in first person. Please ignoe if I switch to 3rd for a post. That may happen. Edited at October 7, 2024 03:42 PM by Bobcat

Alright! Bobcat said: Stealing heir please?


I presume you just copied and pasted XD Accepted Bobcat said: Done