Wolf Play : Nota | Semi-Lit | Sign-Ups | WIP
07:38:08 skye
i wanted tree frogs XD
07:37:48 skye

oh haha!
yeah budgies talk alot!
boys more than girls tho( that rule goes for most parakeets/parrots)
07:37:44 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
I find it funny that I adore reptiles but am terrified of holding frogs.
07:37:33 The Naming Empress
07:37:20 Cloudz, Pumpkin
you can now :P
07:37:01 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I've been heading to the pet store for my cat a bit more recently (elders are so picky with their diets, don'tcha know), and the budgies are always talking up a storm. I smile at them and nod as I walk by. Them offer some attention to the snakes and dragons as I go by them.
07:36:25 skye
oh good XD
Hello chat!
 Continental Wolves
07:36:08 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
I can't send you a friend request on my new account :O
07:35:55 The Naming Empress
Thats why I want to pet her!
07:35:54 skye
i think im buying another budgie friday XD
that would make 4!
07:35:17 skye

i just love birds haha
i feel inlove with budgies the most tho!
07:34:50 skye

leave her alone shes like the size of your finger 😭
07:34:33 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Budgies and small, talkative birds are so cute. If I'm being honest, I would go crazy. I'm more of a ground animal/reptile person.
07:34:15 The Naming Empress
Low Key
So do I
07:33:56 ET
Whoops, I may have forgotten. Yes, I now remember B)
07:33:36 The Naming Empress
Its a wild jungle in ForumsXD
 Continental Wolves
07:33:28 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Do you not remember the whole conversation of me wanting a cooler name but not wanting to change my pre existing accounts names?
07:33:10 skye

haha she nibbles >:D
07:32:56 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Yeah, it sucks. I understand trimming a slight bit, but not clipping. Birds are flying animals, not ground animals.


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Forums > Roleplay > Sign-Ups

Nota | Semi-Lit | Sign-Ups | WIPAugust 28, 2021 12:59 PM

Former Pack

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I cannot promise this is the last time I will attempt to make this, I love this roleplay a lot and have knowledge of many new faces here so bear with me to anyone who recognizes this title
Nota | Semi-Lit | Sign-Ups | WIPAugust 28, 2021 01:03 PM

Former Pack

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Okay, so some of you might remember this RP though it was so long go. I have come back to WolfPlay again and wanted to see if this roleplay might be able to thrive once again with all the new players around so here we go! Sorry if you thought this was over

Note - Nota Means familiar in Latin :D

You stand in the middle of a town square as some other people walk by. The square of the marketplace is surrounded by tundras, deserts, forests, and mountains on all sides on different elevations surrounding the plaza with floating islands, each having their own community and Familiars that are a mix of both tamed, wild, and abandoned roam. One thing stays the same though, this is a virtual world. A land filled with nothing but digits and numbers, yet feels so realistic from the way NPC's act, to the behavior of different Nota's around this huge virtual world. Other than catching and befriending familiars and chatting with other people as a way to communicate and make friends, another mechanic in this game has become popular; The battle system
A roar from a watching crowd could be heard from a nearby Colosseum inside of the main square, filled with people who cheer on others who fight their familiars against someone else's or even double up and fight alongside them against their opponent. It's a lot of mix of things and a bunch of various rule sets you can choose from! To those who would prefer the more laid back approach though, away from the roaring crowd and beautiful landscapes are the real world, where things are peaceful and you can continue your regular lives with friends and family after logging and your Nota all lie in patient wait for you to once again come. The virtual world awaits you and your familiars, will you make a change?

More About
In this RP you can only really be a person/player with the occasional action of a Nota so there's no point in making a list, but basically in the game you are called a player. You can be almost anything like a blacksmith, familiar catcher/breeder, merchant, a mafia member, arena expert, the choices are endless as long as it’s not too way out there. Everyone starts off with either a canine familiar (Jackal, Dingo, African wild dog, wolf, etc) or big cat familiar (Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot, leopard, Lion, Tiger, Panther, etc) chosen at random when you first log in, but don't worry you can catch and trade for more Nota's later on! In the real world your just a person and can continue on your regular daily life, sounds a bit boring but oh well, that's just how life goes

If you sign-up then I will ask whether you want a feline or canine then randomize a ready list. That animal chosen will be your starter familiar and you can catch and tame more later on or add one before and after the roleplay begins. Of course there are still monsters who are uncatchable and are basically mutated animals, bosses who are much larger than the average Nota of their own species and can dish out major attack and defense power (you need a special capsule to be able to catch them and even then certain bosses are unobtainable), wild Nota’s who are the most common and roam the diverse lands, and rarely hybrids though they're not a complete legend to see. Battles are one of the most celebrated thing in this game other than the catching and diverse job mechanics in this virtual world, there's PvP (Player versus Player) fights, PFvPF (Player + Familiar verses Player + Familiar) and the traditional FvF (Familiar versus Familiar) fights that can commonly be found in other games. Not to mention all the diverse rules you can add to make the matches more fun, easy, or challenging on creative levels or to your liking! That said, when a wild Nota is caught, it becomes a familiar. Each of them have traits very similar to the animal of their species with their own special quirks and habits added on, but it's up to the player whether they want to explore them or not
This is pretty much a free ranged roleplay, no specific plots or anything. Do what you wish as long as you keep things related to the RP!
Nota | Semi-Lit | Sign-Ups | WIPAugust 28, 2021 01:11 PM

Former Pack

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Just like the previous sign-ups made for this, a lot of text! Sorry for that >.<

About Characters
The you in real life and I don't mean real real life. Roleplay real life if that makes any sense at all XD
You can live your every day life though yes, the virtual world sounds much cooler! Hang out with your family, attend school, run away for awhile with friends and perhaps even meet someone you net on the game in real life for the first time. Anything in human capabilities goes in the waking world!

A real life person, but they're just very virtual XD
You can do a coliseum fight, bond with your various familiars, breed, or even catch wild Nota's that roam the large and diverse landscapes around the area. What are Nota's? Virtual familiars, or, animals, that can be your companion inside of the virtual world. A human player in question, can be 3 different ranks
A Primis, the more battle or competitive orientated players from often being seen in the coliseum, to being one of the most well known collectors, catchers, breeders, black smiths, hitmen, and more inside of the game. A lot of people with this competitive rank know a lot of tricks and methods to gaining exp, getting maxed gear, weapons, knowing where to find strong Nota's for their team, finding ores, fast money and more. They have dedicated themselves to being a professional at this game and have knowledge of events that take place sometimes, what quests are good and where to find good weapons and armor, reliable and quality blacksmiths and merchants, and some or all of the advanced tricks and hidden areas around the game. A lot of the beta testers have this rank but a few players who got the game after it's official release also are sometimes known to hold this rank. Sometimes Primis will be open to taking newbies under their wing or organizing large groups together to take down bosses or raid dungeons
The second rank is a Deinde, players here just for the enjoyment of the game and to take things easier and less competitive than a Primis. They like to keep their names from the Primis leaderboards and while mentoring isn't common amongst this games community, it's still more frequent than a Primis teaching someone the ropes. A lot of people that are just starting to play or got a headset quite recently hold this rank, seeing as Deinde like taking it easy and focusing mostly on their Nota's and just in general enjoying their time playing this game in various ways not limited to just battling. They're free to breed, tame, make weapons and armor, create their own businesses and various other things. Maybe they've dedicated themselves to studying the creatures roaming the place or could also just be content where they are and the profession they have chosen, knowing the basic gist and mechanics of the game with knowledge of a few advanced tips and tricks
The third and final rank is a Tertium, people who are mostly bent on exploring and figuring out game mechanics, from different and discovering new islands and hidden places, new battle techniques and moves, meeting, discovering, or making never before seen Nota, exploiting and reporting bugs, creating new ores, armor, and weapons and experimenting with the combination and usage of the battle moves and rules. While most do this for fun, some help train or mentor Primis, sharing their exploits to help bring them to the top. They like to tamper often, and are usually the ones to report any kind of game bugs or send new suggestions or what they can improve on in the game to the developers which is highly appreciated by the players and developing team alike
Newbie players are accounts that are no older than 3 weeks, you can most likely tell they're a newbie account by the flimsy weapon they hold of the class they chose when first joining and that they bare no armor
Leaderboard players have a crown hovering over their head and game devs all bear a small star that glows by their right eye
Nota | Semi-Lit | Sign-Ups | WIPAugust 28, 2021 01:18 PM

Former Pack

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Please read *^*
-Reservations are allowed and run out in 1 day!
[24 hours]
-Cursing is allowed as long as they don't have the
mouth of a drunk sailor
-Drama in the RP is allowed but nowhere else
-Write at least 5 sentences in the RP at the bare
minimum or you'll get a warning. Yes, this is
Semi-Lit roleplay and I expect you to write as
such, though if you have writer's block then I
-Use complete sentences! I don't wanna see
anything like this; "There was a dog. He was a
good dog." Please don't ;w; make them long or
add some description!
-3 warnings and you get a 1 week ban
-2 bans will get you kicked, I'm not tolerating
-No controlling others characters
-Death is allowed in both the real world and the
virtual world! While in the virtual world you're
allowed to be more reckless, please gain
approval before harming someone else no matter
what world you're in. Killing off a character
yourself is fine, but if you're to do so to someone
else's then please gain their approval first. That
said, hide the word Legend in your form
somewhere don't make it obvious
-Make sure to have read over everything above! I
know it's a lot of info but it's there for a reason
-Keeps everything PG 13!
-I will randomly generate your starter
canine/feline depending on what species you
choose so please don't ask for anything specific!
-Characters should be 18 and up in age
-More rules may be added

Special stuff to help spice up the game

Clash of Moonlit Stars
Takes place every 5th full moon [IRL]
Boss Event - Pairs
Not an Exclusive Event
Max number of players one team can have - 4-8 Players
Reward Group - Immense / Very rewarding
A lot of boss Nota come together, and pair up with another boss. This is the only event where multiple bosses can be seen outside of their throne rooms [Excluding the One time events]. Players band together in teams of 4-8, and can challenge a pair of bosses. While it's very difficult, the rewards are immense

Special Moves
Strike Class
Lightning quick and always makes physical contact with their enemies [Nothing ranged]
Tank Class
Very powerful ranged, upclose, or defense specials. Though it takes a long while to charge and makes the user more vulnerable to certain attacks
Projectile Class
Far ranged but deadly accurate against enemies when going from a distance, most projectiles can rain down multiple things upon their enemies
Revive class
Healing and resistance spells, but casting or white magic in general, whether a field around their allies that grants them immunity to status effects, healing/revival to friends, or resistance to any physical or ranged attacks and more

When your HP reaches 0
When a player's HP reaches 0, then they most likely will see a flash of light envelope their screen before they are transported into what seems like an invisible floor in the sky. There, a loading screen will pop up and once it reaches 100% then you'll respawn where you last logged in. Items will be lost if you were in a dungeon and defeated any enemies. Any Nota that you sent out during your death will still be yours and can be found inside of their capsule once more and weapons, armor, and healing items will have the same stats and duration as when you last logged

When a Nota reaches 0 HP then they will drop an item, which can be a feather, gear, weapon, etc that they had when they had died. You will then have 3 days to go through the Memorial Trail to try and get them back, if you do not do it by then, then the item will disappear forever with no way to get them back. It seems simple, if not for the fact that memorial trail is a tough, what the game considers a dungeon with wild, untamable Nota’s that are hard to beat and are faster, stronger, and sometimes have more smarts then the average wild Nota you can find in hunting fields and forests. You need to be well prepared to take the trail on, as the difficulty will increase or decrease depending on your stats. If you can get to the end of the trail you will see a pond with a waterfall in the back. Go into the lake (Yes, you must get wet XD) and place the item the Nota dropped into the water of the lake. The Nota should come back the next time you log into the game (unless there's a bug, in that case report it to an admin or email the creator) but the Nota will go back 1 stage. For example if they were stage 3, they will come back at stage 2. Stage 1 Nota's if they have died can still come back, but return at stage 1 still and has a 50/50 chance of having a stat or two lowered

Edited at August 28, 2021 01:19 PM by Ice Storm

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