Wolf Play : New Revolution | Dog x Wolf RP | OPEN
07:53:10 (She) Cat {no bob}
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
More suggestions
07:51:24 ET
Very snazzy
07:51:07 ET
Welll if we're posting suggestionns
-WP Click-
 Continental Wolves
07:50:30 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
-WP Click-
Only to 10R but you can now add some basic back markings like sooty & side splash
07:48:27 ET
Can they? :0
Makes me wanna make a new account to go and snoop
Can we get to 100? 👀
-WP Click-
 Continental Wolves
07:47:59 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Ohh love how the starter wolves can have slightly more rarity now
 Lazy Kingdom
07:45:32 Lazy, Crazy Cat Lady
Hello, I am looking to do a laid back Rp with someone! Any topic works :D!

Please PM me!
07:44:35 I overthink this-
-WP Click-
07:43:18 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Well, dern! Don't stay up too late! Get to bed! XD
07:43:08 The Naming Empress
Bye Low Key!
07:41:44 skye
i might get off as it is nearly 2am XD
07:41:18 skye

oh haha
i love birds
07:40:41 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

A YouTuber I watch owns two budgies (he recently got another as a friend for his first, if I'm not mistaken). They're both so cute, the first is named Shadow, I don't know the second one's name. And yeah, I have no idea what's up with the frog thing. XD
07:38:08 skye
i wanted tree frogs XD
07:37:48 skye

oh haha!
yeah budgies talk alot!
boys more than girls tho( that rule goes for most parakeets/parrots)
07:37:44 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
I find it funny that I adore reptiles but am terrified of holding frogs.
07:37:33 The Naming Empress
07:37:20 Cloudz, Pumpkin
you can now :P
07:37:01 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I've been heading to the pet store for my cat a bit more recently (elders are so picky with their diets, don'tcha know), and the budgies are always talking up a storm. I smile at them and nod as I walk by. Them offer some attention to the snakes and dragons as I go by them.


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New Revolution | Dog x Wolf RP | OPENAugust 24, 2021 07:44 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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New Revolution


Nobody ever saw it coming.

The storms came first, natural disasters striking one after another. Then came the famine, followed by drought, and finally, sickness. The land, once full of people and life, soon grew empty. Cities died, empires crumbled, and people as we know it completely vanished from the face of the earth.

Years later, life began to take form once more.

The pets left in the city learned to fend for themselves, the apocalypse leaving them no choice due to the loss of their humans. They learned to survive and adapt, living in various buildings. However, that all changed with the arrival of them. Wolves by the dozens crept into the city one day, wanting to claim it for themselves and only themselves. For centuries, they were forced to watch the city from the safety of the forests, but now that the humans were gone, what was stopping them from taking over completely?

And that was exactly what they did.

The wolves grew powerful, pushing the dogs away to the very outskirts of the city, claiming the main sections for themselves. They were harsh, inflicting words and injuries that would sit with the dogs for dozens of years. Until one day, something changed. The dogs began to develop, their intelligence growing. They became more advanced, learning to craft and forage. They were able to make things.. Armour, gear, trinkets. They realized they had an advantage against the wolves all these years later. They were angry at the past, furious, even. In the past, they were defenseless, but not anymore. They had something the wolves lacked: intelligence.

Wanting their city back, the dogs created armour and marched. It didn't take long for them to take over. This time, the dogs won, and the wolves lost, being unable to do damage due to the armour and intelligence of the dogs. But the dogs didn't stop there. No, the dogs were still angry. They were petty and grew vengeful. Rather than pushing the wolves out, they held them captive, using and forcing them to do tasks for them. The dogs had decided to hold the wolves hostage as punishment for their cruelty years earlier. They were stronger and more developed. The wolves had no choice. What could they do? They were stuck, the dogs having a large advantage over them. They couldn't run, couldn't fight, couldn't do anything, but serve them.

Thus, years later, an empire and hierarchy grew, the dogs being in charge. However, not everybody agrees with life at is. With the wolves still trapped, forced to serve the dogs, will a rebellion grow? Will the dogs find mercy? Will the empire ever be overthrown?


Imperial Sands and Polly have the exact same authority as me. Please treat them with respect.

Edited at August 24, 2021 10:18 PM by Tenebris Umbra
New Revolution | Dog x Wolf RP | OPENAugust 24, 2021 07:47 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
Give Award

Roleplay Rules

1. Follow all of Eve's rules.
2. Be active. I would like to see a minimum of 2-3 posts every week-- if you go inactive for more than five days, your character(s) will be removed from this RP.
3. No creating Mary-sues. Your characters should not be perfect and unrealistic. i.e - they cannot have no scars on them if they have a past of battling others.
4. No godmodding or having perfect characters.
6. This is semi-literate, meaning that you should be posting at least 2-3 paragraphs for every character, for every post. Writers block is understandable, but the rest of us need something long enough to reply to.
7. This RP is semi-realistic. Glowing wolves with neon pink stripes and wings is not realistic. While you take that rule in, why don't you hide the word clover somewhere in your form.
8. No love at first sight or having your own characters fall for each other.
9. Put "tooth" in other, but hide it in a sentence.
10. Polly, Imperial, and I have the power to accept or deny applications.
11. Make sure you've read everything. If you have, put your favourite place in other.
12. Ask before seriously killing or injuring another character not your own. They are not yours to control, and you need to ask permission. On second thought, don't put your favourite place in other. Rule 7 and 9 will do just fine.
13. Please use full sentences when you describe your character's appearance and personality (each paragraph should have five sentences).
14. Properly credit your images.
15. Drama is encouraged in this RP, but please, no out of OC drama. It will be shut down quickly if it is seen.
16. You are given three strikes. You will get warnings, and if you continue breaking rules, then you will be kicked out of this RP.
17. Be realistic. A pup cannot kill an adult wolf. Also, when you're fighting, give others a chance to respond. You cannot avoid all hits and land each blow. It's simply unrealistic.
18. Listen to those characters higher-up than your own. Do not act as if you're the leader if you're not.
19. Reservations last 12 hours. If you do not complete your form when your time is up, the spot will go to somebody else.
20. If you are told to fix your form more than three times, then we have the ability to kick you out.
21. Finally, and most important, have fun and enjoy!


Kingdom Rules

1. No offering kindness to a wolf, and no showing compassion to them. The result will be a demotion and a place among the 'Shunned' group.
2. Wolves may only speak to dogs when spoken to first.
3. No union between wolves and dogs may exist. They must live separately unless dogs request wolves to serve them.
4. It isn't forbidden for a dog and wolf to become mates, though it will be greatly looked down upon. Their offspring will also be shunned, and the result can be demotion if found out.
5. If a wolf denies or goes against a dog, the result is execution, exile, or a severe punishment.
6. A wolf may not lay a claw upon a dog, the result is to be publicly humiliated by wearing a muzzle, a demotion, execution, or exile.
7. All things must be run by the King before implemented.
8. No going beyond the city without permission. You will be tracked down, hunted, and returned.



The dogs made a home among the rich part of the city. There are fancy stores and spotless buildings standing around. The dogs have resided in the tallest building in the area. The farther up the building a dog lives, the higher their status. The wolves are hardly allowed to step foot within the building unless to serve a dog. Otherwise, they are banned from entering. To the north of the city, it breaks into a farmland that lasts for a while until turning into a forest. To the south, the poorer part of the city remains. It consists of tiny suburban houses, almost shacks and run down stores. A canal is to the East that flows into a river on either side, and to the west, that is where the dogs hold their 'games' consisting of tournaments and wolf fighting. There is a junkyard, parking garages, and lots of open space. It is the industrial side.

Edited at August 24, 2021 09:19 PM by Tenebris Umbra
New Revolution | Dog x Wolf RP | OPENAugust 24, 2021 07:54 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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"Supreme Ruler"
Having lead the original uprising that allowed the dogs to take over, the King is now the supreme ruler of the Canine Society. Generally, his rank is not something to be looked on as challengable, as it is earned now through his blood. Meaning only one of his Heirs may take over once he steps down or passes. His word is law, and he is to be revered and respected above all. Afterall, he did not get here by doing nothing. Disrespecting him or disobeying him is basically a death sentence. Approach with caution.


"Political Queen"
While she is respected as the Queen of the Canine Society, she holds no power. Arranged in a union by the Council to the King solely based on compatibility of who would offer him the strongest offspring, the Queen's sole purpose is to stand beside her King and provide him Heirs. Her position cannot be challenged for, and he may only take another Queen upon her death, but she will be assigned by the Council. Do not disrespect her, do not look at her in any way other than respect, and do not, I repeat, DO NOT flirt with her. She is off limits.


"Kings Preferred Ladies"
These are the females the King has chosen for himself. They also hold no power, and their position was not up to them, as they had no choice. However, no female would even say no if she could, as she will be pampered, taken care of, and never had to want for anything. Her only job? Keep the King happy. If he becomes displeased with her, she may be demoted and replaced. A Mistress might be chosen for her skills, looks, or really anything. Her pups will also be considered Heirs. Respect the Mistresses as well, and, again, they are Off Limits. No touchy.


"Kings Offspring"
These are the offspring, grown and not, of the King. Their mother matters little, though the Queens Offspring always tend to have higher favor than those of the Mistresses. One of the Heirs will be chosen by their Father as his Successfor, though backups are often chosen as well. All pups are assessed at 6 months old to determine where they will fall in the Heirarchy.

Royal Guards

Guards of the Royal Family
These are the Canines elected and trained to guard the Royal Family, this includes heirs, mistresses, queen and king. There are only ever 4-5 Royal Guards at a time, with the oldest, most experienced kind of acting as their leader. Their Assignment, who they'll protect, is given to them by the Council, though the Leader of them is always with the King. They are encouraged to remain without mates and pups so that their loyalty remains soley to the Royals.


"Royal Attendants"
These are the dogs that are like servants, in the traditional sense, to the Mistresses and Queen. They are to attend to their needs, make them comfortable, but are also there for another reason. They keep tabs on the King's females, making sure they remain loyal to His Majesty. If they see any sort of conspiracy or disloyalty, they are to report to the King or a Council Member. Keepers are always female.

Warriors & Guards

"Fighters or Protectors"
These are the canines that are almost like the muscle of the Canine Society. They, as trainees, tested as Above Average in fighting and tactical capabilities when assessed. They are employeed to keep things in line and safe. If there are attacks, they're sent to intervene and control the situation. They act as almost security, if they find anyone breaking rules, they bring them in for judgement, and often act out punishments. They enforce the laws and rules of the King & Council.


"Skilled Workers"
These are the Canines, the dogs who, when assessed, for shown to have above average performance in certain skills. There are subcategories to Crafters, and each has their own job that they were assigned and trained for since the assessment. They are the leads in their fields, and make the decisions when it comes to these things. Some sub-categories include: Innovator (Inventor), Armory, Weaponry, Foraging, Hunting, Etc.


"Unskilled Labour"
These are the general population of dogs who work beneath the Crafters. In their assessment they did not test above average as anything, and therefore were not assigned to any higher rank because they didn't have the skills for it. They are still treated well, as they are dogs, but they are the main work force of the Canine Society. Occasionally, but very rarely, a Worker can be promoted to Crafter if they show an increase in capability while working.

"The Youth"
These are the youth of the society, all dogs who are under 2 to 2.5 years of age. They are given their assessments at 6 months old, and once they've been chosen for their rank, they are trained for that until two to two and a half, at which point they ascend to their ranks. The age difference in ascenscion is due to the fact that everyone learns at a different pace. Typically, the lead in the field that they are assigned to will choose when they are ready to ascend.


These are the Wolf-Dogs of the Canine Society. There are no longer unions allowed between Wolves and Dogs, but when the Revolution took hold, they were allowed to remain as long as they fell into place. They are generally looked down upon, and their role. In general, though, they aren't given very respected jobs, because they are viewed as lesser beings and not respected in the slightest, their job is to server the high species aka dogs. They clean where the dogs live, they hunt their food (with warriors to watch), forage for material, are used for entertainment, test subjects, and must patrol the woods in case danger is there (with warriors to watch)

"Shunned Dogs"
These are the dogs, of any rank, that were found to be consorting or sympathizing with wolves, and were demoted as a result. These dogs are viewed as poorly as wolves and wolf dogs, maybe worse, because they "defiled their bloodline". They are no longer viewed as functioning members of society, and they choose soley to use Labourers for jobs that are disgraceful and dangerous. They have the lowest standing in society a full dog can have, and are given nothing. They basically have been internally exiled.

"The Wolves"
These are the captive wolves of the Canine Society. They are viewed as nothing more than slaves basically. They do all the jobs that dogs won't do. They have no protection, they have no lives, they are solely there for whatever the dogs desire. They are also used as a form of entertainment, as it's common for the Dogs to fight wolves against each other all Gladiator style. They are used to serve the dogs, just like wolf-dogs, so they clean where the dogs live, they hunt their food (with warriors to watch), forage for material, are used for entertainment, test subjects, and must patrol the woods in case danger is there (with warriors to watch).

Other Rank

Council Member
Assigned by Yours Truly
These are the 4 dogs that rule on the Council with the King. They are there to help him lead, and approve of new things within the Society like laws or creations. They don't hold as much power as the King, his word can go against theirs, but they do hold more power than any other rank except him. Council Membership is not kept a secret from higher ranks, but low raning dogs, wolves, and hybrids are not allowed to know who are council members. If someone is found out to know about a Council Member, and they aren't supposed to know, they will be demoted or killed to protect the Council's Identity.

Edited at August 24, 2021 11:28 PM by Imperial Sands
New Revolution | Dog x Wolf RP | OPENAugust 24, 2021 07:54 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Available Roles

1. Garrison | M | 8 Yrs | Irish Wolfhound | Pg. 1

1. Rp Sample Required

1. Elvira | F | 5 Yrs | Siberian Husky | Pg. 2
2. Reserved for Polly

1. Alaric | M | 4 Yrs | Irish Wolfhound Mix | Pg. 1
2. Tolvar | M | 6 Mos | Irish Wolfound Mix | Pg. 3

Royal Guards
1. Seguir | M | 5 Yrs | Seppala Siberian Sleddog | Pg. 3

1. Reserved for Valinyx

Warriors & Guards

1. Reserved for Polly



1. Jin | F | 3 Yrs | Golden Retriever/Wolf | Pg. 2
2. Reserved for Polly
3. Melina | F | 4 Yrs | Siberian Husky/Wolf | Pg. 1


1. Lusa | F | 4 Yrs | Wolf | Pg. 1
2. Jester | M | 4 Yrs | Wolf | Pg. 1

Gender Ratio
Male : Female
5 : 4

Edited at August 25, 2021 11:02 PM by Imperial Sands
New Revolution | Dog x Wolf RP | OPENAugust 24, 2021 07:54 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Sign Up Sheet





Breed: [For Dog, and Wolf-Dogs.]

Rank: [For Crafter, Also Lift Sub-Category, Pick One that Isn't taken.]

Armor & Weapons: [What does their Armor look like, what weapons do they have. Make it make some sense. If you can't explain how they use it, don't use it.]


Thoughts on Canine Society: [On how things are right now, and a possible Uprising]

Loyal or Disloyal: [Are they Loyal or Disloyal to the King]







Edited at August 24, 2021 11:57 PM by Imperial Sands
New Revolution | Dog x Wolf RP | OPENAugust 24, 2021 09:53 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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My Heir

Name: Alaric
meaning: all powerful ruler

Age: Four

Gender: Masculine

Species: 100% dog.

Breed: 50% Irish Wolfhound, 50% Native American Inuit Dog
He looks more like his father, but his fur darkens like his mother's. He also has a shorter build.

Rank: Oldest Heir, and one day King. He'll make sure of that.

[credit goes to FrankAndCarySTOCK on da - stock]

Alaric stands at a full height of 33 inches with a weight in the low 170s given the stats of his father and mother. His physique is rather muscular, though oddly lithe in his legs. At first glance, he appears to resemble more of his father, but upon further investigation, evidence of his mother is seen among him.

For one, while Alaric looks like an Irish Wolfhound, he is not lithe like one and narrow. He has more of a stockier build given from his mother. His legs aren't as long as his father's and seem to be more like his mother's. Additionally, his fur is shorter, raggy, and darker. So, while he looks like an Irish Wolfhound, he really isn't, not in many ways. He also has some of his mother's markings, especially upon his underbelly and legs.

He is known to be fairly strong, using his build to his advantage. However, he isn't as fast. While he's still speedy, it's his strength, stealth, and endurance that works best for him, and Alaric is strong. Oddly, his tail is fairly long, longer than his father's and mother's.

His voice is very masculine and raspy, and his scent consists of smoke and apples. An odd combination. Sweet and smokey.


Alaric's armour is similar to his father's. It fits like a harness with plating, only doesn't have chain meshing. He also has a collar with spikes protruding out of it to ensure nobody targets this throat. If they do, then they will be the ones facing injury. He also has small spikes upon his armour. Tiny, minuscule things that aren't very wide, but instead, thin. They protect more sensitive areas, such as his underbelly and shoulders. Alaric wears these odd paw contraptions. They are almost like shoes, only shoes with added metal claws for extra protection and an advantage if a fight is to ensue. He wears them upon all four of his paws. They are metal and lace up with thick leather bands.

Unlike his father, Alaric's armour is plain and dull. He wears no filigree upon it, the only striking thing about it being a green gem right upon his chest. He also has a helmet with spikes protruding out of it as well, simply so nobody can target his face.


Like mentioned before, one of Alaric's weapon includes the odd shoe contraptions he wears upon his paws. They are metal shoes that lay on the top of his paws with large metal claws sticking out so that he can inflict damage upon others. They are sharp and are oversized, similar to that of a lion's claws. Another weapon he often uses is these large, fake teeth. Placed upon the top of his muzzle is metal shaped after his snout. It is bound to his head using leather straps, and from the sides of this metal rest long fake teeth. Similar to below (credit goes to myself):


Like his father, he also wields a blade. It's similar to a dagger, and is one of his metal claws. One certain claw detaches and attaches whenever he wants to take it off or put it back on. He is able to take it out and use it, and click it back onto his metal claws for easier transportation use.

Personality: Alaric is a stoic and reserved individual, much preferring to remain mysterious or hidden among the shadows. When he wishes to hide, he will not be found. Alaric is good at remaining hidden, and is only seen when he wishes to be. He was a difficult pup for that reason. He radiates power and strength, from the way he walks, to the way he speaks. His face is always neutral, for he knows to never express his emotions. He is also very observant.

There is a side to him that is quite arrogant and cocky. He'll boast and brag about himself and his achievements, and can be rather dense when it comes to that. Yes, he has a large ego. Does he notice? No, no he doesn't. Most enjoy his bragging, after all, he is a heir. However, he mainly brags so that his father may hear, and so that he may be proud of him. That was how it begun. That, and because when he was younger, he wished to be the favoured child.

The other side to Alaric is surprising. While he can be annoying, stern, and cold, he can also be protective. Loyalty means everything to him, and the male holds it dear to him. He is a peaceful individual until those he cares about are put in harms way. Then, Alaric grows fearless. Speaking of, he is also intelligent and cunning, able to come up with several different plans, all of which typically prove successful. He can also be tricky. If somebody tries to screw him over, Alaric will already know and be several steps ahead. He never lets one undermine him. Alaric may be the King's son, but that isn't why others should fear him. They should fear his own power.

Alaric isn't one to trust easily, but when he does, he devotes attention to you and can be generous. To those he cares about, he can be softspoken and gentle. While he seems rude and gruff, Alaric can be quite the opposite to those he sees as family. Those that know him can see that he truly has a big heart.

Thoughts on Canine Society: He despises the wolves, at least he thinks he does. His mind has been filled with thoughts about the wolves from his father and those surrounding, thus, his natural reaction is to hate them. He does what he must to make his father proud, and if that's acting harshly to the wolves, then so be it. However, he has his doubts, simply doesn't let it show. His mind will be changed later on, and he will see the wolves as no longer enemies.

Loyal or Disloyal: Very loyal. He wants nothing but to be the best for his father, and he can't do that if he's disloyal. Though this may change later.

Crush: :)

Mate: None.

Offspring: None.


Father, the King, Garrison
Mother, the Queen, Nizhoni
Brother, Tolvar

Edited at August 25, 2021 08:10 PM by Tenebris Umbra
New Revolution | Dog x Wolf RP | OPENAugust 24, 2021 09:53 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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My Toiler

Name: Jester

Age: Four

Gender: Masculine

Species: Wolf

Breed: Wolf.

Rank: Toiler

[credit goes to Wincey on da]

Jester stands at 34 inches and weighs 170 pounds. While he's tall, he's a lanky thing, very thin and twig-like. However, that makes him quicker, stealtier, and more agile. He is able to creep around in the dead of night without being seen, that's how good his body serves him. Once it was awkward, but Jester learned to use his very long legs to his advantage.

His fur is most peculiar. It's faded, giving him an older look, as if he's greying out. However, that's simply his pattern. His pelt consists of greys, browns, and whites faded into one another and scattered around. It's a jumble of colours, the only thing making sense is his whitened underbelly. His eyes are a deep amber and his nose is a black.

Jester's voice is oddly creepy. It's not deep, though it comes out almost as if he's whispering. Low, eerie, and drags on. His scent consists of cedar. Several scars lay scattered around his body due to the dogs.

Armor & Weapons: He wouldn't wear it if given to him. He wants nothing to do with what the dogs create.

Personality: Jester is, well, a jester. He acts like a fool, always doing stupid and dangerous things, but what can he say? He likes living on the edge. He also doesn't care. He doesn't care what he does, who he hurts, or what he takes. He does whatever he wants, he has ever since a pup when he already grew tired of being forced to behave for the dogs. He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to. Let the dogs punish him, they can't even catch him.

Jester is very tricky. He's considered a large trickster, and a cunning one at that. He knows things nobody else does, and is always open to help others, for a price, of course. You see, he never does anything for free. Never helps another unless he's given something in return. Never assists anyone. Jester is very selfish and greedy in that manner. He won't do anything unless forced. Unless he has no other choice but to serve, and even then, he does the bare minimum.

He manages to dodge everything. Danger, trouble, duties, dogs, everything. He's very slick and odd in that sense. He does things that others do not to ensure his safety. While others walk on the ground, he'll walk among the roof of houses. Odd, peculiar things is what Jester does, and he's also irresponsible. He'll forget things or refuse to do them, even important things.

He is also blunt and bold. He will call out to a dog and insult them before scurrying away, unable to be caught. Oh, Jester has been caught before, but has that stopped him? No, it has only taught him to be quicker.

He enjoys arguments, but not physical ones. Upon the sight of a claw, Jester will dart, but he won't stop his taunts. He likes provoking dogs. Why? Simply for fun and seeing the face of somebody who was insulted by a wolf. His fellow wolves are too obedient. They need someone to act out, and that's him.

In short, he's a troubled individual, scary to approach, and troublesome beyond belief. How he's not dead yet is unknown.

Thoughts on Canine Society: The quicker he can get on to living a free life, the better. He doesn't care how it happens or who gets hurt. He dislikes dogs, and he dislikes wolves. He dislikes them all, only caring about himself. He's a lone wolf that wants to get out of this petty cycle.

Loyal or Disloyal: He's a wolf, take a guess.

Crush: None

Mate: None

Offspring: None

Kin: Open

Edited at August 25, 2021 08:26 PM by Tenebris Umbra
New Revolution | Dog x Wolf RP | OPENAugust 24, 2021 09:56 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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My Servant

Name: Melina
meaning: sweet

Age: Four

Gender: Feminine

Species: Mixed

Breed: Wolf x Siberian Husky

Rank: Servant
[credit goes to Khalliysgraphy on da]

Armor & Weapons: None, she isn't permitted.

Personality: Melina is a quiet thing, very obedient, too. She is never seen speaking out or going against another's words. She simply.. adapts. While she wishes to sometimes voice her opinions, she finds herself too afraid to, fearing the dogs and what they would do to her. She saw what they did to her parents, thus, speaking against them has developed into a fear of hers.

The female is softspoken and kind. She has a warm aura about her that welcomes others. She will never turn away from one in need, and is very generous when it comes to her own belongings. If somebody needs it, she will sacrifice her last meal for them. Melina is sefless and caring that way, always ensuring that nobody is suffering too much.

She isn't one to grow aggressive or angry, and seems to trust too easily, which has harmed her before in the past. Melina's kindness is often taken advantage of, and the thing is, she lets it. She doesn't use her voice to stand up for herself, for it has always been pushed down and surpressed. Instead, she always takes whatever comes at her, no matter if she deserved it or not.

Thoughts on Canine Society: Melina wishes for nothing but peace. While she doesn't wish for a war or uprising, she is tired of being treated like this, and tired of seeing the wolves being harmed. She wants it all to simply end.

Loyal or Disloyal: Disloyal, of course.

Crush: Open

Mate: None

Offspring: None

Kin: Open

Edited at August 25, 2021 08:35 PM by Tenebris Umbra
New Revolution | Dog x Wolf RP | OPENAugust 24, 2021 09:59 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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My King



Eight Years



100% Irish Wolfhound

The King


Garrison is a large dog, well, no, Irish Wolfhounds are large dogs in general, but Garrison is a large Irish Wolfhound. Even for his breed he stands seemingly at the maximum for his breed, but that is to be expected for a dog who lead the revolution. Standing at just a hair over 35 inches at the shoulder, Garrison stands at around 7 feet when standing on his hind legs. Now, while he looks like a very lean dog, it's just his build. He is a very heavily muscled male, and weighs around 180 lbs, maybe a smidge under or over depending on when he last ate.

Everything about Garrison's build is meant for endurance, speed, and strength. Long legs corded with heavy muscle, and capable of long strides, the male is known for being fast and powerful. However, because of his long legs, he isn't capable of great agility, just too tall for it really. Others also tend to think that he's a lean and lanky creature, verging almost on scrawny, but that isn't the case. Loads of wirey hair cover the male's physique, hiding the musculature beneath it. Truthfully, Garrison is a machine built for giving everything a hard time. He's fast, hard to catch, and capable of helping your face meet the ground. Not to mention the male is skilled in battle.

His coat is something of a silver color. He used to be more of a true charcoal color, but with age he has greyed out, becoming more of a striking silver. A silver fox, if you will. He has some reddish tan accents in his fur around his face and head, whereas the top of his head, like his forehead, is almost white. His paws are always white, above that being a darker grey, and then above that being his normal silvery color. Very true to the Irish Wolfhound standard color, though the bit of red in his coat shows he has the gentics for red or liver too.

His eyes are a steely grey in color, and his scent is something smoky with a hint of something refreshing like smoke over a lake.

Garrison's armor is some of the most ornate and well made armor in the society. Fitting much like a harness for comfort and coverage, the armor begins as armor plating along his shoulders, back, sides and flanks. Chain meshing covers his abdoment and belly, making it durable but light and easy to move in. Part of the harness, though, also reaches up and acts as a collar, covering and circling his neck to protect it from harm, sheeting following from the collar to protect his chest, and connecting the belly strap. Overall, fitting like a very large, armored harness.

The only part of his armor that acts as a defensive weapon rather than just armor is the collar portion of the harness. To bettter protect his throat, several spikes, mere inches in length, just around from the collar, making it painful for anyone trying to get passed it. Not impossible too, but it'll hurt. The spikes do have to be sharpened regularly though, otherwise they do dull rather quickly. There is about two inches of space between ever spike, so a dog with a very, very narrow muzzle might be able to reach between, but it would have to be a smaller dog.

On his legs he has guards, primarily on the bottom halfs above his paws. These are a leather that is bound in the same metal as the wrest of his armor with the same red and gold filigree mentioned below.

The armor is also decorated with gold and red filigree upon it, dancing around in a ravishing dance of gold and red, like two opposing forces. It's both striking and intricate upon the silver back splash of both the base armor and his coat.

He does also have a helmet, though he wears it rarely. It fits over his ears, having holes for them, and three blades protect his face, one between his eyes, and one on each of his cheeks. It leave plenty of room for his jaws to open and shut, but protects his face from attacks and makes it hard to grip him on his head.


For weapons, Gare likes to keep it simple. Picking deadly but easy to use weapons that he knows how to use with lethal efficiency.

First things first, Garrison always has iron claws strapped to his feet, used to slash and pin, the claws are a useful tool as well as weapon, and you will never see him enter battle without them.

Second, his weapon of choice is a half circle blade that he wields in his mouth. With it's curved blade, all the male has to do to use it is whip his head about. He usually has an extra blade attached to him in case the first is lost, breaks, or dulls too much. These blades are decorated with the same red and gold filigree as his armor.

Thirdly, and a new addition that is being tried out on him is actually on his tail. Having longer, wirey fur, the innovators are trying a new weapon that involve attached needly thin blades to his tail via thin cord, like fishing line almost, but less harmful to him. Their goal is for him to be able to slice others who get close to his tail by simply flicking it. It's a trial weapon, and may not work.

Garrison is a male who can be hard to pin down sometimes in terms of personality. It's known that he is a very stoic and serious male, little emotion passing across his face or through his eyes. He never lets the external world know what he's think, and there are very people lucky enough to get through his gates to know how he truly feels on the inside. In fact, most of them will find the same stoic creature there.

The Wolfhound has a commanding presence, and isn't the type to tolerate anything that displeases him. He's been known to be rather aggressive and quick to act, but not in a way that is reckless. Instead, Gare is the type to think things through, and carefully, he just does it rather quickly. Years and years of battle hardened experience has given the male an edge is almost everything. Those steely eyes miss little, and it's hard to sneak something pass him, and even if you do, he's usually quick to figure plans out.

Gare is known to be rather aloof at the best of times, seeming to be rather unfeeling and unemotional about, well, everything. He isn't the type to shed a tear or howl mournfully. He isn't the type to scream in rage, or shout with joy. At most you might get a snort of acknowledgement here or there, but otherwise the male is just impassive, indifferent, to everything. It's like he has mastered not caring, but also caring. Because Garrison does care, he cares deeply about the Canine Society he has helped created. He has very strong opinions about everything that has happened. He cares very much about the society and it's future, and you can best believe he will destroy anything that might threaten it.

While Garrison isn't known to be very emotional, but he is known to be intelligent. Cunning and wise from experience, the male seemingly has the tools to deal with nearly anything thrown at him, which is why he is a good leader. Dependable and responsible, though, Garrison always follows the rules. He will never break one, and he always expects his family to follow them too. If someone in his family is found breaking a rule, it matters little to him if they are, he will dole out the same punishment as if they were a strenger. He is extremely duty bound and will not jeopardize what he has built for those around him.

The male is not a good male, but he he believes he is. He truly believes he is making the right decisions, is putting them on the right path, and he's too stubborn to see it if he's wrong. Garrison has a very black and white way of seeing things, there is no grey. He will quickly shut down anyone who tries to tell him otherwise.

For his family, Garrison is no different. He isn't a doting and spoiling dad, one could say he isn't loving either. He takes very little practice in raising his young, leaving that primarily to their mothers, and shows little affection to his heirs or mates. He's not attentive or loving, it's all just a means to an end for him. Will he train his youth? Yes. Will he cuddle with them? No. He isn't even the type to show a lot of tenderness towards females, though, if he does, it's towards his Mistresses who can likely bring out a gentler side of the male.

Thoughts on Canine Society:
He is content with how things are, and the idea of a Lupine Uprising displeases him. They need to remember their place.

Loyal or Disloyal:
Loyal Obviously.

Whichever Mistress if his Favorite Right Now

Mistresses are Kind of Too.

All of the Heirs are His Children

Mother & Father; Deceased
Alaric & Tolvar are his Sons through the Queen.
He has No Living Siblings.

Alaric - He loves his son, well, as much as he can love, he loves his son. He expects the highest from his eldest boy, and believes he will be a strong asset to the Dogs even if he isn't his chosen successor, since he hasn't chosen yet. He's probably hardest on this male because he is his eldest son, and expects the most from him. He sees a lot of himself in his son, and a lot that isn't him, and can only hope that parts of him are strong enough to lead him on the right path.

Tolvar - This is his younger son, someone he loves as much as he can and is fond of. He doesn't quite have the same bond with him yet, considering his age, but hopes to see what the pup is made of soon.


Credit for all images belongs to BmAStock on DA. These are Stock Images.

Edited at August 25, 2021 10:59 PM by Imperial Sands
New Revolution | Dog x Wolf RP | OPENAugust 24, 2021 10:22 PM

Imperial Sands

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Lusa is a female of the smaller variety, standing no taller than most dogs, barely standing at about 26 or so inches at the shoulder, putting her at the smallest a wolf can typically be. Weight wise, she's rather tiny, dainty really, and only comes in at about 55 lbs. There is nothing impressive about Lusa's size, and she knows it. With her status within the Canine Society, Lusa barely gets enough food to feed the young pups she cares for, let alone herself, and so the she-wolf is rather skinny, unable to eat enough to gain enough weight to be at her ideal.

With her slim build comes a few advantages. She is obviously rather agile, able to manuever around with little difficulty, and she can be quite quick as well. The other thing to take into consideration is that she can be rather stealthy. Having less weight to carry around, she doesn't walk with heavy foot steps. The only thing that detracts from her stealthy ability is her bright white coat. That definitely doesn't allow her to slink about the shadows like she would like to.

Her figure may not be bulky with muscle like some wolves, but instead she holds sinewy muscle that has been built to allow her to run for long periods of time without slowing down. It also allows her to have that agility mentioned so she can bob and weave whenever she needs to. She is the Queen of Serpentine!

Lusa has a graceful femininity that she-wolves have, without appearing weak. Her muzzle is a bit shorter than your average wolf, as are her ears, showing that, somewhere along the lines, she does have Arctic wolf ancestry. She has wide, large paws that are furred to help keep her warm, with slightly shorter legs than your normal gray wolf. She does have a bit of narrow chest, making it easier to run through snow, and having mildly narrower hips leaves her with a more streamlined appearance, decreasing the look of her bulkyness. Her tail is long and bushy, capable of helping her keep her balance when running over rougher terrain.

During the colder seasons, Lusa's coat is in it's prime. During these months, her fur his thick, long, and dense. Like most wolves she has what could be considered a double coat, at least during the winter. Her guard hairs came in like normal, long stiff hairs that might be considered coarse. This is the fur that makes her look larger, since it is general 2 to 2.5 inches long. She especially looks larger when her hair stands on end. However, she also has an under coat that grows in during the winter. This fur is softer, and grows in thick to insulate her during the cold temperatures. This all means that during the winter, she has an extremely thick and dense coat that is a mixture of coarse and soft.

During the warmer months, though, she sheds this under coat, leaving just the guard hairs behind, or her outer coat. This can leave the female appearing thinner, and leaner than she is. During the summer her coat appear shaggy, almost a bit tatty since it doesn't have the undercoat to support it. This allows her to remain cool, and from over heating when she is trying to hunt. Summer months are not the most attractive for the wolves, however, Lusa manages to remain feminine during this time, maybe even more now since she appears even more slim than normal.

Lusa's coat is not anything rare, though it is still quite pretty to look at. It's pure alabaster coloration can cause her to stand out from the murky city she is forced to call home. Unfortunately, because of the state of where she lives, her fur often looks dingy, coming in as an off grey color, or even a mucky cream or tan. Rarely does the full beauty of her pure white coat shine through the dust and dirt that clings to it. Either way, white or dity, it helps gives the female a very soft look, especially when combined with the warm look of her eyes. Which are an amber brown color, like chocolate being warmed by the low glowing embers of a fire. Her scent is something subtle like winter jasmine, and her voice is a lower register than some females, with a natural soothing quality to it.

Armor & Weapons:

Being a Wolf She Cannot Have Any


Quiet Out of Necessity
Fiercely Protective
Witty & Sharp Tongued
A little Damaged
Campassionate and Motherly
Spiteful and Bitter At Times
But Can be a Voice of Reason Too
(When she sees passed her hate)
Brave When she Needs to Be
Stubborn, Stubborn, Stubborn
Hates to Accept Help
Loyal to those who've earned it

Thoughts on Canine Society:
All she wants is to live freely and safely. She is spiteful and bitter towards the dogs, but she also doesn't wish for the vicious cycle to continue of canine mistreating canine.

Loyal or Disloyal:
Disloyal to the King, Loyal to herself.



She has Pups;
Unknown to many, the pups she cares for are not hers. They are the pups of her sister whom was killed. The pups are Wolfdogs, but she keeps that under wraps and claims they are just wolves.

Her sister whom is deceased.



Credit for All Images on this Post goes to Quiet-Bliss on DA. These are stock images.

Edited at August 25, 2021 09:32 PM by Imperial Sands

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