Wolf Play : Journey To The Unknown | Horse RP | Sign Ups | Open
07:41:44 skye
i might get off as it is nearly 2am XD
07:41:18 skye

oh haha
i love birds
07:40:41 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

A YouTuber I watch owns two budgies (he recently got another as a friend for his first, if I'm not mistaken). They're both so cute, the first is named Shadow, I don't know the second one's name. And yeah, I have no idea what's up with the frog thing. XD
07:38:08 skye
i wanted tree frogs XD
07:37:48 skye

oh haha!
yeah budgies talk alot!
boys more than girls tho( that rule goes for most parakeets/parrots)
07:37:44 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
I find it funny that I adore reptiles but am terrified of holding frogs.
07:37:33 The Naming Empress
07:37:20 Cloudz, Pumpkin
you can now :P
07:37:01 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I've been heading to the pet store for my cat a bit more recently (elders are so picky with their diets, don'tcha know), and the budgies are always talking up a storm. I smile at them and nod as I walk by. Them offer some attention to the snakes and dragons as I go by them.
07:36:25 skye
oh good XD
Hello chat!
 Continental Wolves
07:36:08 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
I can't send you a friend request on my new account :O
07:35:55 The Naming Empress
Thats why I want to pet her!
07:35:54 skye
i think im buying another budgie friday XD
that would make 4!
07:35:17 skye

i just love birds haha
i feel inlove with budgies the most tho!
07:34:50 skye

leave her alone shes like the size of your finger 😭
07:34:33 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Budgies and small, talkative birds are so cute. If I'm being honest, I would go crazy. I'm more of a ground animal/reptile person.
07:34:15 The Naming Empress
Low Key
So do I
07:33:56 ET
Whoops, I may have forgotten. Yes, I now remember B)
07:33:36 The Naming Empress
Its a wild jungle in ForumsXD


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Journey To The Unknown | Horse RP | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 16, 2021 05:38 AM


Posts: 22536
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The Plot
A herd of horses have been living for generations these lands. Them being known as the Sleepy Hills Herd. They are known for structure, order, and everything good a herd could be known for. The lands have been good to them for years with no signs of change. Once morning, they wake up and find on a lovely spring day that the land they love so much has wilted away. All signs of vegetation and life are dying, not to due to drought but due to disease. The area has experienced a mushroom infestation, brown patches and rusted patches of grass. The food is basically inedible. The only viable thing is the watering hole near said grass. Tensions and concearns are rising within the herd about the future and safety of it. A decision has been made on where to move, but it might not go over so well with others. A treacherous journey is being planned, and not all are keen to go especially with the young foals. Where do you find yourself in these chaotic times?
It is time for a journey. These horses will be leaving the comforts of an area they have known for years and some decades. It'll be a change of pace and scenery, not to mention the dangers they'll face. From wolf packs, raging spring creeks, bears, and other creatures that could prey on them. Not to mention they'll be delving deep within bacholer territory, the stallions will have to be extra vigilant. Just who knows what this future will bring with this journey into the unknown!

Edited at August 16, 2021 07:14 AM by Spellbound
Journey To The Unknown | Horse RP | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 16, 2021 05:38 AM


Posts: 22536
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Roleplay Rules
1. All of Eve's Rules apply, obviously
2. Please be active, I don't want you to take a role and not be able to post. Please, if you're going to be gone for some reason , inform me otherwise you'll be removed from the roleplay.
3. Hate the character, not the player. No OOC drama but RP drama is very much welcomed as long as it's ran by me first.
4. Max of 5-6 characters. Make sure you're able to handle them.
5. This is a semi-literate RP. I expect at least a minimum of 200-250 words per post, per character. I understand writer's block, but we want this to be fun for everyone so please do your best to write.
6. Keep it realistic, we are keeping it realistic when it comes to hunts and fights. While the pecking order is fictional, we are going to keep it realistic as possible. So appearances and height/weight measurements should be accurate as possible. However, the height may be a little bit above average. PLEASE do your research. Hide the word mouse in your form.
7. We can have orphaned foals, but they will need a mare or stallion to be their designated caregiver. Also, please PM me regarding twin pregnacies.
8.No OP Characters, God-Modding, and etc. Don't be that character that ignores the rules, if you have a character in a higher postion then fine, but no mare can disrespect the Lead Mare without getting away with it.
9. Reservations last for 48 hours. If you need more time you will be alotted 12 hours to finish your form.
10. You may have up to 2 powerful roles. If one of your characters in a powerful role dies then you'll be able to obtain another one.
11. Please be creative and unique in your character forms. I do not want to see you copying other people's work. Put a random fact about your character in other, state it plainly. Wouldn't it make you mad if your work was copied so why do it to someone else?
12. Pictures are acceptable, but please use proper crediting and useable photos and do not hot-link. Obtain photos from DeviantArt and upload them fo proper image hosting sites.
13. Have fun *^*

Edited at August 16, 2021 05:41 AM by Spellbound
Journey To The Unknown | Horse RP | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 16, 2021 05:38 AM


Posts: 22536
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Lead Mare

The highest ranking within the herd. She is the ultimate authority and is to be treated as such. She makes the rules within the herd, and they are expected to be followed. Her word is law, and if dare disobey them, the consequence won't be pretty. She leads the herd to grazing grounds and watering holes, she punishes or reprimands mares as need be, and she may even discipling yearlings. She walks at the front, leading them whereever they may go, and no one is allowed to walk before her. She also choses whom she breeds with and sires her offspring. Her rank is stable, she stays in place even with a change of Lead Stallion. This rank can only be achieved by starting one's own herd, lineage , or fighting for this position. This position is not to be challenged for.

Lead Stallion

The highest ranking male within the herd. He is to be respected and treated with honor. Just like the Lead Mare, his word is law and is to be followed, to disobey him is unadvisable. In relation to the Lead Mare he may be a lover or just a partner to help with the herd. He is the guardian and protector of the herd. He walks behind the herd to make sure no one is left behind. He protects the herd from outside threats. His position is not as stable like the LM, his position can be stolen or removed from him. He must prove himself a worthy stallion for the herd in his behavior, actions, and his offspring. He also has first choice with who he breeds with, if the mare is willing. He may also choose to not allow other males to breed, but this decision can be trumped by the Lead Mare.

Deputy Mares

These two mares are elected by the Lead Mare. They are the enforcers of the rules and regulations set in stone by the Leads. They are to be treated with respect, and if they tell you to do something then you'd better do it. They have the power to punish both mares and stallions. They make sure mares know their place within the herd. Typically these two are the closest to the Lead Mare whether it be by familial bond or close friendship, she trusts them with her life. These two can be found walking a little ways behind the Lead Mare or if she lets them, right beside her. This role can not be challenged for, however if they are found to be abusing this role then it can be stripped.


These are three males within the herd that act as guardians. One male covers the right flank, one covers the left, and the final one covers any gaps or spaces left when walking. These are males who are respected within the herd, they are to be obeyed. They have the right to exercise dominance oand reprimand someone for being disrespectful to them. These males are selected by both Leads and Deputy Mares. They are the only males besides the Lead Stallion allowed to breed within the herd, unless it is stated otherwise. This role ca be challenged for when they have not been doing their jobs properly. They are expected to patrol the territory, make sure everyone is safe, report everything they find. When it comes to herd take overs they are expected to participate in the fight. If they don't then they are a disgrace to the herd.

Herd Mares

The majority of the herd. These mares are the heart of the herd. They are the mothers who nurture and train their young foals and yearlings. They are expected to abide by all rules and regualtions inforced by the Leads and Higher-Ups or face the consequences. Mothers are expected to train their foals in the hierarchy of the herd, and make sure they know the rules and their place within it. They are also expected to remain loyal to the herd, and if they wish to leave the herd permanetly they must have permission. If they find themselves leaving without permission then they will not be welcomed back.

Minor Stallion(s)

These are the younger or less dominant stallions. They are expected to be willing to lie down their life for the herd if they wish to remain in it. They must express loyalty, and show no rebellious intentions. If they are found to be rebellious or attempt to do something treasonous then they will be kicked out swiftly. They must participate in keeping the herd safe and following the rules and regulations within it. They can not sire offspring within the herd unless they have the expressed consent of the Leads and mare they want. If they are found to have sire offspring within the herd, then the stallion and mare will be sent into Exile and will not be allowed to re-enter the herd. Usually they may be granted permission to have a foal but it depends on the size of the herd and territory.


The "teenagers" of the herd. They are expected to know and obey the rules. They are basically adults and will be treated as such. Young colts must learn how to defend the herd and fillies must learn wisdom from older mares if they are ambitious. These yearlings have a hierarchy amongst themselves. Your parents do matter. The higher within the herd they are, the higher you ranking among your peers.


The future of the herd. They are the treasures of the herd. Must be protected at all cost. To have a foal die on your watch is a horrendous offence punishble by expulsion. They are children and so they are expected to learn, play, and have fun. The mothers are expected to discipline and train the foals correctly. The parents will be the ones in trouble if the foals cause a ruckus. So make sure to keep an watchful eye on the foals. These foals have an unspoken hierarchy amongst themselves. Your parents do matter. The higher within the herd they are, the higher you ranking among your peers.

Edited at August 16, 2021 06:28 AM by Spellbound
Journey To The Unknown | Horse RP | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 16, 2021 05:38 AM


Posts: 22536
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Sleepy Hills Herd
Lead Mare
Lead Stallion
Deputy Mares
Locked; PM if interested
Reserved - Wanderlust
Reserved - Valinyx
Reserved - Ciao
Herd Mares
Minor Stallion(s)
Max of 3


Non-Herd Ranks
Reserved - Valinyx
Lone Mares
Max of 3

Edited at August 16, 2021 01:13 PM by Spellbound
Journey To The Unknown | Horse RP | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 16, 2021 06:43 AM


Posts: 22536
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The Application
Desired Rank:

Edited at August 16, 2021 07:21 AM by Spellbound
Journey To The Unknown | Horse RP | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 16, 2021 07:09 AM


Posts: 22536
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My Lead Mare
(c) citronverstock on deviantart for all images
' Having light or being illuminated '
She expects to be spoken to in a formal manner. Only her Deputies may use her nicknames
Liv or Jo
Sleepy Hills Herd
Lead Mare
Desired Rank:
She's satisfied.
physical description here

This mare is a passive-aggressive creature. One moment she can be described as a mild creature and in the next a spawn of hell. This mare has a very seemingly mild personality, rarely if every showing extreme emotions. She usually has a impassive expression on her face or one of a neutral expression. However, she can switch that off in a second's notice if someone is trying her patience. Now, she won't yell but it'll be a more of an icy coldness and displeasure with you. She can be quite fierce and scary, especially when it comes to her children. If you think you will be making her child uncomfortable, talking down to them, or anything that threatens their existense then you have another thing coming. She is mama bear, and she'll have some venomous words for you and her hooves to your face if needed. You do not want to mess with her children. They belong to her and she will defend and guard them with her life.

This mare can be quite guarded at times. She's not one for letting someone into her heart easily. It takes time and effort to win her affection. She can be cold-hearted at times or a straight up bitch, it just depends on how you rub her. When she first meets you, she always seems to read a person's vibe. If she doesn't like what vibe you're giving off then she'll be less inclined to hangout with you. Now when it comes to friends and family, she is protective and possessive as fuck. They are her family and her friends. Whoever is let into the 'circle' must be truly worthy. Her friend's children, are her nieces and nephews, end of discussion. You mess with them, you mess with her. If you somehow sneak into her circle and are found out to be a little snake, she will stamp you out like the snake you are. If she doesn't like you then she will not tolerate you around her family and friends. It'll be the way she moves her body prevent you from seeing them or the warning glares you recieve from her. Or she will just straight up tell you to fuck off. She is either two ways with you: rude and sadistic as fuck or mildy civil and respectful.

She's not one to socialize with those she doesn't know well. She finds her lifeline to be her true friends. However, she will be civil and try and be nice as she can in conversation with others. However she can come off as blunt because she speaks her mind, and holds no reservations. She tells you how it is and can be viewed as a realist. One who understands both the pessimistic and optimistic point of view. She is bold, and holds no fear for most things. Oddly enough, her greatest fear is being alone. While she might not outwardly crave attention or socilization, in reality she wants to be more social but doesn't know how to express it well. However, she does like and enjoy her quiet time to herself.

Now when it comes to her friends and those close to her this mare holds a soft spot for them. These are the only ones who will be able to prevent her from using her big mouth to get into trouble. She hopes they love her as much as she loves them. She can be less frosty towards them and even kind. Another thing about this female is, she if confident in herself. Not to the point of being cocky, but knowing who she is and her ambitions. When she speaks no matter her rank, she expects to be listened to if not because she is a higher rank, but because she is an older and mature mare. And she won't be disrespected by someone younger than her. If someone did disrespect her then she wouldn't be afraid of letting them know through her words, a bite, or even a kick. She doesn't discriminate. Suprisingly, she has more patience with foals more than anything and can be seen being more friendly towards them.

Open for:
Adult Daughter - 4 Years Old
Adult Daughter - 3 Years Old
Jade - 1.5 Years Old
Foal - 5 months old
Open for a early pregnacy

Edited at August 16, 2021 01:14 PM by Spellbound
Journey To The Unknown | Horse RP | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 16, 2021 07:12 AM


Posts: 22536
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My Foal
'Little Fox' in Portuguese
Posa by mother
Po by close friends and family
Poa by her best friend
2 Years Old
Sleepy Hills Herd
Desired Rank:
Nothing but the top, Lead Mare or Deputy
Bold and Opinionated
Sassy and Sarcastic
Blunt ; can find herself being inadvertenly apathetic or sensetive. Or sometimes she jusy plain will be the above things.
Self-confident and passionate
Mother - Melinoe , Deputy Mare

Edited at August 16, 2021 10:53 AM by Spellbound
Journey To The Unknown | Horse RP | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 16, 2021 07:19 AM


Posts: 22536
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My Lone Mare
Keres word for 'flying'
Sio, Yoné , Tsi , and whatever others come up with
Lone Mare
Desired Rank:
She's quite content
Physical Description
Mod Edit: photographer requires credit on image
Stock Images. Image Credits to horsiexstock on DA, all image used can be found here.

Edited at August 16, 2021 07:19 PM by Evermore
Journey To The Unknown | Horse RP | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 16, 2021 09:20 AM

Former Pack

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Res bachelor and lieutenant stallion?
Journey To The Unknown | Horse RP | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 16, 2021 09:45 AM


Posts: 22536
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