
Sign Up Form Name: Cresia (Pronunciation: Kre-sya) Age: 4 years Gender: Female Rank: Pride Lioness Desired Rank: Cresia has always wished to be the highest ranked lioness, yet not the queen just yet. Apperance: Cresia is a pure white lioness with bright emerald green eyes with gold flecks scattered in them.Her back is lined with gray-brown stripes like a tiger and her muzzle is a dusty gray. Occasionally, you will see small black flecks in her pelt and her tail and paws have black rings aroung them while her underbelly is a speckled light-and-dark gray. Her ears are black tipped and spotted with gray. Cresias eyes will turn bright blue in the winter. She is 3.5 feet in height and is around 300 pounds. Personality: Cresia is usually calm but can get aggravated very quickly if you mess up her fur (If you know what I mean). She rises from her sleep with or before the sun and likes to hunt with her pride. Cresia will sometimes be stubborn when she feels like things aren't going to plan; especially when she misses a hunt catch. Otherwise, she's very helpful and cheerful, making sure she puts her pride first. Sometimes staying up all night, she will watch the sure rise and set, guarding the prides home whenever possible. Cresia usually keeps to herself when it comes to secrets. Crush: None Offspring: None Mate: None Offspring: None (she wishes she had some) Kin: pm me Affiliations: None Strengths: Hunting Climbing Speed Silence (creeping) Weaknesses: The cubs of the pride Swimming The sun (though her pelt is white and reflects the sun's rays) Other: Done! Edited at January 31, 2024 08:23 AM by Mountain pack (c)

You will need to add more to the apperance and personality before she is accepted Mountain pack (c) said: Sign Up Form Name: Cresia (Pronunciation: Kre-sya) Age: 4 years Gender: Female Rank: Pride Lioness Desired Rank: Pride Lioness Apperance: Cresia is a pure white lioness with bright emerald green eyes with gold flecks scattered in them.Her back is lined with gray-brown stripes like a tiger and her muzzle is a dusty gray. She is 3.5 feet in height and is around 300 pounds. Personality: Cresia is usually calm but can get aggravated very quickly if you mess up her fur (If you know what I mean). She rises from her sleep with or before the sun and likes to hunt with her pride. Crush: None Offspring: None Mate: None Offspring: None (she wishes she had some) Kin: pm me Affiliations: None Strengths: Hunting Climbing Speed Silence (creeping) Weaknesses: The cubs of the pride Swimming The sun (though her pelt is white and reflects the sun's rays) Other: Done!

I'll Add when I can. Will be off and on for a while. Can you reserve a spot while I do that?

May I reserve a Pride Lioness and 2 cubs?

yep! Foxspirit said: May I reserve a Pride Lioness and 2 cubs?

Heyy, have I made a form yet? I totally forgot....

Name: Aastra Age: 5.5 years Gender: Female Rank: Huntress Desired Rank: Content Appearance: Aastra is a somewhat larger lioness with soft, white-gold fur and lighter gray-green eyes.. Her head is more circular, with her ears being softly rounded. She weighs around 300-350 pounds, and is more of a fighter than a runner. She generally ambushes the lionesses prey when they’re hunting, as opposed to chasing it down like some of the others do. (images are stock) Personality: Aastra is a generally laid back female, though she can sometimes be riled up into arguing or even fighting another lion. She has 2 cubs, so most of the time she can be found playing with them or scolding them. When Aastra is hunting, it’s like she switches personalities. She’s more focused and alert, solely focused on the hunt. Crush: None (PM me) Mate: None (Again, PM me) (cubs are from her ex-mate who was a loner) Offspring: 2 (Ocira and Ryeva) Kin: None except cubs (PM me) Affiliations: None (PM me) Strengths: - Strength
- Focus
- Hearing
- Cubs/patience
Weaknesses: - Speed
- Stamina
- Following orders (may cause drama ^^’)
Other: Her cubs are played by me but won’t be very active Aastra, surprisingly enough, loves to swim She’s decent at fishing, as she has extended patience So sorry this is late, I ended up going offline for the weekend so I didn't get to finish this q-q Her cubs will be done today, I am so so sorry

Sign Up Form Name: Cresia (Pronunciation: Kre-sya) Age: 4 years Gender: Female Rank: Pride Lioness Desired Rank: Cresia has always wished to be the highest ranked lioness, yet not the queen just yet. Apperance: Cresia is a pure white lioness with bright emerald green eyes with gold flecks scattered in them.Her back is lined with gray-brown stripes like a tiger and her muzzle is a dusty gray. Occasionally, you will see small black flecks in her pelt and her tail and paws have black rings aroung them while her underbelly is a speckled light-and-dark gray. Her ears are black tipped and spotted with gray. Cresias eyes will turn bright blue in the winter. She is 3.5 feet in height and is around 300 pounds. Personality: Cresia is usually calm but can get aggravated very quickly if you mess up her fur (If you know what I mean). She rises from her sleep with or before the sun and likes to hunt with her pride. Cresia will sometimes be stubborn when she feels like things aren't going to plan; especially when she misses a hunt catch. Otherwise, she's very helpful and cheerful, making sure she puts her pride first. Sometimes staying up all night, she will watch the sure rise and set, guarding the prides home whenever possible. Cresia usually keeps to herself when it comes to secrets. Crush: None Offspring: None Mate: None Offspring: None (she wishes she had some) Kin: pm me Affiliations: None Strengths: Hunting Climbing Speed Silence (creeping) Weaknesses: The cubs of the pride Swimming The sun (though her pelt is white and reflects the sun's rays) Other: Done!
