
its ok, i know how it feels Cypress Road said: Accepted. Sorry took so long for me to get back to you.

WIP Name: Amber Lily Age: 49 years Gender: Female Rank/if human or not: Soon to be healer ;3 Sexuality: Straight Personality: Amber Lily is a quiet soul but a lot of fighting spirit. WIP Description: Human form --> In human form, Amber Lily stands roughly at 5'6 feet tall weighing a little under 130lbs. She has WIP Wolf Form -->  Likes: Water Naps Sharing stories Helping packmates Peace Dislikes: Hurt werewolves and humans Nosy people Being reminded of her past Crowds Wide open areas Other: Beware: If you are injured or hurt, she will not let you leave the house. She knows Shadow from old times ~ Will be explained shortly in RP.
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Name: Kathleen Age: 10 (she recently first shapshifted and is very tentative and anxious about it) Gender: Female Rank: Healer Sexuality: Lesbian Personality: Kathleen is extremely quiet and serious, and a strong, intelligent figure. To most others she is viewed as slightly mother-like. Description: Human form ~ Kathleen is very tall and strong, but in a compact way. She doesn't show muscle. Her hair is a variety mixture of silvers, blacks, and creams, and her eyes are hazel. Wolf form ~  Likes: ~ Purple ~ Anemone Flowers ~ Pussy Willows ~ Skinks ~ The color purple Dislikes: ~ Social exertion ~ Talking ~ Candles Other: Edited at April 12, 2022 01:33 AM by Royal Pack

May I ask who is the youngest in the pack so far?

Kai and Jacob are the youngest unless yours is good then yours will be the youngest being the only pup.

Aight, so is Kathleen accepted?


Royal since Your character is only 10, When fangsoffire second character comes in (one above your) Their older character will train you. As kathleen is only 10 and had just shifted, she hadnt gotten all the proper training from the pack healer before the fire. If that is ok with you.

Ohh okay I understand! ^^