Wolf Play : Secrets And Strayed Hearts (Fox RP Sign Ups)
03:13:20 Amy

I need help😅
03:12:47 Amy
I swear to got...the store was completely emty the last 30 minutes bit as soon as i start eating people show up
02:57:35 Fei the writer
-WP Click-
02:53:04 Amy
Oh no poor shark...he/she deserves a bunch of treats after XD

Says the expert
02:50:54 Fei the writer
just waiting for her dinner time
02:50:14 Fei the writer
Nope. I'm going to apply treatment >:D
02:49:10 Amy
Oh no poor shark...is it a vet trip?
02:48:32 Fei the writer
I'm soon going to have my shark hate me
02:47:20 Amy
Oh well i just got 2 more bones from wolf party😅
02:46:20 Amy
I mean you don't get the 5 extra moves XD

But i see your point
02:45:50 Amy
You can run but you can never escape wolf party
 Crystal Pines
02:44:56 Phoenix
Run cloud run 😂
02:44:41 Amy
No problem we are always happy to help <3
 Crystal Pines
02:44:39 Phoenix
I still wonder about the point of negative vitals. Like it does say in explore that they're afraid of the weather, but they never actually do anything about it
ok i need to go to bed before i find myself back in wolfparty
02:44:19 Amy
Group nap!

Mood: Exhausted

After exploring the last 2 hours this semms fitting XD
02:42:47 Fei the writer
we are happy to help :)
02:40:42 Dance, tango
Ohhh okay

Thanks everyone for being my teachers lol:')
02:39:48 Amy
If the weather is right positive vitals can give you +5 moves in explore sometimes
this is my fav wolf i have right now but we shall see what pups i get with my ladies it might change.
-WP Click-


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Secrets And Strayed Hearts (Fox RP Sign Ups)June 10, 2024 10:26 AM

Rogue Wildfires

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Why are Desert and Forest closed?
Secrets And Strayed Hearts (Fox RP Sign Ups)June 10, 2024 10:39 AM


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SwiftfireClan said:
Why are Desert and Forest closed?

It won't be forever. If you notice Desert has about five-six almost seven all together while Forest has seven-eight all together. I will reopen them after Ice has more members and RP has started. Only Ice and traders and farmers are open for now.
Secrets And Strayed Hearts (Fox RP Sign Ups)June 10, 2024 12:49 PM


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Name: Saraid

Breed: Arctic Fox

Gender: Female

Skulk or farmer or trader: Skulk

Loyal or doubtful?: Loyal but slightly doubtful yet will keep their opinions to themself

Description: Saraid is a rather fluffy white fox with a small black tail tip. Her left small ear is a little torn from narrowly avoiding a eagle attack. Her bright amber eyes seem to glow though it can be easily mistaken after a second look.

Saraid is not afraid to trick or get her paws dirty like Nightshade but she is aware of the dangers and is willing to be the one to carry orders even if it means going to traders. Saraid while loyal to her skulk can have only short brief moments of doubt but she pushes the thoughts away and focus on her Skulk.

-Nightshade the fox for reasons unknown to even her
-Fishing as it became a way for her to survive when she couldn't find anything else
-Her skulk as she trusts them
-Being buried in the snow as it is a great way in her mind too hide herself and she won't mind being in blizzards

-Nightshade the fox for reasons unknown even to her
-Traders and farmers but she knows they are important otherwise no one would get what they need.
-Eagles and she loathes them for what they did to her,

-She has excellent hearing so she can pin point a prey even the water
-Keen sense of smell so she knows when someone is lying
-Her patience. It takes a lot to annoy this vixen as she is very patient

-She can't fish despite being able ro track down fish
-Sometimes gets scared of eagles and will try to avoid areas when she hears eagles
-Has a habit of lying from herself to her Skulk to Nightshade. There is a time she does regret lying

Crush: open

Mate: open

Family: dead

Offspring: none right now

Edited at June 24, 2024 05:33 PM by Feiella
Secrets And Strayed Hearts (Fox RP Sign Ups)June 10, 2024 02:15 PM


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Rak is accepted as well ^^
Secrets And Strayed Hearts (Fox RP Sign Ups)June 15, 2024 07:16 PM


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Grey Fox
Loyal or doubtful:
Loyal; Walnut(?) was born into this skulk and it is all he knows. Though, with the behavior of other foxes will make him turn more doubtful of the leader of the forest skulk.
Walnut(?) was just recently born! He greatly enjoys spending time with the other foxes, especially his mother and siblings. He always seems to have a perpetual smile. When in any conflict, be it predator or skulk-member he will flee.
A grey fox with orange highlights and a black striped tail, and dark orange eyes, green in direct sunlight. Shares the red-orange marking on his upper lip like his father, he has dark grey pawpads and a black nose.
Meeting new foxes (pup energy)
The forest and its skulk
Birds (in general)
Loves to learn new things
Approaches things with excitement
Very resourceful
Light on his paws
Always competing
Feels it is hard to forgive
On the smaller side
Crush: Open if there are other (non-relative) kits :eyes:
Nori (mother)
Candy (father)
Will add a picture once on computer, also, not yet born so dont worry bout that :]
Secrets And Strayed Hearts (Fox RP Sign Ups)June 26, 2024 05:29 AM


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Forest, Desert and Ice are open
Secrets And Strayed Hearts (Fox RP Sign Ups)June 26, 2024 06:53 AM


Posts: 8
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Name: Mycena
Skulk, Trader or Farmer: Trader
Breed: Arctic Fox / Red Fox Cross
Gender: Male
Loyal or doubtful: Loyal to himself but doubtful of Skulks and Farmers, however does his thing working with both of them.

Description: Short and thim, Mycena is certainly a sight to behold. Dark red berries mashed into his fur, turning his orangy coat into a light crimson red color. Being an artic fox mix, he has white spots across his pelt, similar to that of a red mushroom. Being a mushroom-like fox, his from right paw is completely white with a black pad. His other paws are all red, but his from left and back left paws have a singular white toe on each of them. His tail tip is also white, along with a single spot on his forehead. He has a whiteish pink nose with more little white dots around it.

Due to his past, being held my humans in a santurary, he has a bracelet on his front right leg with a mushroom charm, and on his tail he has a double bracelet with a wide gap between each of them, also having a mushroom charm. He stuffs red mushroms into his ear fur whenever he can get ahold of them.
(Ref is in the making, I currently only have him as his original design as a wolf with red/white wings)

Likes: Mycena enjoys foraging for anything he can trade, whether that be trinkets or food he finds. He heavily enjoys sleeping and adventering.
Dislikes: He absolutely hates being in large groups. He doesn't enjoy speaking much unless he really likes the fox he's communicating with.
Strengths: Foraging for Mushrooms, Hunting, Swimming,
Weakness: Hiding, Fighting,
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Family (mother, siblings, cousins):
Mother: Fable
- Status: Deceased
Father: Slate
- Status: Deceased
Sister: Stem
-Status: Missing/NPC (Will never be used apart from minor backstory dreams)
Offspring: N/A
Secrets And Strayed Hearts (Fox RP Sign Ups)June 26, 2024 06:59 AM


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He is accepted

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