

Honeybee Falls said: ah, it's done, right?
Yes it done just trying to do my Student one But I might do it tomorrow if you don't mind Edited at June 10, 2021 04:47 PM by Pastry Lord

Bianca Nico Morana "Where's the death? Who cares about the other stuff " age 14 and a half gender Female but dresses as a boy would ability Shadows-Sneaking in them and surrounding people with shadows the color of night Is studing to be: She wants to be a privateer when she is older so she wants to be 2nd mate or a gunner appearance Bianca appears to be about 5'6" with a shockingly pale skin. She has a small square face shape with a flat snub nose. Her ears are not really seen but her left ear is deformed yet in her right ear she is very sensitive to pitch and sound. . Her eyes are at least a little normal . Bianca's eyes are almond shaped And are silver on n color,These shine with a feeling of determination and Worry and can blink to the Angel of death's deathglare in a millisecond . Her lips are a chapped blood red color in a thin Cupid's bow shape. The most common facial expression for Bianca is sarcastic,angry,annoyed or just a neutral stare. She loves to death stare. Her soft arched eyebrows remain dark while her hair is slightly wavy black hair. If her hair got wet, it would probably drop down to between her waits bad her knees. When dry, though,Bianca Moranda has it between her waist and her chest but she pulls it up in a bun all the time anyway.She is a quiet pupil and stands out from the crowd, she usually wears purple And black trainers.Bianca usually wears a black top with a phrase like "Corpses are better than you" or "Bog off Bozos" and other things sometimes it is an emoji like a black heart or a middle finger or the peace sign flipped over. The top has the sleeves cut 1 inch from the shoulder and the top goes to about just under her waist. The collarline is usually a boot neck, cowl neck or the simple v-neck shape. Other times when she is she alond she switched to. A white t1shiet with a black will on it. Her outfits represent how she is dabgerous, Fierce and loves the dead. Over that sometimes she sports a black hoodie that she has had since 6 years ago. . The hood tightened by a white cord and there’s a pockets on the front. On the front of the pocket are white desth-Angels. Bianca usually just wears black loose jeans or shorts she also has a black belt but she tries not to use it in violence. Bianca doesn't really do jewelry but she has a few anklets and bracelets. One that she has is a charm with a hound on it,next she has another anklet which is braided with three colored string,blue,black and silver. Then she has her only bracelet of an white angel charm snd a lucky clover. personality Bianca Morana is lonely and quiet most of the time. She is always alert. Miss Morana is usually a fierce young child that acts like a teen without a care in the world who would crash her motorbike and stand up retelling every detail(especially blood..) in her mission/adventure. Except she doesn't like to speak to people because she is very quiet,Becaise people get sometimes creeped out because it sounds like a ghost's whisper. Leaping into clear danger is a no unless Bianca is convinced to do or payed to do. She doesn’t believe in any gods and goddesses but she has a belief in Hades or Pluto ,God of death and riches. just. Names never escape her mind and if you have hurt her or a friend, mentally or physically....she will know your name and stalk up to you and slap you. Likes + Dislikes No one sees Bianca doing hobbies but she likes mediation. . tries her absolute hardest to do something whether it is climbing or training until either it’s over or someone forces her to stop. She will hate you if you say a word about it afterwards,The best thing is to turn your back and walk the other way like you never saw anything and don't say anything. Knife throwing is another activity she loves, she can throw a knife from metres away so it can sink into the target. The only thing she dislikes is archery as she prefers any weapons to a bow an arrow or even a crossbow. Bianca is also not good at it and prefers swordplay and knife throwing. strengths and weaknesses Strengths Knife throwing and sometimes exploding stuff and stealing shiny stuff. A good grip (for-swinging around and climbing) and a rapid runner. She is epic at knife throwing. Hi Weaknesses Sometimes people, large crowds, too bright lights, She has a dislike for men reasons unknown, sonG Complicated by Avril Lavigne other giraffe She has social anxiety disorder but she is working to dissolve that and is nearly there She secretly has two knives and a harpoon gun . Also boy has this girl got secret hidden muscles ^^ DONE! (all my forms are done ^^) Edited at June 12, 2021 03:19 PM by Pastry Lord

Okay, I was going to say I saw how you copied Jack's form over for the general layout, just in a few spots the pronouns were off and it had the same phrases or sentences I used. I didn't know if you forgot to take that out or what ^^' Edited at June 10, 2021 06:23 PM by Honeybee Falls

Honeybee Falls said: Okay, I was going to say I saw how you copied Jack's form over for the general layout, just in a few spots the pronouns were off and it had the same phrases or sentences I used. I didn't know if you forgot to take that out or what ^^'
Yep I did sorry forgot to switch the pronouns

They are both find except for the the occasionally wrong pronoun

Edited at June 10, 2021 07:25 PM by Honeybee Falls

Grant Wren "Death is not scary. It's where we'll end up that is." ♂ He/Him | 34 yrs -♠- Ghoul ⋅Pasty, pallid flesh ⋅ Green irises on black sclera ⋅ A taste for human flesh ⋅ Died once, doesn't want to again ⋅ "Vegetarian" maneater - His ability is that he can't die - Surprisingly, Grant is an art teacher. (This is because it's the only job that'd hire him) - Insomniac Disaster ⋅ Dresses like he found it in the lost & found ⋅ Always has a thermos of coffee on hand because it "helps with the cravings." Nobody ever asks what he's craving because they probably don't want to know the answer ⋅ Dark circles under his eyes. His eyebags have eyebags. ⋅Looks vaugely homeless ⋅ Permanent 5 o'clock shadow ⋅ He doesn't shave or anything it's just there. Eternally. ⋅ Stands at 6'3 and weighs an impossible 68 lb ⋅ He's missing more than a few important organs and bones which is why he's so light ⋅ He takes literal years to heal a papercut so for bigger things Grant just duck tapes his skin shut - Personality ⋅ Caustic ⋅ Pissy ⋅ Grumpy ⋅ His smiles look like a grimace ⋅ "Live, Laugh, Lobotomy" ⋅ lowkey a good teacher ⋅ patient with stupid kids ⋅ will add more later other Edited at June 10, 2021 08:58 PM by Bokkun


Bokkun said: Is this okay so far?
sorry it took so long to reply; arting. Yeah, it looks good so far