Name: Silver
Nicknames/ What wolves should call them: Silver
age: 4 years
Gender: female
Role: pack member
Role wanted: beta
Silver is a dark gray wolf with violet eyes. Her eyes seem so shallow, as if every thought that popped into her head would appear there. Near her cheeks are splotches of black and white. Her ears are a mottled gray with a black tip on the left and a white tip on the right. Silver has a rather long neck, and thick fur plus a tall build. Her dark grey fur is slightly dappled with browns and lighter greys, creating a small whirlpool of colors. Her legs are the same dark grey, but her paws are brown. She has a long tail, mostly a light gray and a storm-blue tip.
Silver is really protective of those she cares about. Silver rarely trusts or respects anyone past their rank, but when she does, she will care and fight for them with her life. She rarely lets her true feelings show, despite the shallowness in her eyes. Silver is often found by herself, deep in thought, usually daydreaming and rarely actually thinking about anything useful to the pack. Though in those rare moments she does, her thoughts are usually proactive. Sometimes, when she snaps out of her daydreams, she sometimes seems depressed, if only for a moment.
powers ( if firepup): none
family: open
other relationships: open
backstory: optional
What they think of the situation: Optional
She thinks the fire pups should be given a chance. They didn't choose to be born with their powers and the pack shouldn't judge them for something they didn't choose for themselves. She sometimes wonders what if the roles were reversed and she was a fire pup. Or if the powers had mysteriously appeared in adult wolves.
other: Silver likes the evening, a time where she could go over everything that happened that day. She usually likes the peace before going to sleep or heading out for evening duties.
Name: Song
Nicknames/ What wolves should call them: Song
age: 4 months
Gender: male
Role: normal pup
Role wanted: alpha male
Appearence: Song is a dark black wolf with amber eyes. He has a patch of brown on her left cheek. His amber eyes seem to glow a bit orange. His black fur is mostly untouched, except for his white belly fur and paws, plus a patch of brown fur near his hindquarters and chest fur. His legs are longer than porportional for his size. He has thin fur and a skinny build.
Song is eager to do and learn everything, sometimes bothering other wolves during some unwanted times. Song rarely thinks for himself, too eager to follow others and shine. Song can be a bit too talkative. Song is curious and strong, he hopes to become a beacon for others to follow some day.
powers ( if firepup): none
family: mother: Dusk (played by Wings of Death)
other relationships: too young
backstory: optional
What they think of the situation: Song is confused about what's happpening and how the pups were born with powers. If it was up to him, he would wait until the fire pups were old enough to fend for themselves then decide.
other: Song likes the afternoon, with the warmth of the sun bearing down on him. It's a time where he enjoys to leave the den basking in the warmth.