Sasha Toca
Unlabelled (would rather not disclose)
Uses any pronouns, has no preference at all
Sous chef
Anthro; American Cockroach
Sexuality (Optional):
Description (At least 6 sentences):
Sasha is a dark reddish brown roach, with creamier accents on the tips of their elytra, that stands at approximately 5'8" tall. Sasha also has creamier accents on her joints / segments, as well as brandishing what can be perceived as a stab or bullet wound scar on his left upper bicep. Sasha has a rather hard outside, their exoskeleton being composed of chitin rather than soft flesh or fur. Sasha has a mouth more comparable to that of a beak, with rather flexible mandibles on their lower jaw. On the corners of her mouth she has maxillary palps, which are a type of sensory feeler not too different to antennas. He has moderately large eyes, very dark in colour. You wouldn't be able to see any sort of pupil, not even with a light shining on them. These eyes are almond like in shape, and like any insect they seem to bulge out of the exoskeleton a bit.
Sasha sports 6 sets of limbs. One pair of primary arms, which are strong. Her forearms have spike like spines, no more than 3, and her hands have 5 fingers each ending with claws. She has thinner secondary arms, which are not used as much. The forearms contain 2 spike like spines, and she only has 3 fingers per hand. She has long legs, with 3 segmented parts, the calves having 3 spines each. Her feet are small, and narrow, containing only two toes which are wide and flat. Each toe has a hooked claw. Her feet are more accurately referred to as paws if anything, and her toes are paw pads since they're padded. Just like any bug he is well capable of climbing up numerous different surfaces regardless of the degree with ease. Also, like many insects, they are very much capable of flight.
Sasha tends to sport t-shirts and shorts, for the sake of comfort. It's hard to wear anything long sleeved when insectoids are not often considered during production. Spines and bristles alike make that hard. They usually stick to greens and browns, and occasionally greys. Though anything muted or not very vibrant is good. In the kitchen, Sasha wears a pale greenish off-white chef's coat with the sleeves rolled up, and pantaloons that covers 2/3 of her legs. In all attire he wears, he will ensure his wings are comfortably out and will even personally tailor their purchased outfits to ensure such comfort is achieved.

Personality (At least 3 traits):
Sasha is what you'd call an introvert, to a degree. They'd classify themselves more as an ambivert, but others might disagree there. If there's one thing Sasha is, for certain, it's reserved. She's not one for sharing things about herself, at least not freely like others may. She keeps her personal life and professional life as separate as can be, to the point where you likely won't know a thing about him unless you were to follow him around and see what he does outside of work.
Speaking of professional life, Sasha is a diligent sous chef who does their best to maintain the kitchen. They go out of their way to ensure that fresh ingredients are always available, they overlook the kitchen as often as can be- especially whenever Sebastian is unable to during more busy days, they even take the extra time out of their day to ensure the kitchen is clean once the workday ends. Stoves wiped, counters clean, utensils washed, all that. They also played a role in the creation of the menu alongside Sebastian. Sasha has also helped train some of the staff, alongside Sebastian. Sasha is nothing if not dedicated to her job, and to her customers. Why wouldn't she be ?
More of his personality will be shown within the roleplay.
Likes (At least 2):
Cooking and eating
Green things
Scrolling through the internet on free time and watching videos
Music (typically into metal but enjoys many genres)
When the kitchen doesn't receive complaints
When they don't need to start being mean in the kitchen and going all "im second in command listen to chef and move move move !!"
And an assortment of other things
Dislikes (At least 2):
Having to yell or generally raise their voice
The whole "theres a roach in the kitchen !!" comment, its horribly old and its not funny as a joke either
Being judged for being an insect (had to be laid off from previous job because of the complaints that came in from it)
Being touched, especially if it's the face or antenna (antennas and maxillary palps are both incredibly sensitive)
Character relations (kitchen staff):
Sebastian; Sasha is neutral with Sebastian, leaning more towards a mildly positive viewpoint on him. He's a good headchef, and is a good cook in general. Professionally speaking, exactly what you'd want in a leader. Has a neutral stance outside of a professional opinion.
Desolate: Negative. He's reckless, annoying, and slacks off. If Sebastian isn't angrily talking to him, then Sasha is. He seems to try, which is fine, but he isn't yet at a point where he isn't getting scolded frequently.
Vera: Neutral. Does not interact with her enough to have any more of an opinion on her. Would probably develop a more positive opinion on her if they interact more. Is partially skeptical though due to her being human.
Marmalade: Neutral. Sasha doesn't like when workers are too outgoing and bubbly, especially not in the kitchen. She is a high achiever though, and an excellent worker, which helps balance the less savory traits Sasha's not fond of.
Olive: Positive. This is to be expected though as the two have worked together previously in the city. Olive is an excellent worker, and an amazing cook. Her dedication is admirable and always appreciated. Sasha has a bit of a soft spot for good workers. Sasha was also the one to write a glowing recommendation for Olive when she applied to work in the hotel.
Sasha isn't much of a coffee drinker, they used to be quite addicted to it before and used it as a substitute for alcohol. They haven't drank coffee in 3 years and does not plan to start again anytime soon.