Cornaith Iliven
Role: Warrior

Illiven stands at a towering height of 6’6 he is considered the second tallest man in the tribe. He is incredibly well-muscled and bears a rather lithe physique. He has light bronze skin that shimmers in the sunlight and tans nicely. He also has a fairly long face shape with well-defined sharp angles marking him as one of the many well desired men in the tribe. He stands out with his platinum blonde hair that he keeps well groomed and trimmed only allowing the front to be worn slightly lengthier than the back. He very rarely allows any facial hair to grow on his face however on occasion he may allow the slightest bit of scruff to grow during the winter months. He has pale pearlesque pools that are complimented with long platinum blonde eyelashes and fairly heavy dark eyebrows (courtesy of his mothers heritage). He has a soft straight nose and soft supple pink lips. He bears a single golden nose ring on his left nostril and on his left pointed ear he bears two cuffed earrings along his helix. His right ear bears a singular cuff ring and is tattered from fights long fought. Across his face he bears a long jagged scar that begins at the near end of his left eyebrow and finishes at the start of his cheekbone. This scar was the result of a blitz attack with a hawksbill knife, he was very fortunate to have his vision spared, and keeps this weapon on him at all times.
Concerning his build despite what this portrait displays Naith is actually slightly bulkier with more muscle mass across his upper arms and torso. He has a six-pack of abs and as mentioned earlier a fairly lithe build for someone with the amount of muscle mass he bears. His legs are also not neglected being well-muscled and complemented with a decently sized behind from climbing trees and mountains alike. His arms and torso are littered with scars small and large, none really stand out in comparison to the scar across his face. He is able to lift roughly close to maybe 320 pounds, weighing in at close to about 170 himself
In his Halfborne form Naith upholds pale grey scales that shimmer against either sunlight or moonlight and have a near iridescent sheen. His horns form at his temples and are similar to that of a bighorn sheep however begin to narrow as they curl into themselves pointing toward his ears..
With regards to attire Naith generally can be found wearing slightly-fitted cotton pants in either beige or black coloring and either loosely fitted long-sleeve cotton tops, high-neck form fitted sleeveless tops, or plain shirtless. Top colorations vary from pale beiges, dark browns, blacks, olive greens, dark blues, and deep crimson reds.
Loyal to no end | Dangerously Flirtatious | Stand-offish | Brutish Mannerisms | Reserved | Dominant | Quiet | Calculating | Observant | Possessive | Well-Disciplined | Doesn’t play well with others | Honorable | Humble
Cornaith is a shadow. He mostly keeps to himself and observes the behaviors and mannerisms of others before deciding to approach. He carries a combination of an alluring presence and one that screams stay the absolute fuck away from me. To those that know him well enough to call him a friend he is heavily protective and possessive of them, growing increasingly wary of those his loved ones talk to or socialize with. He has a way of weeding out the weak and determining if there are underlying negative intentions from the other participating party.
While in his line of work he can function well with others generally open to rotating between leading and sharing the lead. He unfortunately is not as vastly open to working with new members, particularly the younger ones, as he lacks the patience to micromanage those that are insolent or opposed to being reprimanded and corrected. He holds himself to the highest of standards which encourages him to better himself and keeps him humble. He is selfless when it comes to protecting the clan and will put himself in harms way everytime to ensure their safety.
When a vixen catches his eye he utilizes his charm and that alluring air to draw them in. He generally holds a lighter air with women in his tribe regardless of their general disposition and holds women in higher regard than men of the tribe. Naith ultimately respects a women's choice whether or not they truly desire to bed him, however he makes it very clear that he is in no way someone who could wholeheartedly commit to just one person, he has tried and to no avail. He does believe that once he finds the right person perhaps he will be able to settle down, however has yet to find them.
Cornaith is the son of Lyra Aexisys and Theodas Ilivan. Theodas was a rather absent father early on in Naith's childhood. This would be due to Theo's interest in another female who had been middling in this couples affairs vying for his affection and ultimately his loyalty. The other female won his undying loyalty resulting in the complete absence of Theodas in Cornaith and his mother's lives.
As such, Naith grew up as the man of the household, however during his early teenage years had a very reckless and wild streak about him. Raising hell wherever he went and living for every last second of it. Upon the reprimand of his mother who he loved and was rather a mama's boy over, he eventually straightened out into the male he very much is today. Upon her death he vowed to continue her legacy by naming his first daughter after her.
Years had passed and upon the birth of his half-brother, Baiyen, Theodas would renter his life, for only but a brief moment. He had pinned Naith down raising a dagger to his throat disowning him and any alleged relations he might've claimed and threatened to kill him should he ever attempt to involve himself in Baiyen's life. Naith took the threat to heart and avoided his half-brother for several years later.
Upon his fathers death relief found itself once again in his life and Naith carried on as he usually did. To his surprise he had actually found a female who he would eventually settle down with, or at least attempt to. This unfortunately was incredibly short-lived seeing as he was unable to keep himself solely tied down to just her. He offered her his sincerest apology attempting to explain his struggle and while he continuously vied for her affection she was eventually killed by a rival tribe in cold blood alledgedly for killing prey within their territory. This had been a period in his early adult life where he would refrain from speaking to anyone, including females alike, to which his half-brother had sought him out.
Baiyen had reached Cornaith in anger and outrage at Naith's absence in his childhood. Naith had further explained the history between himself and their father speaking only truth to the young teen and promised the male to owe it up to him by being present now.
Lyra Aexisys (Mother ~ Deceased) - NPC
Baiyen (Half-Brother) - Moose