
Is it fine that he's kind of like a healer?

@Swiftfire Clan, No, he should really be a normal beta wolf. The Moon, Night, and Dawn packs don't have healers really. It is a practice and knowledge only the ShadowBane wolves have(for now). Maybe through the RP, they will share their knowledge with their allies.

I reserved him as a ShadowBane trainee- Red Moon said: @Swiftfire Clan, No, he should really be a normal beta wolf. The Moon, Night, and Dawn packs don't have healers really. It is a practice and knowledge only the ShadowBane wolves have(for now). Maybe through the RP, they will share their knowledge with their allies.

My bad! I was thinking of the wolf I just added to the sign ups, got mixed up. But yeah, the 3 normal packs don't have medicinal knowledge.

But I can have my character has medicinal knowledge, right? Red Moon said: My bad! I was thinking of the wolf I just added to the sign ups, got mixed up. But yeah, the 3 normal packs don't have medicinal knowledge.

Ah, I see. They are in Shadowbane, my bad! Yes, I think it is fine for your character to have basic knowledge in herbs. If you want them to learn more though, you may wanna talk to Bruiser, who's character is the Shaman wolf.

Name: Spirit Age: 1.3y Gender: Male Pack: ShadowBane Pack Rank: Trainee (semi Healer) Scent: Smoke, Herbs, Blood Appearance: Spirit is a tall, sturdy black wolf with dull, white spots on chest and legs. His tail-tip is white, alongwith his muzzle and ear edges. His paws are a dull white, while his stomach and neck are dark gray. He has soft, yet intimdating bright aqua eyes. His body is covered with long, deep scars, and his left eye was one scar over it. Personality: There is a White Wolf and a Black Wolf. The Black Wolf inside us is filled with fear, anger, envy, jealousy, greed, and arrogance. The White Wolf is filled with peace, love, hope, courage, humility, compassion, and faith. They battle constantly. Spirit is normally ind and quiet, but he can easily switch to a fierce, snarling wolf when trouble comes. Affiliations of Importance: N/A (Not yet, PM me) Other: DONE Edited at June 12, 2024 05:46 PM by SwiftfireClan


Please add some more details and description to your character if you can. Are you trying to make him a medicinal wolf? I will ask Bruiser if they want an apprentice.

Okay and yes Red Moon said: Please add some more details and description to your character if you can. Are you trying to make him a medicinal wolf? I will ask Bruiser if they want an apprentice.