
Name: Solon "Wise one" Age: 9 Gender: Male Rank: Elder, Rouge Male, Pride Male (where ever he fits) Desired Rank: Content Apperance: Solon is a very old lion, and his appearance reflects that. His once flourishing brownish golden mane, is now graying, and his Golden pelt has almost lost its color. His muscles are weakening, as his death is near, but his brown golden eyes still hold a very wise gaze. His muzzle is purely white with a hint of grey, and his nose is a sharp black color. Personality: Intelligent, Kind, Caring, Loving, Wise, Funny, clever, cunning, (anything a grandpa would have) Crush: None Mate: None Offspring: Open! Kin: None (Open) Affiliations: Open Strengths: Storytelling, Giving advice, Persuasivness, Intelligence, Cleverness Weaknesses: Hunting, Fighting, Old age, Fears, etc Other: Solon is beyond the age of contributing anything to the Pride besides his knowledge. He lives in a rocky den on the outskirts of the Pride's territory. In exchange for prey, Solon is here to give advice to the King and Queen, and to any loners who stumble upon his den (with an offering of course). Whenever there is a meeting with the Pride, Solon makes his way down. He is very medicore character, just here to give advice to anyone in the Savannah who needs it. Edited at December 29, 2023 07:54 PM by Wolf Pride
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Wolf Pride Solon is accepted! i'll put him under rouge males for now

Name: Savaria. Age: 5. Gender: Lioness/Female [S/H] Rank: Rouge Lioness. Desired Rank: Debating between Content and Pride Lioness. Apperance: Savaria is on the larger side, standing at exactly 3.6 and a half feet from her paw to the tip of her shoulder. She weighs roughly 355 pounds, most of which are pure, hard muscle Savaria built up over years of hunting and fighting on her own. Savaria's coat is a very light tan, almost cream with darker tan on her back, and shoulders. Her light coat sports dark spangles, becoming more visible on the lighter parts of her coat. Her eyes are a light, murky green and her tail tip and base of her paws are a dark brown. Savaria has a tattered left ear, the scar running down from the base of her ear to her shoulder. Savaria's hind legs are noticeably more toned then her front. This is because of the rocky terrain around her small territory, causing her to use her hind legs while bounding across the rocks. [IMAGE REMOVED: nonstock] Personality: Savaria is what most would consider an absolute brat. She cares for no one beside her mother and any close family she may have in the future. Her eyes are cold and her heart even colder. Savaria has a hot temper and is easily angered by almost everything. She can turn anything into a fight or find a way to complain about anything. She's nasty and churlish to just about everyone. Even from far away, just her facial expressions would give you the impression of a short-tempered and blunt cat. Despite Savaria's usually ferocious temper, Savaria has very strong motherly instincts and has a strong love and care for all cubs. Because of this instinct, Savaria also enjoys and values taking care of any loved ones. Especially her elderly sick mother, Irenee. At first glance, Savaria's personality is very powerful and fierce, but in reality she's very easily flustered and caring. Savaria is also a very fun and adventurous cat when she's around close friends and enjoys exploring. Crush: Open. Mate: Open. Offspring: Open. Kin: Irenne (Mother). Affiliations: None. Strengths: One of Savaria's strengths is definitely stamina, though she isn't the fastest runner it's say for her to tire out prey. Due to her territories geography, the land is very rocky and has many dead limbs and things to climb on. Overtime, Savaria has grown the ability to easily maneuver around any territory because of her familiarity with rocky terrain. Weaknesses: Though Savaria does her best to look fearless and powerful in all situations, she has a huge weak-spot for cubs or any young animal in need. She also struggles with her rather strange fear of flying insects. Other: Savaria is open to relationships of any kind. I hope to maybe have her rescue a cub sometime in the RP. Please PM me if you're interested in this. Edited at February 11, 2024 05:23 PM by Vennenum

Name: Irenne. Age: 12. Gender: Lioness/Female [She/Her]. Rank: Rouge Lioness. Desired Rank: Pride Lioness. Apperance: Irenee is a small lioness, with a height of 3"2 and a weight of 200 pounds. In her youth, Irenee was 3"4 and 270 pounds, with age she has shrunken and grown frail, causing her weight to drop dramatically. Irenee's coat is a beautiful mix of greys and tans, her shoulder and back bone have prominent dark grey markings and her face has light cream markings by her eyes and muzzle. Irenees body is slim and frail due to her sickness, her tail is tattered and her whole pelt is covered with countless scars. Her eyes are a dark chestnut brown and her muzzle is grey with age. Personality: Though Irenee is usually sleeping or alone somewhere, she is almost the exact opposite of her daughter. Irenee is wise and very nurturing to everyone. She loves to give advice and has always been a loving and playful cat. Now that she has fallen ill and been kicked from her pride, she's much more reserved and often gloomy and sad. Crush: None. Mate: Unknown Male. Offspring: Savaria (Daughter). Unknown Lion. Unknown Lioness. Kin: Savaria (Cub). Affiliations: Old affiliation to the Laylani Pride. Strengths: Irenee has no physical strengths due to her age and illness, her only true strength is her mind. Her experience traveling through many territories has gifted her amazing stories to tell and much knowledge. Weaknesses: Irenne is very physically weak, any sort of injury could cause her death. Other: I'm most likely going to kill off Irenne at some point, PM me if you're interested in maybe causing her death. It could cause some drama if the RP runs too dry. Edited at February 11, 2024 05:21 PM by Vennenum

Sure! and if you need more time I will give you one 12 hour extension if you ask for it!

Christmas Moon said: Sure! and if you need more time I will give you one 12 hour extension if you ask for it!
I don't think I will need that, I have about an hour to finish these now that I'm home. Thank you though!

Finished Irenne and Savaria!

Both Irenne and Savaria are accepted!

Name: Zefira Age: 1 and a half Gender: female Pride: Laylani Pride Rank: cub Desired Rank: Queen of course! What else? ~ Appearance:Zefira is around 2.3 feet in height and doesn't weigh very much. She's a cute little cub who loves to go on adventures and wants to use her freedom. Zefira will grow to be a pretty lioness. Her pale golden coat blends perfectly with her cream underbelly and the fur darkens around her muzzle, paws and ears. Even as a cub Zefira is fast, a good thing when she's older. Even so, she still has a few scratches from play fighting with the other cubs and from exploring. She isn't very tall though. Her fur still is fluffy, hopefully not for long. Zefira's eyes are the usual yellow, though they always seem to have a mischievous twinkle in them. Her voice is high pitched and slightly squeaky but it makes her sound like she's up to something. ~ Personality: Friendly | | Playful | | Kind | | Lazy | | Energetic when she wants to be | | Loud | | Daring | | Social | | Determined | | Stubborn | | Loyal | | Brave | | Trustworthy | | A good friend | | Thoughtful | | Entertaining | | Charming | | Curious | | Funny | | Confident | | Forgetful | | Observant | | Positive | | Passionate | |Generally a nice cub who likes making friends Crush: um.. none. She's a cub Mate: NONE Cubs: None at the moment Kin: Mother: Father: Siblings: Affiliations: Open for friends Strengths: • Loyal • Fast - for her age • Brave • Very quiet - sometimes finds out things she wasn't supposed to, quite nosy Weaknesses: • Not strong • Small • Very... selective hearing • Gets into trouble a lot, not exactly someone who stays on the sidelines Other: She's a cub from an old RP but it didn't get past Discussion so I want to use her now Edited at December 30, 2023 02:19 PM by Moonlight wolf

Moonlight wolf, Zefira is accepted if you are finished!