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Full Name:
Véronique Rousselle
Name(s) Meaning:
Véronique [Victory Bringer/True Image; Latin]
Rousselle [Reddish; French]
Preferred Name:
Could Be Poly
Dragon [Ladon Descedant]

[credits to 千临 @ neka.cc]
Her presence alone steers others far away from her, but she doesn't hate it for what it's making others do. Instead, she’s neutral about it. To her, socializing for no actual reason is pointless and tiring unless it’s with people she trusts or it’s required. Those who experience from afar remark that it's like a looming shadow that watches you with judgment in its unseeable eyes, staring deep into your soul to see if you're worthy of even speaking to. Those who managed to get close commented how it felt like choking darkness, like something you get when you're alone in an eerily dark and deathly silent room where the constant feeling of being watched by many eyes that you can't pinpoint. However, those lucky few who get close to Rose can withstand it for a certain period before they need a breather to something less negative. She doesn’t mind socializing with other people, but don't expect her to talk much as she’s more of the listener of the group, however, she does communicate in different ways such as facial expressions (which is rare), nodding or shaking her head, or hand gestures.
Those who managed to get close say it felt like you’re walking through a snowstorm, or frozen in a block of ice and then tossed into a frozen lake, a chilling presence that makes one’s spine shiver to the abnormal level of coldness he radiates. This is how her aura is when it comes to the people he doesn’t know all too well or those she strongly hates with a passion. Her frosty demeanor would melt and she’ll open herself up a little. Around those she trusts, might even smile if she socializes with them. Rose is a lot kinder when near loved ones, but do expect some attitude if you're a stranger, and as much as she hates to admit it, she’s rather sweet, in her unique way. Think of it as tough love. She isn’t affectionate openly, and her love language is gift-giving or acts of service. What’s funny is that she isn’t one to accept gifts or assistance from others, as she considers herself undeserving of receiving it. With her friends or loved ones in general, she’ll be somewhat talkative and affectionate. She’ll accept hugs, kisses on the head, handholding, or snuggling, but don’t expect her to reciprocate them as much.
When it comes to socializing, communicating with someone is enough to make her mood sour and the entirety of her body. It’s worse when it comes to overly energetic and flirtatious people who ignore boundaries. Still, Rose is polite in social groups, only speaking when needed, and tends to be the one to defuse any arguments for the sake of it not coming back to her. It’s unclear if she’s an introvert or an extrovert, as it depends on the people she’s around. For those who are calm, modest, and pleasant to be around, Rose is more open to being around and spending time with them. As for the people who are constantly hyper, amorous, and obnoxious, she would try to avoid them as much as possible. In truth, she has terrible skills when it comes to socializing - horrible when it comes to receiving or giving compliments from/to other people. Rose is just one awkward mess; even physical affection throws her off. Those who truly know her well call her a sociopath, psychopath, or a mixture of both, which may be confusing to the ones having their first encounter with her as they view her as a simple introvert. The way she speaks, especially when it's towards the one she hates passionately, is cold and emotionless to the point it sounds mechanical. Rose might even insult them and wouldn't shed a tear if her enemies were to die. Hell, she might even smile over their death. For her, you're either her friend whom she adores deeply, or her enemy whom she wishes to kill with a passion. They're no in-betweens for her.
Is Rose attractive? Well, if you’re into tall, muscular women who dress in masculine attire and could probably dominate you, then that’s an absolute yes. You have two groups of Rose’s admirers: those who directly approach her to admire her up close, and the ones who stare at her from afar as they’re a bit intimidated to go near her. Nonetheless, the two groups adore her either for her looks, skills, or personality. To put this shortly, Rose is hot in the eyes of lesbians. The biggest question is, does she view herself as such? That’s also a yes, yet she doesn’t flaunt it around, constantly boast about it, or anything similar. She isn’t a vain person who’s obsessed with looks, but would still keep up with her appearance so she doesn’t look like a complete mess. She would sometimes stoop so low to manipulate her looks to get what she desires, be it information or to control the person she's targeting. Rose is a cross-dresser whose sense of style is on the manly side, the same with her cologne, and the accessories she wears. Most of the time, many mistake her for a guy, and her husky voice doesn't help with that, but she doesn't care to correct them.
It’s unclear what face shape she has, probably a mixture of two different ones, but she has a solid and assertive face like a man. Her hairline sits further back on the skull, making her forehead appear higher. Rose’s forehead frontal bones protrude more, which creates a sense of deeper set eyes. Her brow bone has a ridge of bone around the upper edge of the eye sockets - because of the brow ridge, her forehead appears steeper and the angle between her forehead and nose is sharper at a lateral view. She has a slightly larger nose compared to most women, with a more angular dimension while her bridge is wider and straighter. The nasal tip doesn’t appear to be pointed upwards, as it’s more straight than anything. Rose’s lips are thinner with less plump, with it being a bit further from the base of her nose. Meanwhile, her cheeks are less full, while the cheekbones are lower and less prominent. The woman has a taller, angular, and square chin and thicker lower jawbone while the jawline along each side of her chin is stronger and wider. Lastly, she has a bit of an Adam’s Apple, yet it’s not as visible compared to a man’s, but more than a woman’s. There are other markings on her face, being in the form of beauty marks and one singular scar. The location of her beauty marks are located on the right side of her forehead, on the left side of her neck where her throat is, the right side on the bridge of her nose, directly in the center of her left cheek, and right cheekbone. As for the scar, it's located around her throat, starting on the left side of her neck and ending on the right, like someone or someone attempted to slit her throat.
The shape of Rose’s eyes is almond, she has a smaller eyelid and is longer in width than they are round. The eye shape tapers to a point by the tear duct and outer eye. The outer part of the cornea is generally hidden under the top and bottom lids which cause an apparent crease. This gives her a piercing look that sends shivers down one’s spine, a gaze that makes one’s body tingle from a single glance. What made her even more magnetizing was the color of her eyes which has a high transparency and displays a very intense and dark red that's exactly like that of a cut red beryl. When she's under little to no lighting, her eyes are black in color which makes the pupils hard to see. Her eyes are transparent, allowing light to reflect off them, and creating a glassy luster that makes his eyes appear to be literal gems. As such, when light bounces off her eyes, the actual colorization of them would be revealed. A piercing red that makes one's heart stop and soul cringe in fear. Above her eyes are a set of medium soft angled-low arched brows that fit perfectly on her manly face. Rose’s eyelashes are long, fuller, and darker with a beautiful curve to them.
Rose’s height is around 6’0-6’1, but it could be taller depending on the shoes she wears that day. Her tallness intimidates others sometimes, but it’s also an attractive feature. In other words, Rose’s tallness is intimidating yet sexy to most people. The structure of her body is an inverted triangular shape as her hips and waist are smaller compared to the average woman. As for her buttocks, they fall less voluminous than those of women and appear flatter. From behind, her waist to hips aren’t smooth with a slight dip where the two meet, while her points are more hollow and less plump. For her chest, her breasts aren’t as large with it being more of a C-Cup, making her view from the front appear masculine too. She is a fit woman as she has a 10-12% muscle mass, making her toned muscles somewhat visible under her skin and able to feel the firmness of them. Rose has a visible 10-pack, with the addition of well-formed legs and arms. Her shoulders, they’re broader, tall, and with wide sternums which creates that inverted triangle shape. This means that she has broad shoulders as opposed to narrow hips. Wolf has a warm, beige skin with cool pink undertones. The texture of her skin is smooth, soft texture, and luminous which is said to be velvety. On Rose's body are multiple scars from the training and fighting she partook in over the years, but she doesn't seem to mind them. As for her ears, they're multiple holes from the many piercings she has worn throughout the years.
Decorating her body are colorful tattoos that take clear inspiration from Asian cultures which cover the entirety of her body from the shoulders down to the legs, but the tattoos stop at her wrists and ankles. Covering the whole of her back is a mural tattoo of multiple fantasy creatures from Asian mythology engaging each other in a battle of sorts. She has a fusion of a tit-tat and sleeve tattoos, both of them connecting to make an entire canvas, with the left arm being covered with a blue Asian oni while the right has a red one. Rose also has a full-canvas tattoo on her stomach of a Tengu with black wings flying through a storm while wielding a katana. Lastly, she has leg sleeves of even more Asian creatures in beautifully colored ink. In other words, Rose’s body is covered in Irezumi tattoos. Initially, before she had the tattoos, her beauty marks were visible before they were covered.
Rose's hair texture is considered to be lush with a stylized, messy appearance while the length of her hair only reaches inches past her shoulders. The style of his hair is a mixture of wavy and curly, as she braided her hair a lot. Her hairstyle is mohawk, but both of her sides are shaved leaving the back of her hair untouched. Normally, she braids her hair to keep it out of her eyes, but when it's out of the braid, the unshaven part of her hair covers the entirety of her shaved sides. When her hair is down, it looks like a normal set of hair. As for the color of Rose’s hair, it is jet black with wine-red highlights with the two mixing beautifully together.
Sociopath • Frigid • Stubborn • Quiet • Protective • Tolerant Sometimes • Calm • Loyal To Few • Untrusting • Stiff • Aggressive To Strangers • Icy • Athletic • Affection To Loved Ones • Secret Animal-Lover • Difficult • Reserved • Fiery • Orderly • Skillful • Educated • Vindictive • Strong-Willed • Independent • Rigid • Obsessive • Jealous • Moody • Dutiful • Hard-Working • Irritable • Clever • Tough-Love • Hostile • Patient • Self-Reliant • Resourceful • Organized • Can Be Kind • Tough • Private • Promiscious • Dry •Dark Humored • Sarcastic • Well-Read • Tidy
Relationship Status?:
Significant Other(s):
Many Flings
Maevis Daniels [Secretly Misses Her]
Maevis Daniels | Her Ex-Fling | Complicated
The Ladon Bloodline
Guillemette Rousselle [Mother; 1220 Y.O | Alive]
Loke Bentzen [Biological Father; 1224 Y.O | Deceased]
Jérémie Rousselle [Older Half-Brother; 1202 Y.O | Alive]
20+ Older Siblings
She has a total of six dogs who guard her manor: Dagger [F; Akita], Rookie [M; Beauceron], Star [F; Canaan Dog], Marlo [M; Tibetan Mastiff], Sheriff [M; Central Asian Shepard], and Queen [F; Estrela Mountain Dog].