
Are you reserving Riders as well?

oh yes sorry TvT Imperial Sands said: Are you reserving Riders as well?

No worries. I'll add them.

Role Play Update
As of right now, I would like to be opening the Rp come Tomorrow or Friday. This means I would like all reservations completed by tomorrow if possible, at the latest friday. Any not completed by Friday will be removed.
Please start finding your Dragon and Rider pairings now. Those with unfinished characters may pre-plan their pairings, but understand the pairing will not be accepted until both characters are done and accepted.

Just in case it got swallowed. Imperial Sands said: For those wondering, this is set in a more fantasy setting with more middle ages or medieval like times. So while I will accept tattoos or piercings, or reasonably colored hair, modern day things, including clothing and technology, are not apart of this rp.

Oh umm what type of clothing do you mean?

Anything that fits in with a fantasy medieval/middle ages theme. Clothing styles will range from person to person.

Alright i will finish my humans tommorrow im gonna get the dragons out of the way

@imperial Sands, I have fixed what needed to be fixed and hope the sheet is not ready, sorry ^^
