
Quick question would crystal be one month old ok or is there an age limit for female heir

The Midnight wolves. Female General is already taken sorry. Blood Pheonix. Well I never stated when the old Patriarch died sooo. Whatever you want right now.

Name: Honey Age: 5 Gender: Female Rank: Mother Apperance  Personality Honey is a kind and caring wolf. She adores her pups and will protect them with her life. After her first litter Honey decided to stay as a mother and not go back to her duties but instead help out the other mothers with their litters. She doesn't like it when a pup is injuried and runs straight to the medic wolf for help. Honey has a bright personalilty and really cares for others. She has never tried to harm anyone and isn't agressive at all. Strengths +Caring for pups+ +Swimming+ +Eye sight+ Weaknesses -Hunting- -Strenght- -Speed- Crush: Druig Mate: Druig Kin: Sister-open! Pups:Open! Kansai Kanko Affiliations: Close friend-Open! Other: Edited at April 12, 2022 01:59 AM by Nikki Afton


Is the male heir still open? And can I reserve a youngster?

Yes Male Heir is still open and Reserved Edited at April 11, 2022 01:56 AM by Isa's Pack

What is the age limit of the male heir? I'm not sure if I missed that or not.

About the age of a trainee I decided that. Since they are being trained when they are in the Rank male or female heir

Ok. Then I would like to reserve the male heir as well please and I will create my sign ups in the morning.

And the discussion thread is open so if you wanna ask questions please go in there for that too. Edit: Reserved Edited at April 11, 2022 02:00 AM by Isa's Pack