This female is, frankly, massive. She stands at 34 inches and weigh in at nearly 170 pounds. She certainly has all the qualifications for brute force. Her body is well-muscled and set in such a way as to provide her with impeccable strength and endurance. Her speed and agility are hindered by her size, but she is not in a deep deficit of such things.
Lilith's thick coat has a deep black base coloration. Slate and silver hairs create a rippling appearance and lighten her in some places. Her neck, shoulders, and hind ventral are most decorated with this color mixture. Her elbows and along the inside of her shoulder blades are also significantly lighter. A few light gray patches reside on her flanks, elbows, tail, and back legs. Her face is a shiny black; how light it appears depends on the sun's strength. Her coat, overall, has an almost liquid-like appearance to it.
Her eyes are a pale yellow. They almost appear gray, though the slight hint of gold offsets that notion. Her stare is intense, unwavering, and cold. While Lilith does not make an effort to really hide her emotions, her relaxed face often appears as though she is much more mysterious than she is intending to be.
Battle scars are hardly few and far between; crisscrossed lines of flesh dance into view as her coat ripples, and two parallel slashes rake across her nose and jaw. A nice chunk of her left ear is missing off the outside. Lilith is no stranger to the art of war. She's danced with the devil and flirted with death time and time again.
Combined with her foreboding coloration and large stature, this female is quite intimidating to those who don't know her -- and even some who do. Her walk is a powerful, languid stride. There is no uncertainty to this female; she has a steady, eerily calm way about her. Lilith's low tone is composed and collected, even in the most heated of situations.

She is not a wolf to be crossed lightly. Going based solely off her relatively young age is a fatal oversight. Her tactical skills and battle prowess make up for her slower movements, and those she has fought certainly remember her -- if they lived.
To outsiders, she is exactly what her name suggests: a haunt, a demon, a menace. Death and carnage are left in her wake, according to some, and she doesn't bother trying to quell those theories. However, to those that know her on a more personal level, she is not so wicked a creature. She can be many things: a loyal friend, a confidant, a leader, an irritant, a cold acquaintance.
This wolf has a cold stoicism to her. As her appearance suggests, she is a very capable individual, and not just in physical strength. Lilith's mental prowess is just as great; this wolf is extremely intelligent and strategy-driven. She is a warrior through and through; her plans are always centered around the goal of maintaining the group's wellbeing and success. The means by which that occurs is completely in the air. Lilith can play fair, or she can fight dirty.
She is loyal to her group as a whole. Certain wolves hold more respect or admiration than others, but she would never cause harm to any of them from a place of malice. Unless, of course, they were traitors or otherwise unworthy of any wolf's respect. This female has no problems with bloodshed. Lilith has killed before and she will kill again, and perhaps one day she herself will be killed. It is simply the way of life.
Even during times of peace and overall relaxation, this female is calculating. She is not always thinking up plans for battle or hunts; occasionally, Lilith thinks of more normal things as well, such as trying to figure out another wolf's mind or predicting the weather. She can be a fairly easygoing creature, though she is never one to be stepped upon. This female will not hide her dislike for a wolf, no matter their rank, especially if they treat all those below them as wretches.
Lilith is patient in some ways and short in others. When dealing with pups, executing strategies, and hunting or fighting, she has all the time in the world to watch, respond, and perform perfectly. However, when it comes to fellow adults or adolescent wolves, whining, blatantly snide comments, or picking fights, this female becomes the "you started it and I will finish it" figure. And she will act on her words, usually to the hurt ego of the other parties.
She does not share her feelings or thoughts outside of working. Even those who consider themselves to be closest to her have but a small glimpse into her emotions, her desires. She has a strong set of morals and does not deviate from them; she can be described as quite chivalrous, though she is no respecter of rank alone. Lineage means nothing to her, and anyone who banks on their heritage for sway in anything disgusts her. Lilith does not tolerate obnoxiousness, whining, laziness, lying, or anything else of the sort.
She is a rule follower. Lilith can be fairly snarky when annoyed or agitated. She is mature, though, and she almost always acts as such. She will become playful around pups and perhaps share a joke or two with other members of her group, but she is mostly just a wisened wolf with leadership capabilities. This female is ferocious when need be, especially when protecting those she feels loyalty towards. When at her most angry, she enjoys watching her enemies suffer and feels absolutely no remorse after the fact. While she is a collected individual for the most part, she has a somewhat maniacal side that feeds off her malice.
Crush: Still a little hung up on Sik at the moment, but Maddox is starting to look mighty fine
Mate: None
Pups: None
Sik -- Hmm. Conniving little bastard
Koala -- Fren
Adding for my personal notes
"To be so close to someone for so long, and then to feel like they betrayed you... It does something to your head. I love him, I hate him, and I don't know him."