Meaning "the irrational fear of poison or being poisoned"
He always introduces himself to others as just "Toxi" so they don't know his greatest fear and weakness.

4 years.
Desired Rank:
Any high rank.
Toxiphobia has an overall intimidating demeanor to him. He stands in a way like an alpha would, with his head up and his ears perked. He always walks around like he thinks he's the boss of everyone, or how wolves would say it, the alpha of everyone. He tries to be intimidating. He tries to be frightening. He tries, but he fails. Not everyone finds him intimidating and frightening like he wants them to. Toxiphobia reaches the height of twenty-eight inches tall and fifty-five inches long. He weighs about one hundred fifty-seven pounds on a full belly, but about one hundred fifty-two pounds when he hasn't eaten in a few days. He's always hoped his size would help him be more terrifying.

Toxiphobia's fur is thicker than some wolves, making it feel like a blanket. It is short, but capable of keeping him warm in temperatures like Alaska's temperatures. His fur is very pokey at the tip, but due to it kind of bending at the tip, you rarely feel the poking. His entire coat of fur is black, except around his armpits, where it's an off-white color. With his coat, he doesn't have to groom himself as much because it hides the dirt better, but he always grooms himself every day so he isn't getting fleas and ticks stuck underneath his fur. And he also grooms it just in case someone wants to snuggle with him, because how embarrassing would it be if someone came to cuddle, only to find out that he's covered in dirt?
Toxiphobia's eyes are filled with wonder and power most of the time. His calculating gaze is always searching his surroundings for any potential threats or dangers. His amber-yellow eyes are the thing that sticks out about him the most, since he's always observing the area around him with his same piercing and hypnotizing gaze. His eyes possess the colors of a monarch butterfly, with the same orange and yellow colors that you always see on that iconic and beautiful insect species.
Toxiphobia often chews on bones and other hard things to clean his mouth. It's how he keeps his teeth a shiny off-white color. His teeth look a bit rounded at the tips, but don't be fooled, they are extremely sharp and dangerous, and not something you want to be bitten by unless you want a scar. His gums are very clean from his constant chewing too, which makes his teeth much sturdier and less likely to break out of his mouth.
Appearance after Power Gain:
After he gains his powers, Toxiphobia will become a monsterous looking creature.
Toxiphobia will finally be the intimidating and frightening beast he always wished to be in his cyborg glory. Toxiphobia will grow to be three feet two inches tall and six feet four inches long, and the weight of the metal and steel will make him weigh approximately eight hundred ten pounds rather than one hundred fifty-seven. This is a great advantage in some times, but also a great disadvantage. This weight makes him very hard to fight, but he'll be unable to jump, and be very slow when running. The motor-like sounds and metal will be especially loud and make him not able to hunt very well anymore.
Toxiphobia will still have muscles and bones like a normal wolf, but they will make the sounds of gears and motors whenever he moves. His metal armor will painfully clank against his now hairless body underneath, which will leave a few scars. Even doing as much as blinking will make the sounds of motors. His ears moving will make the sound of motors too. Moving will sound like gears and motors at the same time, which will be very loud. No, he doesn't make engine sounds, until he farts. Farts make engine sounds, which will be very embarrassing for him. Toxiphobia's teeth will turn into pure metal, and his canines will hold a deadly venom in them.
Toxiphobia's face will look more like a skull made out of metal, his eyes will turn into just blood red colored LED lights. He will no longer have his handsome sunset-colored eyes. His cheeks will no longer be fluffy and soft, but instead just cold, hard plates of metal. His ears will no longer be fluffy too, instead just covered by metal, if no entirely turning into metal. His nose will be dissolved, and the wound covered by metal too. Everything gets covered by metal.
This metal that covers his body is entirely one color, silver, sparkling silver. He can actually feel pain when his metal gets bitten on, and this metal can break too. When the metal breaks, electrical sparks, wires, and blood all come out of the wound, even if his skin underneath wasn't injured. This metal is in between thick and thin- being thin enough to break but thick enough to act as a decent layer of armor.
Toxiphobia will gain strengths, but many more weaknesses.
Ambitious || Resilient || Determined || Confident || Bold || Secretive || Anti-social || Unfriendly at times || Surprisingly thoughtful || Surprisingly also very caring || Generous || Selfless || Noble || Very overprotective of his friends || Respectful when being respected || Some who know him well describe him as charismatic
Toxi is quite bold. He's confident in his powers and abilities. He believes that whatever he wants to do, he can achieve if he just keeps trying, which leads to his ambition to become a high ranked wolf. He often wonders that if he was a high ranked wolf, if no one would judge him for some small mistakes he makes. He would be happy even being the lead hunter, but he knows he can never do that with hunting skills as poor as he has. Sometimes he wonders if he had a different perspective on the world if he'd have more friends and be more social.
Toxi is a bit more antisocial compared to some other wolves. Whenever he can, he's crouching in a corner alone trying to look sinister and creepy, but he ends up just looking like an old mangy husky more than evil and sinister. He always thinks he can do everything by himself and doesn't need help, and he tries to do many hard tasks on his own. And he doesn't ask for help, he keeps trying even though he knows he will fail without help. The only time he ever allows help is when someone else asks to help, then he'll gladly let them help, but he won't show that he's glad for their help.
Toxi can come off as very unfriendly sometimes, and he is unfriendly. He honestly hates interacting with others. He finds it so pointless and like such a waste of time sitting and just talking with another wolf. But honestly, he can be a very nice wolf to his friends. When he considers someone his friend, he'll begin to open up a bit more and be willing to get more help from them. He may even be willing to ask for help. He's surprisingly generous to his friends, willing to even share the last piece of prey, if not give it to them. He's also selfless, and will do anything just to ensure his friends are safe and happy. He also is very caring, but he'll never show it unless it's just him and his friend or friends alone. He actually can be humorous, well, in his way of being humorous. His humor is kind of dark. There's more to Toxi than ambition and determination to be a high ranked wolf when someone actually tries to be his friend.
Anxious || Introverted || Avoiding || Lonely || Fearful || Always assumes that other think he's ugly || Emotional || Sad || Brave || Determined to prove that he's not a monster, to himself || Hopeful || A bit more open to friendship || Definitely friendlier || Caring || Generous || Selfless || Noble || Respectful at all times || Tries to be humorous, but still makes dark jokes
After the transformation, Toxiphobia lost all his will to lead. Instead, he's more focused on proving he's not a monster to himself. He doesn't want to rule, and ruling is the least of his concerns, unlike how it used to be his top concern. Toxi feels anxious practically all the time, even triggering when someone looks at him for too long. He assumes everyone is going to hate him, and think he's a disgusting creature because of the way he transformed, unlike a wolf and more like a human-made object.
Toxiphobia is now antisocial to another level after his transformation. He no longer tries to look intimidating and frightening, instead, he just looks sad and scared. He realized that being a frightening leader isn't really what he wanted, he wanted respect and everyone to just do what he says without arguing. Toxi always tries to avoid social interaction with others in case he says something wrong or they can't understand him because of his strange-sounding voice.
He may have a crush on a certain speckled she-wolf, but he'll never admit to it, or be brave enough to approach her.
Before power gain:
Strength- he is quite strong.
Stamina- he can't run fast, but he can run for a long while.
Calculating thought process- he's smart until his temper is gone.
After power gain:
Strength- even stronger.
Stamina- still.
Calculating thought process- also still.
Metal body- yep.
Very very heavy- clearly. He struggles to walk sometimes.
Before power gain:
Speed- he's just slow.
Hunting- he's just bad at it.
Temper Issues- he's just very angry.
After power gain:
Speed- he's just incredibly slow now because he's a forest doggy made of metal.
Hunting- he just can't do it anymore. He's too slow.
Unable to jump- he really just can't. He's too heavy.
Can't go in water- it'll shut him down. He can still drink, but he can't swim.
Can't climb- he'll just fall if he tried. Most wolves can climb a little bit, but he can't anymore.
Increased Ability:
Strength- he's always been on the bulkier side. He's honestly more fit for fighting rather than hunting.
Power(s) that will be gained:
Metal body- a great advantage but also a disadvantage. He is stronger, fiercer, and more deadly and dangerous, but he's very slow, and I mean very slow. He's now more built for fighting rather than hunting. He literally cannot hunt anymore, but could probably beat two wolves without any powers with ease.
Venomous fangs- whenever he bites something. You'll hear a mechanical whirring sound from inside his skull as his tiny, yet venomous fangs begin to penetrate into his victim's skin. These fangs go deep enough to the point where he can puncture them into the second skin layer, and then he'll have to let go and bite that spot again if he wishes to do some serious poisoning.
To be added one day- (I'm just lazy.)
(C) Lakela of DA for all these images.
My favorite colors are dark purple and jungle green. :)
During the transformation, he's going to feel an intense amount of pain.
After the transformation, his voice will change to be a bit more crackly and robotic sounding, which he can adjust the volume within his brain rather than just speak louder.