
Don't stress it, I was more worried than anything


Beautiful, accepted, excited to see the girl around the dunes

Edited at December 21, 2023 04:42 PM by Squeky

Name- Dune Age- 2 months Gender- Female Desired Rank- unknown Rank: Lost kit (soon to be in beach clan) Appearence- Sandy fur with black paws, ear tips, and tail tip. They have a scar on their right eye the injury has blinded the eye. (When finding the kit the injury will most likely still be healing). She is small with large ears. General Personality- Dune is an adventurous kit. She is very brave and willing to do a lot for those she is close with. She is fierce and likes to take a few risks now and then. She appears as a shy timid fox when you first get to know her but then her true personality appears over time. Edited at January 2, 2024 10:30 AM by Dawnforest

Name: Tundra Age: 2 years Gender: Female Clan: Beach Clan Desired Rank: Soldier Rank: Soldier Appearance: Tundra is a beautiful fox with an icy white coat, which would be unusual in grass but worked well with the light sand and white-capped waves. She has light blue eyes that glint happily and a calm demeanor. Not many scars marr her stunning pelt, the one visible one being a long scar down her right haunch. With black ear tips, a black tail tip, black paws, and a muscular yet agile body she is truly a fine specimen. Personality: Tundra is quiet and kind but yet still outgoing and confident. She is quite the introvert on your first look, but if you get to know her better she will show you her true colors. Having picked up wisdom quickly and learned how to hunt well after growing up in Beach Clan she has a good amount of knowledge and is quite cunning. Other: N/A Edited at December 22, 2023 09:55 AM by Tombstone Pack

Name: Chogan Age: 2.1 years Gender: Male Clan: Meadow Clan Desired Rank: Warrior Rank: Warrior Appearance: Chogan is a beefy, broad-chested fox with a deep voice. His pelt is a deep crimson with black paws, a white tail tip, and black markings on his face and ears. Two glowing copper eyes survey everything quietly. He has strong, sloping shoulders and powerful haunches. Definitely built for fighting, Chogan is strong, but surprisingly he can be agile when needed. Scars marr his body in many places, but the most prominent is across his left eye. Thankfully he did not go blind in the fight, and the wolf that inflicted it likely never saw the light again. Personality: Chogan is most definitely an introvert, liking to keep to himself and not speak to others. He can seem rather grumpy and rude when spoken to, but if you dig deeper he is a sweet, kind, caring character. It is quite hard to make friends with his stubborn personality, and many give up, but the ones who don't have a loyal companion for life. Other: N/A Edited at December 21, 2023 10:15 PM by Tombstone Pack

Name: Cypress Age: 2.3 years Gender: Male Clan: Beach Clan Desired Rank: Warrior Rank: Warrior Appearance: Cypress is a lithe, agile, slightly smaller male with a toothy fox grin that could light up the world. He hs interesting emerald eyes outlined by a silver mask. His fur is pitch black with silver, grey, and white streaks. With some wiry and lean muscle he is not the most beefed out fox but has enough to take down an enemy. Much better suited for hunting, however. Personality: An extrovert through and through with a little extrovert thrown on the side, Cypress always wants to be around other foxes. He is a charming, charismatic, joking fox with a mischievous glint in his eye. Known for playing pranks and twisting words, Cypress is also known to be rather cunning and one of the best plan-makers there. However, underneath all this... he is hiding a personality no one could imagine and rarely anyone sees. Cypress uses his cunning and agile body to make himself a Lethal Weapon, and he is not afraid to protect his clan. He gets a deadly seriousness about him in the midst of a battle and is quite the dangerous foe. All that is immediately covered back up as soon as everyone is out of danger, and then you can find him either putting crabs in foxes nests or sleeping or eating, his three favorite things in the world. Other: N/A

Accepted although the position is called soldier @Tombstone Pack Dawn forest looks great, accepted!

Also in you post in the RP thread you put wolves, we are foxes ;)