
╠═══.·:·.☀✧♕✧☀.·:·.═══╣ Rider
Name: Kyros Eroin Nickname: Kai; Open Age: 18 Gender: Male Voice: His voice is smooth and of an average octave. His tone is one of a confident and kind man, sometimes a bit sultry.  (c) Nayylissah on Picrew.me Appearance: 6'1", 235lbs / Golden bronze skin tone / chest length dreads / golden hazel eyes This man stands tall, at about 6'1", with neither a thin nor particularly large form. He weighs in at about 235 pounds. He is well muscled, and works out often to upkeep this appearance. While he doesn't have lean muscle, he's not necessarily bulky, more somewhere in between. His torso is rectangular, with a slight curve in at his waist as all have, and it descends straight down into his well-toned legs. About 60% of his height is made up by his legs, as they are on the just slightly longer side. He sports a golden bronze skin tone, having dark genetics, though the warmth of it comes through to lighten the tones. His hair is black, and he wears it in true, tangled dreadlocks that reach halfway down his chest and shoulder blades. He wears a few, scattered, intricate golden rings in his dreads that are kept in easily by some of the knots that have formed around them. He ties his hair back on the occasion, but often prefers it down. His face is square shaped, with obvious smile and laugh lines having already formed, creating darker lines around his eyes and mouth that are quite often folded in a smile. While his face is far from chiseled, having an average layer of fat, he's got a nice square jaw, average height cheek bones, and a nubian nose. His eyes are almond shaped, with the slightest slope up towards his temples. They shine a lovely golden hazel, a color he quite appreciates. Oftentimes, one will also find a thin line of golden eyeliner both above and below his eyes which accents their color. Attire: With no solid wardrobe, this man wears all sorts of clothing. From medieval boots and leather vest to modern hoodie and jeans. He doesn't wear skirts, that's about all you can count on. Also, he won't wear shoes in which he can't comfortably perform athletics. His fashion sense is undeniable, though, all his outfits are regal and scream both wealthy and educated. He has a tattoo on his shoulder that extends to his chest of a magnificent phoenix, its feathers golden at the ends. He wears two rings on each hand, the fingers, colors, and designs varying. Personality: Bright / Big-headed / Friendly / Loyal / Defensive / Open minded / MAJOR Flirt alert / loving / Sincere (sometimes?) / Teasing / Lacks self-control / Alignment somewhere around rebel moral Intelligence shines in this man, and glares all those who get to know him in the face. He is very bright and excels at most things he puts his mind to. He is always thinking, whether or not he acts like it. Well, maybe not always. He's quite the overthinker, and takes actions to distract himself. A better way to put it is that he is thinking whenever he's not focused on not thinking. He is the type to throw caution to the wind in the attempt to get a feeling of exhilaration to distract him from his troubles. In this way, he quite often gets himself into trouble, it is merely fortunate he's bright enough to find a way out most times. Though his wit is usually used for good, this man has plenty of potential to be very manipulative, and most come to realize it sooner or later. He has a way of making anybody feel that they are his main interest, whether that be in a friendly or romantic way. Even those with enough sense to realize that he's obviously using them or manipulating their feelings can't help but like this man when he's around. This can be why he struggles to gain the genuine affections of intelligent individuals, though. Even if he genuinely cares for them, how can they know this? He acts like he genuinely cares for everybody, but obviously does not, so those who know his tricks have difficulty trusting and understanding him. Even with fake friends, though, he has a few genuine friends that he would go to the ends of the earth for. He would put his life on the line for them any day, any situation, without even asking why. His loyalty is nearly unwavering. He is quite forgiving to those he truly cares for. However, you can lose his loyalty, though it's difficult. Most situations that result in losing his affection, however, are those that involve hurting somebody else he cares deeply for. He is also protective of those he cares for, comes with the territory of having few genuine relations. He is very friendly and outgoing, as one might have picked up on. It truly does making knowing whether his affections are genuine or not extremely difficult. He flirts with pretty much everybody, too. A kiss on the hand upon meeting you, a wink at you when others aren't looking, a sweet and vulnerable smile, he has many little tricks up his sleeve. His flirting isn't always necessarily subtle, though. He will tell you to your face how adorable you are. This is just another way to force your feelings, even if he means his words, as it quite flatters many. In a relationship, he is extremely loyal and loving. He won't take an "I'm fine," He'll make you talk. He won't let you sulk off, he'll hug you and tell you he's sorry he upset you. He would give his queen - or king - the world, at a moment's notice. Dragon: Open Stengths & Weaknesses: ✮ Physically powerful. He is in quite decent shape and makes for an intimidating fighter ✮ ✮ Manipulation. Pretty obvious by now, but he can make most doubt their own feelings and thoughts with his manipulative tricks. He's quite likeable, which lends to his next strength. ✮ ✮ Support system. He makes powerful friends that will come through for him. Either they are fake friends that will jump at the chance to aid him because they have something to gain, or are just loyal people. ✮ ☾ Trust issues. Being so good at manipulation, he doesn't know how good those around him are, and he quite often has doubts about whom he can truly trust. ☽ ☾ Ego. A weakness of many, he's cocky. This can easily be used against him, and he's caught quite off guard by those who openly dislike him due to the fact that not many do (openly at least). ☽ ☾ Lack of self-control. Sure, he’s not entirely reckless, but he makes questionable decisions in the heat of the moment. He’s gotten himself into some tricky situations.☽ Likes & Dislikes: ✮ Anybody attractive ✮ ✮ Flirting ✮ ✮ Feeling in control ✮ ✮ Intimidation ✮ ✮ Adventures of all sorts ✮ ✮ Education ✮ ✮ Being called “Love,” “Darling,” etc. ✮ ☾ cats ☽ ☾ paperwork ☽ ☾ strong smells ☽ ☾ chalkboard sounds ☽ ☾ speedos ☽ ☾ Light beer ☽ Crush: TBD? Significant Other: N/A; Open Kin: Younger brother (15): Kim Eroin Parents: Father - deceased // Mother - Holly Eroin Affiliations: Open Theme Songs: HAPPY FACE - Jagwar Twin (Cloudkid remix) Joker - Rory Webley Other: I'm a huge HTTYD fan, so I love a good dragon roleplay :3
Name: Ivala [ Eev - aw - law] Age: 236 Gender: Female Class: Fire Appearance: Standing fully at 16 feet, this female is tall, though not as tall as some others of her species at the same age. Her build is lithe, and she seems built beautifully for agility and grace rather than brute strength. Her main coloration is a deep red with mixes of black and touches of orange here and there. Her scales shine so that, as she moves, one might almost think she was on fire herself, with the black and red and orange working together to give a lovely effect. Along her back are short black spines, they are a bit floppy and soft most the time, but harden and stand straight up when she gets nervous or feels threatened. These spines are largest across the center of her back and taper off as they go up towards her forehead and down to about 3/4 the way along her tail. Her tail is long and slender, being the length of her body (not including her neck and head, which would make it about 2/3 her body length). She has a graceful neck and a long, narrow head. At the end of her head are two slits that make up her external nose. At the top of her head stretch two long black horns that swirl and tilt backwards like those of Kudu goat. Her body itself is about 20 feet long, while her tail is another 20 feet, and then her neck neck is about 3 feet long, while her head is another 3 feet. Deep black wings protrude from this female's withers, being about 25 feet long each, though she keeps them tucked close to her body the majority of the time, as they are rather fragile, despite the leathery skin they are made of. On her somewhat short, black legs, she has three large toes, each sporting a long, shiny, very deadly looking black claw. Her bright eyes shine with deep reds and dark oranges, with small black accents that darken the entire eye. Her pupils are slits like that of a cat, though they grow round when she's excited, nervous, or experiencing any other intense emotion - similar to a cat. Her eyes have a weird glow look in the dark, like there's a dim light shining from behind them. Maybe a fire class thing? Personality: Untrusting - Prideful - Untrustworthy - Mischief maker - Curious Ivala has never really liked people. In fact, she's been somewhat problematic for those who have tried to handle her. She isn't aggressive, really, though she snaps. She's never actually hurt anybody... too bad. She's just unruly, though she's careful with herself. She doesn't like to trust anything, ever. She doesn't even like to trust herself, but she's forced to do that, unfortunately for her. She definitely has the ability to bond to an individual, she just doesn't like people in general When they say "curiosity killed the cat," they've probably met Ivala. She is a terrifyingly curious creature. She's gotten herself hurt and in danger and on the brink of death in too many situations. Fortunately, she's always pulled through when she should probably have died. She's still very much alive and kicking, and somebody has to pay for it. One reason that Ivala doesn't trust is that she, herself, is untrustworthy. You might think she loves you and is nuzzling you, then, bam, you're nursing a forming bruise on your ribs. Yeah, she's not too sweet. She's also not very likeable. She doesn't try to be likeable, but she does try to keep anybody from hating her. She likes to be a background character in everybody else's lives, so that she can be the main character in hers. An extremely prideful creature, she celebrates every tiny victory she has, and rubs it in the face of everybody who hasn't achieved the same thing. This is from the first time she sparked a flame to her first flight. She's not humble, and this likely lends to her serious attitude. She's the queen in her book, she doesn't care what you write in yours... okay maybe she cares a little, but still. Rider: Open Abilities: Regulate body temperature in freezing conditions ☒She uses her heat stores to do this, meaning she can't breathe fire, fly, or anything that requres too much energy while she's regulating her body temperature☒ Walk through fire, magma, etc. due to her heat resistant scales and skin ☒Unfortunately, evolution required that she sacrifice the durability of her scales and skin for their heat resistance, meaning that her scales and skin are delicate and somewhat easily damaged☒ Fire breath just about as hot as a flame from the sun (fortunately not as bright) ☒She can't hold her fire very long, usually lasting a maximum of 10 minutes at a time, with thirty minutes in between when she burns herself out☒ Likes & Dislikes:  Heat / Fire   Flying   Freedom  ☒Cold☒ ☒Cramped spaces☒ Mate: N/A; Open Kin: N/A Affiliations: Open Edited at December 19, 2022 10:18 PM by Meian

Both my rider and dragon are finished ^^

I shouldn't have used Maji in this RP... Do you think she has enough appearance now? She's slightly a newer OC, so that's why her form is kinda short...

╔══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════╗ Tatsuya Iseul-Fraener Montcrioux ╚══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════╝ Shortened Name: N/A Addressed As: Young Lord Montcrioux Young Master Lord Montcrioux Nicknames: The Dragon Noble Little Dragon ≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪ Social Status: Nobility Rank: Dragon Rider Desired Rank: Satisfied Gender: Male Age: 17 Sexuality: He's Into Men. Demiromanic + Panromantic ≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪ Apperance: If one could say a boy could be pretty then that would be the first then one would say when looking at this young man. The first thing you would notice about him is his hair - his hair being a beautiful shade of strawberry blonde. His hair being a perfect mixture of shades with it not being too red, nor it being too blonde. It's a beautiful warm berry shade - and it can be said to suit this young man very well. His hair is very thick and healthy, and it's quite long as the young man likes to keep his hair long. The length of his hair rests at his elbows. The hair is rather curly compared to his family with what could be described as type 3B Hair - meaning he has springy ringlet curls that garish his head. The coils being kept healthy by an assortment of oils and products used for hair care - and he will have a fit if he is not able to keep his hair well-managed. He can put his hair up into various styles , with it being natural and puffed out , in a curly ponytail or bun, and if he chooses to straighten it can be braided , cornrows and many other styles . His hair hates humidity and water - anything like that and it will become a frizzy and coiled mess. Surprisingly his hair has an equal amount of volume - making it easy to part and mess around with his hair and make it look nice. He very much so adores his hair and anyone who says his hair is too long for being a dude can get wrecked by his fists. This young man's skin complexion can be described as a beautiful burnt sienna - a deep reddish brown tone of color. And his skin bears a beautiful golden undertone when illuminated with light. It's obvious he spends time out in the sun: whether it be from climbing trees and rock formations, working on a small garden or on a farm. Or his favorite pass time, practicing his archery and swordsmanship. His skin tone can darken even more if he's spent a copious amount of time in the sun, and yet it can also lighten to a soft shade of bronze if he hasn't spent enough time out in the sun. His face is rather clean-shaven and he really doesn't grow that much facial hair - which he very much so appreciates, he doesn't like facial hair and doesn't think it would be a good look for him. This young male has a face that can be described as a soft heart-shaped face that are paired with high cheekbones - yet, his cheeks still appear soft and hold a natural rosy hue to them. He has what can be described as a celestial nose - very aristocratic nose indeed, it is straight with a medium - possibly a bit wider nose bridge and narrow nostrils that are a bit flared but not overly so. The tip of his nose has a rounded point to it. His nose bears a septum piercing and a high nostril piercing. Under his nose are his lips which can be described as full heart-shaped lips with a cupid's bow. They are two toned with the top lip being darker and the lower lip being light. It's quite a sight to see them being tugged into a smug grin or an awkward grimace. He has Stahl's Ears , meaning due to some extra cartilage on his ear it gives them a pointed look - very much elvish like , yet is a natural and cool looking deformity. He thinks his ears look cool, and hey, who doesn't like having little kids ask if you're an elf from a magical land. And plus with his ear piercings it highlights them more and makes his ears even more beautiful to look at. He has his lobe , upper lobe, high lobe and three upper helix piercings on both ears. He is quite easily embarrassed and flustered by certain comments so you expect to see his ears give off a little red tinted hue if he's embarrassed. Another thing one would compliment him on would be his eye color - his eyes can be described as a bright violet coloration . His mother having blue eyes and his father having grey eyes made it possible for them to have a violet-eyed child. After all violet eyes are just a different shade of blue. His eye shape is a slightly upturned almond , and his eyes have this almost feline-like look to them when watching or observing someone. If one were to observe his eyes they would immediately think purple when seeing them, however if they took a moment to really look. They would notice the different lighter tones of blue intermixed with the purple to give him such a dazzling eye coloration. If he is angered or annoyed they can seem to turn a dark purple like purple jade or if happy and interested they can shine bright and clear like amethyst tones. His eyes are framed by thick and naturally curled lighter red eyelashes and are framed by his thick and well-kept eyebrows. He also bears a small beauty mark under his right eye with a larger one in the corner of his left eye. This young man walks with a feline-like grace. His posture is always his best, and he holds his head high - like he knows his worth and purpose. He walks with his mother's regal grace - his steps never overly loud and always silent . It's quite creepy sometimes because he can pop up out of no where and no one hears him coming or he can completely disappear to go take a nap. This young man stands at the height of 5'10 in stature with a slender weight of 139 lbs. His body is lean and muscular from years of hard work and training, you can tell by looking at him that he's in shape. He has his mother's wide hips and feminine graces that match well with his sculpted leg that gives evidence of hard work. His body bears a few scars that he wears with pride - even if they're not that visible. ≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪ Personality: Intelligent | Graceful/Eloquent | Polite & Courteous | Impeccable Manners | Talented & Gifted | Humble | Quick-Learner | Charismatic | Charming | Tolerates People - Affectionate, Loyal, And Protective Of Few | Snarky & Venomous When Needed |Vindictive | Spiteful At Times | Possessive And Jealous | Workaholic | Abandoment Issues | Hates Being Coddled | Manipulative, Cunning & Deceptive One of the first things you note about this young man is his intelligence ─ the way his eyes was over you ; always watching, learning , and listening to someone or something. To tell you the truth he's one fo spend his days holed up in a library, soaking in knowledge rather than being at some wild party. No, he's where the older people are, listening and basking in their wisdom and not listening to the foolishness of the youth. Textbooks, maps, and notebooks liter his room ─ why? Because he's always adding on to his experiences and learning more about other places and things within the world. He wants to learn new things, grasp unthinkable concelys and discover new things as well. He's very quick to learn as he listens and pays attention ─ he learns by doing and instruction. If you tell him how to do something and then show him , he'll learn rather quickly, not to mention he can learn from watching as well. This young man holds himself with grace and elegance. To say that it has been drilled in him the importance of a perfect image is true. His clothes are always of the finest quality, his hair and accessories are always well suited for his outfit and the event, and you will alway see him with proper posture. Years of finishing school, etiquette lessons, and other various teachings have made him into the young man he is today. One with a polite and courteous smile, able to help and assist guests when needed ─ even when he doesn't want to. Able to keep his calm and cool even under the most stressful manners, the importance of never panicking and letting your fear or dread show was also drilled into him. A man with knowledge of proper manners and social graces, knowing how to navigate his way through life. His speech is refined and well-put together, the way of a proper gentleman if you will ─ rarely, will you hear curses come from this man, only when he is extremely upset or annoyed by someone will such vulgar language come from his mouth. Yes, he may not curse you out but he certainly knows how to effectively put someone in their place with elegance. He speaks with confidence and intelligence ─ able ignore that nagging voice in the back of his head. If you need a man who can host a fabulous gathering and organize an event then he is your man. This young man is quite charismatic and charming ─ able to easily attract others with his passionate and eloquent words. Though he is confident his speech he is rather soft-spoken. He always wears a polite smile on his face and his eyes always seem to shimmer when speaking with others. He seems to dazzle everyone he meets ─ able to win the over with his influential words and smile, it's quite interesting. This young man is also very talented, taking up various hobbies : playing both the piano and violin, calligraphy, ceramics making, and many other hobbies. He excels at whatever he puts his mind to and it's well-known and praised by others. However, this young man is rather humble - not one to brag about his accomplishments or accept any praise for in. In honesty he feels he doesn't deserve such compliments. The only way you'll find out about his achievements is when someone else has spoken about them for him. And even the he gets embarrassed by it. Howeve, just as their is good in people there is also the inherent bad in them as well. While indeed this man can be polite and courteous to others, and is able to attract many with his charisma ─ it's actually rather hard to earn his friendship. This man is sociable, sure, however, in reality he tolerates people ─ he has a social battery of how long he can be around others and once that battery is up he is finding a way out. He is more susceptible to irritability and impoliteness when he has run out of 'social juice'. To recharge said juice he spends times alone or in the company of someone he trusts. Now, when it comes to friendship - he is rather selective of those who he allows into both his heart and life. There are very few people he is openly affectionate with and will express his adoration, loyalty, and protectiveness of. Once you are his friend - you are stuck with him for life and he will do just about anything for you, he just hopes you would do the same for him if push came to shove. Sometimes he gives too much in friendships and that's why he so guarded with who he lets in. While this young man may have impeccable manners and would rather shut you down by cursing without cursing - don't mistake this for weakness or being a pushover. When needed he can be quite the venomous creature ─ able to use his words to spew venom at the object of his hatred. To incur such wrath from him one must've done something really bad to screw him over : like starting a rumor about him or someone he fiercely cares about. He won't tolerate such a thing. This male is also quite vindictive ─ able to hold a grudge for a long time, now he isn't so vindictive as to hold it over some petty scuffle or stupid reason. If you embarrassed him in some way or form he will find something much worse for you. And he holds grudges for his friends even if they don't hold them anymore. He has the patience to wait off his time to come and strike ─ once you've royally pissed him off there's no telling if you'll recieve the repercussions, it's a matter of when. Now when it comes to matters of the heart this young man is quite interesting. When he falls in love, he falls hard for his chosen partner. His partner is one of the rare ones to receive his affections and love - he's the type to shower them with gifts and other precious things. He also enjoys being with them and in their space ─ he also likes of 'borrow' clothing articles of theirs for extended times to wear especially if it's bigger on him. He is rather possessive and a bit of a jealous creature when it comes fo his lover, he tolerates no rivals and definitely doesn't appreciate anyone flirting with them. They are his partner, no one else's and he will defend that title with honor and pride ─ unless him and his partner had discussed a previous arrangement that involves multiple partners then they shall be no other rivals. To flirt, or even look at his partner in a lustful manner is an insult. He's one to blatantly go up to them and kiss them or cling to them in a subtle manner to fend off the thirsty vultures. No one can tell why he is like this with his partners, but maybe it's due to abandonment issues : he fears that they'll leave him for the next pretty face and that he got too attached to someone again and they left him. So his partner will need to understand his jealousy and possessiveness comes not out of a place of malice and distrust but from a place of fear. When it comes to work and projects ─ it's safe to say this young man is a workaholic. He's very passionate and determined when it comes to working with different things such as paperwork, work from school, or even personal hobbies like his piano and ceramics. He can go hours into the night without rest or even pass out form exhausting due to overworking himself ─ however mostly he goes many nights without proper sleep or nutrition because he gets so wrapped up in his work. He just has this urge to move and create and when he does he can't find a good moment to sit down and rest or find a stopping place. This young man rather needs to be forced or tricked into stopping work or removed from the area ─ but there's just one thing he absolutely abhors being coddled. The baby talk, soft voice thing absolutely irks him. One needs to be firm and direct if they're gonna get him to stop. He hates being coddled because ever since he was a kid he had a bad immune system which causes him to sick easier and he was always sheltered from doing some things but he found ways around it and made the most of it. He not a damned baby and he won't stand to be treated like one at all. This young man has very powerful weapons in his arsenal ─ the powers of manipulation, cunning, and deception. This young man can use his charisma for wrong if he chose to do so - able to play with the minds of others, able to persuade others to his cause or ideas, or even cause your downfall just because you pissed him off. He's a person you don't want as an enemy ─ his cunning is show by him being steps ahead of others. Always scheming, planing, and plotting in that pretty head of his once you've become his target. He's likely able fo outwit and outmaneuver others when it comes fo strategy and things that require logic and brain. Now he's deceptive as well, no one can tell his true intentions and he likes to keep it that way ─ who is he loyal to? what allegiance does hold? is he my enemy or ally? These are questions you better ask yourself and more before even think of stroking a deal with him. He can be your worst enemy, fiercest ally, neutral party, or anything in between. After all it's not quite smart to show all your cards at the beginning of a game. Likes:Nightime And Anything Dealing With It ─ The Moon, Stars, Planets, Comets, Meteors. The Cold Crisp Air And Inviting Darkness. Astrology And The Zodiacs. Pretty Handwriting ─ Basically Calligraphy. The Smell Of The Ink And Brushes Used, Along With The Elegant Writing Created. Sleeping ─ Getting Rest Is Hard For Him In General. Baking And Cooking ─ Just The Thrill And Buzz Of Being In A Kitchen Excites Him. Gossip ─ While It's Bad To Be Nosy. Gossip Is Entertaining And Good For Conversation. The Arts ─ Music, Theater, And Art Forms. Particularly Enjoys Playing The Piano & Violin. Very Good At Acting, Enjoys The Theoratics. Enjoys Painting On Canvases ─ Particularly Oil Paintings, Also Enjoys Making Ceramics. Myths & Legends ─ He Loves Stories In General, So Cool Stories About Fantastical Creatures And Cool Heroes Is Up His Alley. Cold Things ─ He'd Rather Be Cold Than Hot. So It's Safe To Say He Enjoys Winter And Fall - The Cooler Months. Dislikes: The Heat ─ It Messes Up His Hair And It Makes Him A Bit Misty. He Also Has Slightly Delicate Skin, But It's Not That Big A Deal. Unseasoned/Unflavored Food ─ If You Give Him Bland Food, He Will Never Eat From You Again. And He Is Already A Picky Eater So Yeah. He Hates How Crawfish Looks And Refuses To Eat Them , Cantaloupes Are Icky To Him, And Lima Beans Can Burn. Physical Contant [ From Certain People ] ─ Strangers That Think It's Okay To Just Hug Or Touch Him, Unless A Little Child , Gets On His Nerves. Also People That Are Overfriendly And Think That Knowing Him For A Couple Months Give Them The Right To Touch Him. Also Doesn't Like People Touching His Hair Without Permission. Pessimists/Complainers ─ He Hates Hearing People Constantly Complaining About Things, But Constantly? That Is Annoying. He Also Hates Hearing About Constant Gloom n' Doom , Sure He Has Gloomy Thoughts Sometimes But All The Time Would Be Exhausting. Those Who Abuse Their Power / Others ─ Those Who Use Their Power And Status To Take Advantage Of Those Below Them Disgust Him. He Also Hates Anyone Who Abuses Others Whether It Be Physically Or Mentally, Being A Former Victim Himself - He Understands The Turmoil And Pain. Snobbish, Arrogance, Vanity ─ He Doesn't Appreciate Pompous Brats And Those Full Of Themselves. Shouldn't It Be Tiring To Be So Self Absorbed? Animal Haters / Abusers ─ Anyone Who Doesn't Like Animals Is A Red Flag To Him. Because How Can You Not Like Them? And Anyone Who Even Would Hurt An Animal Also Gets His Disapproval . Being Disrespected / Talked Down To ─ He Hates Being Told His Voice Doesn't Matter Or That He's "Too Young" To Understand Something. He Hates Being Left You Just Because He's Younger - Being Underestimated Ticks Him Off. Not To Mention Others Being Rude To Him Because Of It Or For No Reason At All. Being Left Alone ─ He Doesn't Like Being By Himself, It Scares Him. Strengths: Acrobatic & Gymnastic Feats High Flexible And Contortible Body Agility Speed Physical Hand-To-Hand Combat, Closed Quarters Strategic Intelligence Weapons Usage : Excels With Daggers And Swords, Good With A Bow Stamina Endurance Weaknesses: Not A Powerhouse ; He's Average Sized His Vindictive And Spiteful Nature His Possessive Nature Insomnia Perfectionism Has Fragile Immune System So Prone To Getting Sick Quicker Manipulative Workaholic Can Lack Tact ≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪ Family: Elowen Lilavati Evenfall - Older Cousin Significant Other: N/A Crushes: N/A Exes: N/A ≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪ Affiliations: N/A ≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪ Other: N/A Edited at December 15, 2022 11:52 AM by Spellbound

•╔════◄░░░░░░►════╗• Xevioso "How about I fry you alive!" •╚════◄░░░░░░►════╝ • Name Meaning: African Thunder God Age: 250 Gender: Male Dragon Type: Storm Appearance: " He's a hunter. The kind that paralyzes his prey when he's done having his fun in the chase. Then slowly he strips you bare of skin, sinew, and tissue until you're a little more than just bone but keeping you alive just enough so you are present enough to feel it all. " This male can be described as a good looking dragon. He has a very robust, yet slightly sharpened features. His features gives him an almost wise and dignified appearance about him. On his head are many spikes and a pair of ornate horns, and a set of smaller ones. He has a total of four on his head. They are black in color, and the first two are long in length, being 7 inches in length and 5 inches apart on his head. The two smaller ones are more curved and have a slight spiralling formation. Along his jaw line are 4 spikes along them, they are long and sharp. They can be used to slash or hurt someone if needed. These spikes are a mixture of inky black and a bit of purple. His face is more crocodile like in appearance, with an enlonged muzzle with more crooked ridges and gaps. Within his mouth he has dozens of sharp teeth. They are D-shaped teeth which progressively narrows, shortens, and became more curved as they grew from the back of the mouth. They have saw-like, serrated edges and were continually shed and replaced. Much like shark teeth. He uses them effectively when hunting, they are perfectly crafted to pierce through flesh , cut through things , and clasp down chunks of meat or an enemy. He can and will use his teeth to establish his dominance, whether it be by clicking them together as a warning, baring them at you, or giving a remprimanding nip. On his nose he has rough ridges where small spikes sprout and stops just before his eyes. There he has what can be described as "horn-brows." These brows are small curved horns that others teases are lashes. And on his nose he has sharp, pointed nostrils which have small protective spikes on them and he has one large curved horn between the nostrils. On his chin he has several spikes which range in length which appear like a "beard" and they are long and can be used for impaling someone ot something. His scales are rough and bumpy, yet in some areas like his stomach, they are much more softer. Much like a cat, he won't expose his belly unless he is absolutely comfortable with you. This male can be descriped as having reptilian eyes. His eyes are the brightest things about him. His eyes being a reddish-orange color, the mixture of colors almost reminding one of molten lava. If you can look closer you can see the delicate copper appearing veins and lines within them. His eye slits are vertical, but they have a slight triangle appearing curve. They can seem to remind someone of a snake-like appearance. This dragon's pupil can close to a narrow, slit-like aperture in bright light, while opening to a full, circular pupil to allow maximum light collection in the dark. This is known as a stenopeic pupil, common among certain lizard species (i.e. the Tokay Gecko). So, he can hunt both during the day and at night, though he tends to hunt mostly at night and in the dim light of dawn and dusk. Bright sunlight means that it is time for one of his favorite activites which is basking. He has an eyelid that cleans and protect his eyes whenever he blinks. if one watches him, he can be seen using his tongue to lick his eyeballs at time. Although sensitive to changes in light, it cannot form images. By detecting light and dark it allows him to detect the movement of other dragons and humans. Sometimes referred to as "pineal eye" or "third eye", it it visible as an opalescent gray spot on the top of some dragon's heads, and this male has one of them. It is common of reptiles and he has gained this attribute. This male is of large stature, standing in at 17 feet in height, and weighting in at a medium weight of nearly 10,000 pounds. His body composition can be described as muscular and stocky, one showing that he is a powerhouse and a force to be reckoned with. He has well proportioned body, with a large chest that he likes to have puffed out and walk with a strut showing off his flexing muscules. He as a thick hide, one that isn't easy to tear or bite into. His body though large, he has a flexible back and his thick and muscular tail to help him have good bascule. He is quite fast despite his cumbersome size and can turn rather quickly, but of couse smaller and more agile creatures can make it quite hard for him to keep up. However, he can and use his tail to knock them over if they become too annoying or wants to get done with this rather quickly. He has 4-digit toes and 'paws' which helps her 'grab' and 'hold' things. And sprouting from these digits are terrifying eagle-like talons. They are varying in depth and length with his hallux talon being the longest of her talons and her inner and middle talon being the same length and outer talon being the shortest one. His hallox talon being 6 inches, his outer and middle talon being 4 inches, and outer talon being 3.5 inches. These talons are sharp and hooked being able to crush, tear, stab his prey or fend off anything that annoys him. Now when it comes this coloration, this male is quite interesting to look at it. He has a dark base of a black-grayish color throughout his whole body, however in certain areas like his belly and chest he has a maroonish color. The color being a darker shade of the redish-purple hued color, and they mix well with the black-grey base color. You can also see the sort of striping down his tail and sort of wavy marks of a slightly dulled version of prussia and turqoise blue being outlined in either white or a bright yellow color. A bright shade of turqoise scales can be seen under his eyes and sorts of spots and spirals "paint" his face in sort of a face paint. These being darker magenta, mulberry , and dark blue in colors. When it comes to natural defenses this male definetly has them, as he is a very spiky boy. In addition to the horns and spikes among his head he has what can be described as a mixture of quill and spike like protections on his head. They are long and of medium density but incredibly strong. They can be flattened in annoyance, ot perk up and fan out if he's curious or he'll do a sort of "wave" or fan when his is mad or upset. Along his back there are curved, almost barb like spikes, they conduct the electricity when he has it coursing through his body. You can see small currents flowing and crackling through these barbs and even on his skin at time. When he opens his mouth to give a lightning blast you can see a bright flash of light with a small white orb being formed before it discharges in a blinding display of colors. He also uses this bright light as a warning to show he's in a bad mood or upset. Along his wings are long and pointed wing bones to protect them. His wings are membranous like a bat. The skin being a mixture of dark purple and blue with slight grey undertones. His scent can be described as a smoky one, always being alived with electricity. Most akin to a forest struck by a lightning thunderstorm. Personality: This male is one creature that someone has to really know for years to understand the depth of his nature. It's quite easy to be put off by him at first meeting him. However, if one knows him well they would know it's just one of the many masks he wears. This male when first meeting him he will come off as cold, sharp-tongued, an eloquent speaker, and a bit haughty. This male has a certain manner of speech that can be offensive to others, he knows how to mind his words and string them together in a fantastical manner. It's quite scaring how he can be a master of his words: being able to guilt others into what he wants, manipulate and toy with them, tear them down if he's in a bad mood,or uplift a sour moment. This male is also not afraid to lie or outwit someone if it means getting closer to something he desires or wants, however this is a rare occurrence because ironically he values honesty, but he does understand sometimes white lies or withholding the truth is the best course of action. This male can also be very harsh with his words, sometimes to the point of unintentionally offending someone. One can tell when he is purposefully agitating someone, because he'll have a certain expression on his face that'll be void of emotion, with neither a drop of remorse or pity for you. He doesn't care if you are young or old - if you're doing something idiotic that could harm you then he will do and say everything in his power to keep you from doing it. While he may appear cold he actually cares underneath that cold exterior. One might assume just from his more condescending glances or haughty tone that he's an airhead who's full of himself. Those are quite common and ordinary. While he's not necessarily arrogant, he does have a certain look at me attitude, even if it's just their vaguely. He does care a lot about himself, and it can be seen as selfish or vain, but he isn't on that level of self indulgent. He just wants to put himself first for the first time in his life, he finds it easier to do this then let himself be taken advantage of again or lower his guard. While he may lazily amble about at times and just seem to be harmless looking over others, he's actually gathering information . Surprisingly he's quite intelligent, both mentally and emotionally. He knows how to play his cards right, and how to monopolize off a situation. If one could hear his mind they would find it is always thinking non-stop: assessing threats, finding allies, figuring out how to make things better or worse for someone. His thoughts show his cunning and wits if his words and mannerisms didn't, and sometimes just for fun he likes to act as if he's dim witted just to catch others off guard. After all , it's no fun if everyone is cautious around you because they know what you can do. When it comes to social interactions your experience with him will vary depending on you. On the one had he can be the most pleasant male (even if he has a slight attitude with you.) and then on the other he can be a plain, obnoxious asshole. This male keeps his emotions heavily guarded, after all why would he willingly mask his emotions so well. Conversation comes naturally to him, and he finds it quite enjoyable,depending on the person. With strangers he is never forthcoming he is always an cold and blunt asshole who's analyzing their every move and word. Assessing whether they're a threat or not. He doesn't trust easily and it shows with how he treats them. Once he's determined you're not a threat then he'll be less of an ass to you but he will still be blunt around you and possibly a bit rude. If you find him being sarcastic and feasting with you the. You've done something right, as not everyone gets this treatment. When he's more comfortable around others they might see a small shred of his mask fall, he'll find himself cracking a humorous joke or two and maybe even a laugh with come form him. This young male always seems stern and serious, always with a impassive face or a scowl of displeasure. He may even appear soulless and full of himself, but he let others think that. To find him you must agin truly understand him. Those who he allows to get close to him are few. He wants and desires true friends but many won't take the time out to get him. However, once they get through his many layers and masks they can see many things buried at his core locked away. He's an asshole and acts as if he doesn't care for anyone because he actually does care. He inwardly worries about others daily, though he won't admit it out loud. He's sarcastic and uses dark humor instead of his light humor because he feels others won't take him seriously or think of him as another goofball. He's critical and analyzes others , not because he wants to prove he's superior but because he's naturally observant . Also, he finds himself opening up to the wrong folks and he wants to guard his own heart. His true friends will know that all he wants is to talk and be mischievous with them. If if finds a small group of friends, you can bet your ass he's going to be loyal to them. They are his ride or does and partners for life. He would never betray them, and you better damn well know he'd kick someone's ass about and for them. If you mess with him, that's fine he'll just tell you off but don't ever mess with friends or family because that's one way to surely set of his bad side. His siblings are precious to him no matter how much he may bully or annoy the , only he can do that. They are his idiots, retards , dummies or any other derogatory name he may call them, only he can do that. If he ever had a little sister tell him some boy was being mean to her he doesn't care how big or little creature is he's kicking someone's ass. Family and friends are important to him and they are his lifeline . He may be ass but he's an ass with a sense of honor in his veins. Now, whenever this male becomes a father he'd be a fearsome father. He'd be a father that would have both the respect and love of his children. Naturally he'd want them to have a certain fear of him, but more so admiration. He would do his best to be a gentle yet firm father, always involved. Hed raise his children to be innocent as doves but cautious and cunning as serpents. He will always love and hold a soft spot for his children. He also would be the undisputed Uncle of the children of his friends and they will be his nieces and nephews without contest. Abilities: Tempestkinesis This dragon has control over storms, meaning - including strong wind, hail, thunder and/or lightning (a thunderstorm), heavy precipitation (snowstorm, rainstorm), heavy freezing rain (ice storm), strong winds (tropical cyclone, windstorm), or wind transporting substance through the atmosphere as in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm, etc. He is able to manipulate them - making them stronger or weaker along with being able to conjure up a desired storm if something so caused the need for him to do such a thing. Lightning Breath Instead of having a normal 'fire' that most dragons have, this male spews bright and electrifying lighting. It's definitely a light show for those viewing it, and if struck with it - it definitely hurts like hell. He can also manipulate the shape of said lighting as well - these shapes can include bursts, streams, spheres, bolts, lasers, and even a mist of it from his mouth. He can also control the voltage on whether it will just stun, paralyze, or straight up injure or kill someone. Water Manipulation This male has complete control on the elements of water. Meaning he can utilize ice, snow, vapor and manipulate the form of it. Turning the plain water to ice with his mind or touch. This is only natural- after all if he can manipulate storms it would make sense he can manipulate and use the water. Air Manipulation Simple as it sounds. He can control the air from peaceful winds to gale force winds and by being able to control the temperature of the air by manipulating the water molecules to change the air temperature he can form tornadoes and that's about the extent he can go for major air catastrophe besides intense winds. Strengths: Weaknesses: ➥ His Power : While his abilities are indeed very strong, they are also his weakness as well. You see, yes , he can create storms, but they don't appear out of thin air. The conditions for them must be their, for example : if he wanted to make a rainstorm on a sunny and cloudless day, he would not be able to. Why? There are no clouds heavy with water to prompt the storm or any moisture in the air, and if there were a few clouds it would just be a light shower and not a storm. If he wanted to make gale-force winds there must already be a breeze or some air flowing for it to work. In reality, he mainly amplifies storms and such when they are available and is able to lessen them. But he has a time limit for how long he can hold back a storm or conditions, the longer he does, the more drained he is physically. Smaller things like making fog and such from water is easier and doesn't take much effort, as long as the element is there for him to use, he can control and manipulate it to the best of his ability. It also takes intense concentration for him to use his power, and his power also heavily relies on his emotions. ➥ Water : This is mainly when he's conducting electricity, because you know electric currents and water doesn't mix in the slightest. So when he's controlling lighting, he avoids water heavily. And after using his lighting breath there are still some lingering electricity in his body so depending on the amount of electricity outputted he will avoid water whether it be for a couple hours to a couple days. Likes: - Thunderstorms, obviously -Lightnining -Adreneline Rush -Causing Havoc or Chaos -Loves pheasant and tuna is his favorite fish to eat Dislikes: -Anything that hurts his friends of family -Liars -Cheats -Being used or manipulated -Overly cheerful individuals Crush:Mate:Offspring:Kin:Affiliations: Open Other: Edited at December 15, 2022 10:29 AM by Spellbound

Name: Maeleth Age: 102 Years Gender: Female Class: Illusion Class Appearance: Maeleth isn't the largest dragon, nor is she full of muscle and brawn. She's built almost like a snake, with a long build with lean muscle. Her legs are long, all six of them, and majority of her height comes from them, along with a long neck. She stands at 10 feet tall at the shoulder, and is around 15-16 feet long, with a wingspan of 20ft, dwarfing other aspects of her build. She has a single pair of wings, sitting over the top of her middle set of legs, and the joint have claws on them that she can use to climb. Despite being about 10 feet tall, often, Maeleth looks significantly shorter due to her legs being bent or pressing herself close to the ground or her neck keeping her head lowered. She keeps low to the ground, sometimes moving in a "slithering" fashion, or she can be spotted high up in trees, pressed down against bark and leaves. She does whatever she can to make herself look smaller, even with her gigantic wings pressed against her sides and back. The joint of her wings comes up around the middle of her long neck in length, or, sometimes, up to her head, depending on the angle she's got them at. They go well beyond her legs, down to her tail. Her scales are a pale silver color, in some lights bordering on white. The lighting around her can affect the tinge of her scales, or the color they seem to give off. The spikes and horns on her body are another shade of silver, darker, a silver-grey that's almost black. She has two horns that angle slightly up, and towards the end they curl wickedly back towards her head. It isn't so much to be dangerous to herself, but it's enough to, sometimes, hook herself by the head on a branch. Out of the base of those horns comes another set, angled outward and down, following the lines of her throat but angled out enough to not quite hit her or impale her when she tilts her head back. Out of the back of her cheeks comes a row of spikes, again angled slightly out so she doesn't poke herself on them. Her spine sports similar spikes, the largest sitting between her first pair of legs, and slowly getting smaller the further down her spine it legs. Around midway down her tail, another thing gets added to her. From a distance, these could be mistaken for feathers, but, really, they are just a flat, spiked appendage. Almost like a spiked club got flattened and attached to the end of her tail., the further down her tail it is, the larger it is. She can use this as a club, a bat, a weapon, but often she uses it to hook herself around trees or hang upside down. The only potentially visible parts of her body that aren't silver-white are her mouth, her flesh, and her eyes, all of which are similar colors. Her mouth and tongue are pink, her flesh is red, and her eyes are a matching, blood-red color that stand out against her pale colors. Personality: Fight Or Flight - Almost Always Flight | Trickster | Observant | Quiet | Very Much a Background Person | Likes Being Unseen and Unheard | Prefers the Company of Few | Elusive | Logical | Very Much a "Wild" Dragon | Feral if Backed Into a Corner | Sneaky Snake Maeleth isn't that hard to understand. Leave her alone, and she'll leave you alone. Don't bother her, and she won't bother you. Don't back her into a corner, and you won't meet claws. Don't touch her without permission, and you won't risk getting snapped at. She likes her space, she likes having her own time and her own places to disappear to. At times, she needs to be truly and utterly alone, basking in no company but her own, and perhaps the most trusted individuals. She prefers the quiet over the bustle of a lot of people, she prefers the dark spaces, the shadows, to be out of sight, out of mind, and out of reach. Commonly, she's seen climbing trees and sitting in the highest branches that can support her, watching all that goes on below her. If Maeleth doesn't want you to find her, you can bet that you won't. She's elusive at the best of times, utterly invisible at others. She knows how to disappear, how to be sneaky, and she's observant enough to spot the quiet corners to hide in where no one will look. She likes disappearing into the background, forgotten. No one can mess with you if they forget you're around, or it gives her the perfect chance to strike, to get back at someone for something they did. Now, at times, she can be a bit of a trickster. Certain company can do that to anyone, and she isn't immune to impulsive thoughts or wishing for a quiet giggle. If you were to try to get back at her for these little tricks, though, Maeleth is far more likely to run than she is to fight. When fight or flight kicks in, if she has no reason to stay and fight, she always chooses flight. And she continues to do so, pulling all the tricks out that she can think of, until she's backed into a corner, and turns all but feral. To be backed into a corner is a threat of life and death, and it isn't one she takes lightly, so her natural reaction is to flee until she can't, and then fight like hell. Unnecessary conflict got others killed, and it has never been something she's wished for herself. That doesn't mean she isn't a living, breathing dragon without her limits, though. She may not enjoy fighting, and she may not exactly enjoy starting a fight, but she'll jump in to back up someone she cares about with barely a seconds notice or thought. It's barely a competition in her mind. Other dragons have their hoards, she has her friends. Rider: Tatsuya Abilities: Hallucinations From visual, to audible, to tactile hallucinations, Maeleth can cause them all. None of her hallucinations can actually physically hurt you, even the tactile ones. But she can cause psychological damage through them. Seeing, hearing and feeling things that aren't there can most certainly cause many psychological affects. Mimicking Maeleth can mimic sounds and voices practically perfectly, twisting to illusions of those sounds coming from her maw. Strengths: Powers | Maeleth's powers, her hallucination and mimickry, are her main strengths. They help make her who she is, an illusionist, a trickster, a master of mind games. Large Wings | Maeleth's large wings and slim build allow her to fly quite fast, and the size of her wings allow her to glide for long distances. Climbing | Maeleth's.. unusual number of legs, the claws on her wing joints, and her size allow her to be an avid and skilled climber. Weaknesses: Strength | What Maeleth has in mental strength, she seems to lack in physical strength. She's more agile than she is strong, and far more prone to running than fighting due to the sheer lack of strength she has. Weather | Extreme hots and extreme colds are a hinderance to her. She operates much better in even weather, maybe even a little warm or a little chilly, but her ability to function begins to drop if she's in extremes. Likes: TBA Dislikes: TBA Crush: No one needs to know. Mate: None. Kin: None. Affiliations: Ainarīkaz | Best Friend [Insert Text] Other: >:D Edited at December 21, 2022 07:31 AM by Polly

The Following are Accepted: Kyros Eroin Ivala Tatsuya Montcrioux Maji
Maji will need a Last Name though. Edited at December 15, 2022 11:23 AM by Imperial Sands

Imperial Sands said: The Following are Accepted: Kyros Eroin Ivala Tatsuya Montcrioux Maji
Maji will need a Last Name though.
Hmm... Maji Molina? Is that an okay last name?

Ok not my best work but I'm going to flesh them out during the rp Name: Nicolas Storo (likes to go by nikko or Niles) Age: 17 Gender: trans masc (he/they) Appearance: nikko has black short hair that is long but doesn’t go past his ears. He has light honey eyes, and more angled features on his face. His lips slightly curl up at the ends. He has a milk chocolate skin tone, and Accessories: (piercings tattoos, scars, etc.) Piercings : he has his helix, standees lobe, upper lobe, industrial all are black. The helix standard and upper lobes are silver rings and his industrial is a black bar. He has his septum pierced and his left eyebrow pierced. Tattoos: he has just a few. He has 4 small bats hanging from his collet bone. Both his sleeves done. And one on his back Personality: [ confidant. Sarcastic. Witty. Very proper. Respectful. Mannered. Independent. ] nikko is a kind, loving soft guy. But since he is more reserved people think he is just straight up asshole. He loves small kids he likes to hear there ideas, stories, random thoughts. He is super protective over the ones he calls friends. He comes from a really rich family so he always has the best stuff. Much to his distaste he is often overlooked as the spoiled rich kid. Dragon: open Strengths: hand to hand combat. Calming down heated situations, smooth talking (due to his dad being huge in busines) Weaknesses: sitting still for a long time. The cold. He has a horrible sleep schedule. Very forgetful. Likes: gardening, reading, long walks, small shiny things, sweets. Candy (will always have some on him) blueberries (again will always have some on him.) a good hardy soup. Pinky promises. The colors white, forest green, and gold together. Dislikes: loud unplanned noises, tart foods. Fish of any kind. His hand and only his hands being cold. Things that feel weird (sensory issues). Hot air on his face. The color pink. Crush: n/a Significant other: n/a Kin: an older brother that went to the school and is graduated (Colten. 25) and a younger sister (penny. 6) Affiliations: the school. His brother and sister. Other: httyd and game of thrones Name: feynr Age: 74 Gender: male Class: fire Appearance: fey has a more wyvern features than your typical dragon (think game of thrones style of dragons) He has overlapping wings (in a set of two on each side) he stands about 17 hands from his shoulders. He is a deep deep red almost brown with a lighter red under belly. He has spikes running down his back in three rows all spaced 3 inches apart and they get larger as they reach the head. All in a dark brown. His wings have large hooks on the tips for latching on to surfaces. He has yellow eyes that have a gold shimmer to them. Personality: [ loyal. Unpredictable. Kind to very few. Quick learner. Affectionate. Petty.] Rider: open Abilities: (all the shared abilities) 🔥 fire 🔥 he has a high resistance to any heat, but can still die if he is to hot. Strengths & Weaknesses: Strength: he is one of the fastest flyers, agility, can hold his own in a fight. Loyal to a fault when he cares about someone. Weaknesses: small kids ( can’t stand them), tight spaces, water. Is aggressive in the mornings before he has eaten. Likes & Dislikes: Likes: food, naps, play fighting, and starching his wings Dislikes: people who step out of line, dear meat. The snow. Crush: n/a Mate: n/a Kin: n/a Affiliations: the school. And a few other dragons (pm for dragon friends) Other:

Name: Juniper Grenleff Age: 17 Gender: Demiboy (He/Them) Appearance: Juniper is only five foot four, yet covered in lean muscle. His shoulders are slightly wider than his hips and his legs seem like trunks, capable of propelling Juniper forward quickly and keeping him balanced no matter the situation. With rough, dark golden skin that is covered in small scratches and scars, his pale opal tattoos stick out on him like a sore thumb. His pale tattoos are hard to conceal and are patterned like Mehndi. Juniper just likes how it looks on him though and likes to think it connects him more to his dad’s culture. These tattoos paint his right arm and shoulder as well as the side of his neck, spiraling in a beautiful fashion in a symbol of good luck. On the lower part of his back, he has a long, scratch mark clawed into his back from not being careful while taking care of a dragon. Of course, the dragon didn’t fully mean it, but the dragon and Juniper still got heavily scolded by his enraged mother afterwards. Juniper has a soft, round face, with only a slightly square jawline. Juniper has a sharp nose, pointed like a beak, and beady dark brown eyes that appear like black buttons from afar. Dark bags hang under his always observing eyes, barely visible most of the time unless he spends more time than usual reading late into the night. A soft tuft of hair sits messily in his head, often with leaves or grass sticking out of it. His hair color is a gentle hazel color and it is always always fluffy. A long strand of hair in a braid held together by a small bead is the only hair that escapes his small, stubby ponytail. His pale honey cheeks seemed slightly burned from sunlight, but always slightly rosey when complimented. In fact, if you look close enough, you can sometimes see black freckles on his cheeks. He has a polite simple smile, thin lips and small for when anyone tells him a joke he finds funny or is simply trying to make a good impression. Although, his smile when he genuinely thinks something is funny is so much better. His toothy smile lights up his face and his chipped tooth can be seen. It looks silly and goofy which is what makes it so good. He just looks a lot better when he smiles. Personality: Juniper is an odd person to come across. With a bright cheerful personality but one laced with stubbornness and passion, Juniper is a lot different from when you first meet him to when you next come across him. He loves to tussle with people he has grown fond of, ruffling their hair, punching them jokingly on the shoulder, and hugging them at seemingly random, which seems very different from when you first encounter him where he is very polite and almost shy at times. He is not overly trusting per say, but he is very accepting. Always treating people like one of his own no matter who they are, Juniper may not trust them with his secrets or other things, but he does his best to make the person feel comfortable and happy. Juniper is somewhat naive and shy, willing to believe people because he has had no reason to distrust people while he has lived safely in the valley, but they are fierce. While Juniper doesn’t generally result to violence in disagreements, sometimes their opponent does. Juniper will always try to convince the person to not be violent and de-escalate the attacker, but Juniper isn’t afraid to fight if there is no other option. They aren’t going to just light taps on the cheek either if the other person isn’t holding back. As for friendships and love life, Juniper really has none. Not that he is sad by this fact, but it does make him feel a little lonely from time to time. If he does manage to befriend someone, he will occasionally give them gifts as well as be very protective of them. If anyone makes fun of his friends, that person will get one hell of a time afterwards. His friends will have to be able to deal with his nonsensical hugs and weird rants he goes on, marveling at something that he remembered about history, magic, astronomy, or anything of that nature. As for if someone fell in love with him, good luck. Juniper will probably trust that person more than anyone and talk nonstop to them, he’ll compliment said person a lot, and go out of his way to help them. This might sound good, but he does occasionally get too worried about how the other feels. Dragon: Open! Strengths: Physically Strong, Good with Animals/Dragons, + Determined Weaknesses: Poor Lungs, Naive, + Very Stubborn Likes: Animals, Singing, His Idiotic Siblings, the Valley, Reading, Drawing Small Doodles, Loud Storms, Stargazing, Tea, Collecting Skulls, + Nice Dresses Dislikes: Hot humid weather, Most Loud People (Only while Reading), Coffee, Singing In Front of Others, Tight Clothes, Sour Foods, Egotistical People, + Being Humiliated Affiliations: Open Other: I liked WoF as a kid and How to Train your Dragon is still a favorite of mine