Name:- Toto (Toe-Toe)
Age: 3 years old
Gender: Female
Breed: Italian Greyhound
Rank: Healer
Sexuality: Pansexual
Toto is only a small dog breed so she only reaches around 33 centimeters high and is approximately 33 centimeters long too. Toto also only weighs 9 pounds so she is quite light, she hates it if dogs use that against her.
Toto has short smooth fur which is all pure white in color. Although she has other colors, for example, her left ear which is a light brown called Isabella. Toto's owners used to wash her every couple of weeks but now as they are gone , Toto's coat has specks if dirt and grit in it but apart from that Toto has no natural marking except for the light brown patch on her left ear. This little Italian Greyhound has these two beautiful deep brown eyes.
Toto has a typical Italian greyhound build. She is long and skinny. She is very skinny as one, it is on her breed to look skinny and two because she likes the other dogs to eat first if their is any food. Her build suggests she was built for speed and a little swiftness. Toto as she doesn't really need muscle for her job, she only has little muscle in her legs. She also has a very prominent jaw, which is a jaw that is very defined and sticks out a little.
Bossy- This little dog has some attitude and sometimes when she doesn't seem to be getting anywhere with a helper, she gives them quite simple formal orders.
Funny-Toto makes everyone smile when she walks past, as she tries to lift everyone's hearts up. She can balance something on her nose or walk on her hind legs. This dog can also do funny face expressions to make dogs laugh. She also loves doing this.
Carefree- Toto is very carefree as she does not get anxious that much even in her job she remains calm.
Affectionate- Toto just loves attention, she loves any affection from any dog but gets a little uncomfortable when it is from a higher rank as she does not think her job is more important than them.
Running- Being a Italian Greyhound has always made her able to run at high speeds although she can not run for long as she gets tired easily.
Swiftness- This dog has been generally good at dodging obstacles in general but now she has increased her skills on the streets.
Small-Being small helps Toto get into place where others may not be able to for example a pipe .
Herbs- Toto has an amazing knowledge on herbs despite her only being young, she learnt the skill from her mother who deemed healing a powerful job on the streets especially.
Hunting- Toto hates killing things so she has never hunted before so she hasn't managed to improve her skill and knowledge in Hunting.
Fighting-Toto would be easily beaten thansk to a small and fragile frame. She always runs away from a fight whenever it is brewing as she hates injuring anyone. Although she can land a painful and powerful kick in self defense.
Swimming-Swimming has never been an option for little Toto as she is so little, she gets cold easily and she can not swim far.
Fragile-Being Fragile does not help when you are around big dogs. It also does not help on the streets as sometimes you have to fight.
Mate*; Open
Backstory*: Toto was born on the streets with her mother and her brother. They were picked up by a young university student who lived in an appartement. The three dogs lived their until the girl called Lizzy sold the brother and the mother died of old age. Toto loved there alone on some days when Lizzy was at university. Lizzy sadly died with lack of resources as she refused to leave Toto's side. Now Toto lives on the streets again helping dogs.
Other: Done
A cone snail's venom can kill a human . May you be scared.
Name: Bug
Age: 10 years old
Gender: Male
Breed: Border Collie
Rank: Elder

Bug stands tall at 68 centimeters at the shoulder, he is also quite long, at 84 centimeters. Bug also is a heavy dog although he blames it on his old bones, He weighs approximately 43 pounds.
Bug has long shaggy fur which os black and white. His fur is short and coarse which doesn't need much grooming snd is also a lot cooler on the heat. He has two black patches by his ears and his eyes but they never meet. He then has a black marking that reaches the start of his back down to his rump. He has white paws, they are white depending on which paw. (Look at photo please :)). He also has these two beautiful hazel eyes, although now they seem to have lost their twinkle now.
Underneath all that fur, Bug has now lost most of his muscle that he had in his prime age. Now Bug has a Big look but if you shaved his fur off all you would see is skin and bones. Bug is still proud of the slight muscles on his legs that still have not disappeared yet .
Stubborn-Once Bug has made a decision, he stock by it unless he is overpowered by a higher rank or someone he loves and cares about.
Affectionate- If a pup needs a cuddle , Bug willl give them a huge fluffy cuddle. Bug although he seems tough, he is just a huge softy on the inside. He loves affection and cuddles.
Pessimistic-Since his owner and his friend died , he had been pessimistic. To be honest he just sound like Eeyore from Winnie The Pooh most of the time . Some dogs feel bad for him, others just get on with him.
Loyal-Once you have gained respect from Bug , he will never leave your side. If you fall, Bug will be there to catch you. He will not always follow you are ping, but he will keep an eye on you when possible.
Helpful- Bug still loves to help dogs any way he can despite his old age, to him he has not retired yet and can still help around the streets.Although many just let him help around the junkyard.
Stories- Ad he has been through a lot of expierences throughout his life, Bug makes these beautiful slightly exaggerated stories about memories about his life.
Pups- Bug has always had a soft spot for pups, and thinks that they are the ones that should be protected from this horrible event. That is why he comforts them and helps them the best he can.
Fishing- Bug was taught how to fish by his mother at a young age, for him his skill in fishing is something he is proud of .
Running-As he is old, he struggle with running anywhere at any speed and any distance . He just prefers to walk short distances at a slow pace.
Arthiritis- Thanks to his old age, Bug's bones have got older and a few years ago he was diagnosed with athritis which amid his bones ache and hurt a lot.
Easily Bored-Bug is very wise and intelligent thanks to his years of experience and also just his breed is one of the most intelligent dog breeds. He solves everything usually in less than a few minutes so after that he does not know what to do .
Fighting-Bug has never really been a fighter since his prime age of 4 years. Now he would be easily beaten in less than a minute because one because he is old and slow and two. He probably would not be bothered to fight.
Crush*:I shall see.
Mate*: Open
Other: A human is the only animal in the world that released tears to show sadness.