Thoughts on the Trials
He has given up on ever achieving a dragon form himself, but he believes that the trials are a good test for apprentices, proving their mental and physical fortitude. While he doesn't deem the tradition totally necessary, it is a nice way of scaring potential enemies off and strengthening their own ranks.

Image credits to me. I unintentionally took the entirety of Team Avatar and smushed them into one man.
Standing at 6'7, he is among the tallest of his kind, and his physique is a hardy, muscular one. While he is still considered lean, his frame is one made for strength and endurance rather than speed and nimbleness. He is quite agile, but he lacks flexibility and is much better at quick movements with a weapon than he is doing parkour. Ivan is all muscle and sinew, and his chiseled features accentuate as much, giving him a carved-from-stone appearance. This man has an assortment of scars, but his most notable -- by far -- is the massive chunk missing from the middle of his left ear. It is now held together by a piercing that acts as a brace, and he never takes it out; when/if he does, the further end flops over, and he thinks it looks ridiculous. He has half a mind to just cut the rest off, sometimes.
His round, stormy gray eyes hold a hint of green, contrasting slightly with the regular whites and the blood vessels therein. They are places beneath straight, furrowed brows and rimmed with creases. His skin is a warm, golden-bronze whose shadows and highlights change dramatically depending on the lighting. It is interrupted by the pinker, slightly paler colors of old scars. His hair is a deep, deep red-brown -- almost black -- and turns to a slightly lighter maroon or blood color in the sunlight. Ivan keeps the sides and back of his head closely shaved or otherwise short, and the top hair is pulled back into a short ponytail. It would only reach his jaw if let down, but he prefers to keep it up. Two longer, braided strands hang down from either temple.
He has a strong, confident voice that is fairly low and and a silky bass. He walks with purposeful, firm strides, and generally appears sure of himself. Some may see it as arrogance, but he does not intend it to be so. His presence is cold and foreboding despite his warmer coloration, giving him an air of unpredictability. When he fidgets, Ivan will twist one braid between his pointer finger and thumb, or he'll work his jaw (the stronger jawline may very well have originated from this habit).
Charismatic || Leader || Ambitious || Strategic || Smart || Stoic || Decisive || Loyal || Observant || Stubborn
He has a convincing way with words, able to use them in a way that makes him an excellent public speaker. Ivan knows how -- and when -- to stir an audience and push them in any direction with his eloquence, and he uses this to further his own devices at times. He is quite charismatic and charming. However, it never quite seems to reach his eyes; he has never been one for making close friends, and while he is friendly with most in the clan, there is no one that he will confide in. Not even his own family.
Ivan keeps his personal worries and insecurities to himself, outwardly displaying a poised, calm front. And, generally, it is not a false face. He is an honest man, though he is not above telling white lies here and there. He is good at maintaining the peace, whether that be through physical or verbal means. He is a leader, as he has been brought up to be, and strives for perfection. Too much is on the line for him to fall short in any way. Ivan is ambitious and strategic, concerned with keeping the Yloriax Clan thriving and at the top of the food chain. They may have lost the powers of the dragons, but that does not mean they are weak or ripe for destruction.
He is a stubborn creature, and his stoicism is borderline self-destructive at times. He has a habit of ignoring his injuries of any kind and will overexert himself at times, but he refuses help until he can't hide his situation. Ivan is also very observant of others, making him a bit of a hypocrite when insisting others rest or otherwise take care of themselves at the same point that he would not. Despite being a cold, mule-headed grump, Ivan is an altruistic and loyal individual. Even if he doesn't particularly like someone in the clan, he will fight for them. His competitive and ambitious nature often gets in the way of friendships and familial relations, but he still cares for them even if he sucks at showing it.
He is also not afraid of doing what must be done. Hunting, battle, or otherwise (justly) ending a life has never upset him, nor is it ever likely to. He respects life, but death is a path that is central to mortality, and he doesn't mind that fact. This man sticks to his morals, though, and scorns murder or subterfuge. He's a good lie detector, too, and tries to prove himself trustworthy to others, as his own lies -- however small they may be -- irritate him the most.
Crush: Someone has caught his eye, and he has no idea how to handle that
Mate: None
Riven -- father
Kethryll'ia -- brother
Astraea -- mother
Althaea -- aunt
Eloriel -- uncle
Riven -- Ivan is always trying to prove himself to be a worthy son and heir, always working hard to impress the chief.
Astraea -- He and his mother may butt heads on some things, but that's what you get when you stick two fiery, stubborn people in a room together. He loves her, though, and they generally get along well.
Kethryll'ia -- Itty bitty brother. *boops*
Cornaith -- Nobody knows (he would kill anyone who did), but he has reached rock bottom and now haunts Cornaith's footsteps when the two are alone, trying to learn the art of relationships. Specifically, he is now the reluctant pupil of the master Casanova.
Alvaerelle -- He's taken quite a liking to her, and he doesn't know what to do about it, hence his meetings with Cornaith. He'd do almost anything for this woman, and he's taken it upon himself to protect her children at all costs. Of course, he hasn't told her any of that, because he's an idiot.
Cyrus -- Asshole.
Catori -- A good acquaintance. She's cool.
Elariel -- Ivan's personal therapist uncle and very likely the only one that knows what's going on in his mind at any given time.
Autocorrect wants "Yloriax" to be "Lorax"