
Edited at May 30, 2024 08:03 PM by AutumnFire Pack



@Moonnightshade Accepted. Chief Wolf is taken in FirePack. Which pack did you want? You didn't include it. Edited at May 30, 2024 08:24 PM by AutumnFire Pack

Name: Nightingale Nickname: Gale, Night Age (in human years please): 3.75 years Gender: Female Sexuality*: Straight Rank: Lake leader Aspired rank: Mother someday Description: A large female wolf with a muscular frame and dark blue eyes. Her fur is dark gray with black paws and a thin scar through her left eye. Luckly she retaned her sight in that eye. Nochted ears are from various fights with prey and other wolves. A lighter belly and tail tip finish the look. Personally: This loyal wolf is brave and proud. As Beta, she keep in touch with her pack and her Alpha. A sweet she wolf with a forgiving spirit. Her punishment are light when she gives them at all. On the other paws, cunning and dominace will be aserted on the wolf in they breck a major rule or disobay the Alpha. Likes: Darkness Her pack Hunting Dislikes: Hrashness Permature judgement Not knowing Back story*: Her rank before Beta was hunter Crush/Mate*: Open Other: I will be writing in first person. Please ignoe if I switch to 3rd for a post. That may happen. The three hearts the I can not figure out how to type I know the appearance says beta, ignore it please. Edited at May 31, 2024 07:30 AM by Bobcat

AutumnFire Pack said: @Moonnightshade Accepted. Chief Wolf is taken in FirePack. Which pack did you want? You didn't include it.
Lake pack please!

Name: Chesnut - Age: 1.5 - Gender: Female - Pronouns: She/her - Backstory: Will be revealed during RP- Sexuality: Aro Ace - Personality: Chesnut is very quiet, gentle, and shy. She enjoys being on her own rather than others, but will always do her best to heal them - Relationships (Mates): OPEN - Relationships (Friends): OPEN - Appearance: Chesnut has light brown fur and dark brown markings on her paws, muzzle, and ears - Strengths: Healing, climbing, swimming, stealth - Weaknesses: Crowds, Running, face to face combat, hunting large prey - Affiliations: OPEN - Other: Pack: (Same as Kasha if possible, otherwise anything is fine Rank: Medic ♡♡ Done+♡!


@Moonnightshade Accepted.

Name: Sunflower Name Pronunciation (If needed): Sun-flower Age: 5 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Backstory: Unknown. Sexuality: Straight. Personality: No one knows anything about her because she keeps to herself. And when a wolf can't understand her reaction, it makes it very, very scary. Relationships (Mates): Allistar, deceased. Relationships (Friends): Open. Appearance (If you can give players an image of the wolf, that'd be great, but it's not required): White with a golden star (Not an actual star, maybe just a blob) down her forehead to her nose. She has a pale scar over her right thigh, which has healed slightly. Strengths: Her calm demeanor petrified other wolves, weird as it is. Weaknesses: Strength, climate, strength in battles. Affiliations: EarthPack. Other: Zeta Female. ♡♡ Done+♡!