
Austan vindar said: res sent away from gold?

Hi! I'd like to sign up! Name: Luna Age: 14 Rank: Gold Pack, Pack member Gender: Female Appearance: Her fur is pitch black but shimmers a deep purple. She is thin, but not unhealthily, just naturally. She usually sticks a dead leaf in her fur, though it usually falls out, she uses it just to make sure the message is clear to not mess around. She has a white marking on her underbelly even though she tries to hide it. Persanality: She is very quiet unless in 2 cases, 1 she is fighting for something she really, really cares about, or to shout out a warning to someone she is good with. Although, this is very rare, as she tends to not get close to many wolves. She hates animal abuse. She is a skilled hunter, but always makes her prey killing quick. She is solo, and secretly very insecure. She is manipulative and seems evil, but in reality, she's just off-setting. Strengths: She is a very good hunter, independent, but also a strength and weakness rolled into one, she is not very afraid of much. I'll explain later in weaknesses Weaknesses: She has bad reaction time and is startled easily. If there was a loud bang, she would just freeze for 5 seconds before starting to run. Also, remember how she is not afraid of much. Well, she is very fast, but doesn't actually run that fast unless she is actually scared, so this provides a strength and weakness rolled into one. Mate: None Offspring: None Crush: None Other: Cheese

Moonnightshade said: Hi! I'd like to sign up! Name: Luna Age: 14 Rank: Gold Pack, Pack member Gender: Female Appearance: Her fur is pitch black but shimmers a deep purple. She is thin, but not unhealthily, just naturally. She usually sticks a dead leaf in her fur, though it usually falls out, she uses it just to make sure the message is clear to not mess around. She has a white marking on her underbelly even though she tries to hide it. Persanality: She is very quiet unless in 2 cases, 1 she is fighting for something she really, really cares about, or to shout out a warning to someone she is good with. Although, this is very rare, as she tends to not get close to many wolves. She hates animal abuse. She is a skilled hunter, but always makes her prey killing quick. She is solo, and secretly very insecure. She is manipulative and seems evil, but in reality, she's just off-setting. Strengths: She is a very good hunter, independent, but also a strength and weakness rolled into one, she is not very afraid of much. I'll explain later in weaknesses Weaknesses: She has bad reaction time and is startled easily. If there was a loud bang, she would just freeze for 5 seconds before starting to run. Also, remember how she is not afraid of much. Well, she is very fast, but doesn't actually run that fast unless she is actually scared, so this provides a strength and weakness rolled into one. Mate: None Offspring: None Crush: None Other: Cheese
Accepted. She is fairly old though, so she may die during the RP. Edited at May 13, 2024 12:02 PM by Blade of Dreams


Question, umm where is the link to the rp cheese

Moonnightshade said: Question, umm where is the link to the rp cheese
The RP is not out yet, only the discussion. Thank you for reading the rules!

Name : Persephone (Perce) Age: 3 years (human years) Rank: Wolf sent away Gender: Female Pack: Gold Pack Appearance: With a coat of silky black fur, Persephone likes to stick to the shadows. Her eyes are a eerie yellow, and not a spot of colour can be found on her pelt. Her black pelt allows her to fade into the shadows. She has an old but not yet healed scar across her snout, front paw and ear. She looks way more menacing than she wants to, and is charming and pretty. Personality: Persephone likes to keep quiet and watch everything around her. She likes listening to birds and often zones out when people are talking to her. She never put any effort into working with the other pack wolves, or even socialising or helping others. She was shocked and angry when she was sent away, and she has a bit of a temper. She is bitter and sarcastic after what they did to her, and became cold. Strengths: Persephone is good at hunting, and has always been an acceptioinal stalker. She can fade into the shadows pretty well, so she can creep on prey easily. Weaknesses: Persephone is not a very good swimmer, and despises water with all her heart. She is bad at face to face battles, and prefers surprise attacks or stalking. Mate: Open Crush: Open Offspring: N/A Backstory: N/A Other: Cheese Edited at May 13, 2024 12:39 PM by Devil town

Blade of Dreams if you need it, I can be a few more wolves and take the parts nobody wants

Moonnightshade said: Blade of Dreams if you need it, I can be a few more wolves and take the parts nobody wants
Only if you want to!

Devil town said: Name : Persephone (Perce) Age: 3 years (human years) Rank: Wolf sent away Gender: Female Pack: Gold Pack Appearance: With a coat of silky black fur, Persephone likes to stick to the shadows. Her eyes are a eerie yellow, and not a spot of colour can be found on her pelt. Her black pelt allows her to fade into the shadows. She has an old but not yet healed scar across her snout, front paw and ear. She looks way more menacing than she wants to, and is charming and pretty. Personality: Persephone likes to keep quiet and watch everything around her. She likes listening to birds and often zones out when people are talking to her. She never put any effort into working with the other pack wolves, or even socialising or helping others. She was shocked and angry when she was sent away, and she has a bit of a temper. She is bitter and sarcastic after what they did to her, and became cold. Strengths: Persephone is good at hunting, and has always been an acceptioinal stalker. She can fade into the shadows pretty well, so she can creep on prey easily. Weaknesses: Persephone is not a very good swimmer, and despises water with all her heart. She is bad at face to face battles, and prefers surprise attacks or stalking. Mate: N/A Crush: Open Offspring: N/A Backstory: N/A Other: Cheese
Accepted! All the sent away slots are full now.