Name: Darwin
Age: 6 years and 4 months
Gender: Male
Breed:Beagle/schnauzer/Jack Russel/Cocker spaniel (Mutt)
Rank:Delta, Head of the Hunters
Sexuality: Pansexual
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Darwin stands around the height of an average beagle at 48 centimeters to the shoulders. He also is 60 cm in legit and weighs around the weight of an average beagle as well at approximately 20 or 21 pounds.
Darwin has a wiry sort of coat that is black in color, it is quite thin despite it looking quite thick. Darwin's coat is a medium sort of length. Darwin has lighter grey pmarkings on his legs and on his head, he also had a light grey "beard" and "mustache" although it it is stained afterward many years In the dirt of the streets.
Darwin has inherited different physical characteristics from each of the breeds he has in him. Firstly he has Jack Russell like ears, folded and softer than the rest of his wiry body. Secondly he has the famous schnauzer "mouth he" and "beard". Thirdly even though you can not see it on the photo seen above, he has an Cocker Spaniel tail although it is not clear which type it is ;American Or English.
Darwin has quite a scrawny look as he though he had barely any muscle on his body but in fact Darwin is extremely muscular underneath that scrawny look. Darwin has probably built for speed and brute force as even though he is small and agile , he can also fight very well.
Smart-His breeds are quite intelligent such as the schnauzer and the beagle.On top of that he learns wuickly so he has learnt a lot of life lessons in survival and many other things in the years he has been alive.
Stubborn-If Darwin doesn't want to be told or to do something, he will either refuse if he has little respect for the dog or will procrastinate until forced.
Affectionate-Darwin is a very friendly and affectionate dog and loves everything and everyone. He will gladly sit with a sad dog that needs cheering up or just needs someone to sit by.
Loyal-Once you have met this dog, he will never leave your side even if he has zero respect for you and your existence. Darwin hates to leave someone as this is what happens to his mother (more in backstory).
Optimistic-Even through tough times, this little dog tries to keep the most optimistic outlook on his life and other's life. Although he can be realistic too.He tries to avoid being pessimistic near others as he fears it may dampen their moods.
Brave-To avoid others being frightened, Darwin tries to act fearless despite what happens or happened. Although this doesn't always work as Darwin either destroys something or shakes when scared or nervous.
Hunting-Thanks to his survival instincts that kicked in when he entered the streets, He considers the activities; bin fishing,scavenging, fishing and actually properly hunting for live prey, hunting. He is especially skilled in bin fishing and hunting for live land prey.
Fighting-Darwin uses his strengths against any opponent. For example of the opponent was huge,muscular and bulky then Darwin would use his swiftness. Althouh the one thing he will not fight is any dog or creauture excluding prey who can not fend for themselves.
Running- This little dog can run very far for a long time without stopping, even though he is not generally the fastest dog, he is the best dog at endurance running. This was shown when he ran away from the shelter. (More in backstory)
Swimming-The Delta hates water so he never truly learnt how to swim. One as he disliked getting wet and two because it was not really needed on the streets or his homes.
Decisions-The Delta usually turns to The alpha/s or the beta/s for help when he is second guessing himself. He usually makes good decisions, he just doubt himself.
Destructive when anxious-This weakness,Darwin prefers to hide as he is ashamed that whenever he is nervous or anxious, he destroys something like a stick or a leaf. This landed him in big trouble in his 1st home.
Crush*: Open
Mate*: Open
Backstory*:Darwin's origin is not certain and it is not clear how he got to be at Orlando,Florida at 1 year. One day at this house in Orlando, the 2 children who were 2 year old twins had gon rot Nursery and the single parent decided to leave Darwin in the lounge with the door shut. With no toys to play with and no fresh air or water. Darwin was left for two hours and he destroyed the cushions and ripped the sofa. He did not mean to but he did because he was anxious and bored. That owner took Darwin to the shelter after another incident like this. The shelter was okay but Darwin ran away from it to Skylake where he lived from 2 years to 3 and a half on the streets until he met an old man called Wilbur who took him home and treated Darwin like his most precious thing in the world. Darwin lived with Wilbur until he died from lack of resources or old age, Darwin does not know.Darwin walked out with his collar that he has know had for 6 years. His name is the only thing he likes to stay the same.
Other: Done!
About snail's teeth, some snails have up to 14,000 teeth such as the garden snail or some have as many as 20,000 .
Snail's teeth are also in their tongue and can be replaced like shark's teeth.