[Desired Role]
Alpha.. He thinks

[credit goes to Khalliysgraphy on da]
At first glance, Artavis may appear to be intimidating and cruel given his disheveled look. He is a creature that has an ungroomed appearance, his fur sticking out at odd ends as if he had just been electrocuted. The male has a lanky physique, his body best suited for agility and speed rather than brute strength. One could easy note this based off of his legs, which are fairly long. When younger, such a pair of legs tended to be awkward, however, Artavis has long learned how to carry himself without tripping and stumbling over them.
He stands at a height of 36 inches, which is easily seen given his disproportionate legs in comparison to his body and has been passed down from his mother. There is obvious muscle spanning around his body, however, like mentioned previously, he is best suited for agility, speed, and stamina. Strength is something he has, but he can't solely rely on it because he will fail. For the most part, he leans on the lithe and skinny side.
The masculine's fur is slightly redder rather than grey, perhaps obtained from some ancestor or has skipped a generation. His peltage involves a series of reds, creams, and greys with hints of black. For the most part, his entire body is cream that is tinted slightly red. This is especially seen in certain lighting. This is his main fur colour. Upon his back, the colour changes. Speckles of black are splattered around, offering an almost "peppered" look. When near the upper half of his back, this colour, while still involves black, also now involves grey and streaks of white. This white and black intertwine with one another and are streaked together until his head is reached.
Once more, Artavis' head becomes red like the remainder of his body. However, upon his cheeks, the same white colour is seen streaked through his red fur and takes over. The same goes for the side of his muzzle. Around his eyes and cheek especially, one can see that there his fur is slightly greyer, but not by much.
Opinionated || Reserved || Intimidating || Ambitious || Sarcastic || Selfless || Cunning || Determined || Somewhat Debonair (?) || Hardworking || Humble || Observant || Loyal
Since he was but a child, he had heard that this tournament, that this competition was his destiny. It was what helped determine the next alpha. Artavis should be proud to even participate, after all, he is the son of the current leaders. He should be honored, proud, grateful.
Instead, Artavis resents it.
Growing up, Artavis was invested. He was driven to succeed, and he wasn't going to stop for anything. He had become selfless, ambitious, hardworking. He had spent any free time he had working, training, trying to be better. No, trying to be the best. He had an unrealistic mindset, one where he tried to be the perfect individual. He was going to be the next leader, no matter if it killed him. So, he worked, and worked, and worked, not caring if he collapsed from exhaustion. He picked things up easily, knows techniques and how to fight and hunt. On most days, Artavis would sit and observe the pack to see if he could pick up any skills, and he has.
He was a quiet individual, rather reserved. He preferred the company of himself over others, so he had time. However, the more he grew, the more he began to find himself despising the entire situation. He had spent his years wasting away, the entire tournament being the only thing on his mind. It had plagued him, caused him to sicken himself by working so hard.
So, he stopped.
Artavis stopped caring, stopped trying, stopped involving himself in any way. Of course, it was good for a little while, until the time of the tournament was announced. He doesn't want to participate, doesn't even care to, but to deny it? He'd be the black sheep! He'd be a disgrace, looked down upon even! He refuses to be a let down to the pack and his family. What choice does he have?
At first glance, Artavis may seem reserved and intimidating, but he isn't like that at all. Well, he is reserved and keeps to himself, not one to insert himself into social life. Of course, he wouldn't mind conversing ever so often, and would never turn away from another. However, he isn't intimidating nor cruel in any way. He is a selfless being. Quiet, but selfless and kind nonetheless. He doesn't mind doing favours for others, and would do so without asking for anything in return.
He is one to hold his tongue unless something he disagrees with arises. Then, Artavis will insert himself into the conversation. It is then when others can see where his ambition and perhaps even stubbornness comes in. He won't stop until he manages to sway a plan or idea, and can be rather persuasive in that sense. He will throw himself into any situation that he doesn't agree with: a plan, somebody yelling at another, unfair treatment, etc. In one way or another, Artavis will appear to settle it before vanishing to be alone once more. Not to mention, he is observant. Spending his time alone, he manages to pick up on different things and keeps it memorized. Skills, techniques, etc.. anything he's seen it's been picked up if he finds it useful.
He does care for others. It can be seen in small things he does. Small favours here and there or small treatments of kindness. However, he isn't one that likes too much validation. If he does something nice, he doesn't like it to be made a big deal. A simple nod of thanks is enough. He would be a good leader. Intelligent, kind, humble, but he doesn't know if that's what he wants. It's supposed to be what he wants, but in truth, he isn't sure of his path at all. When he was younger, he did, but now? He doesn't know.
All in all, Artavis is a good friend to have. Loyal, selfless, and humble, he would put others before himself. Hell, he'll even be a bit playful at times. However, that isn't to say he can't be cruel. If an enemy is made, Artavis can be cold, rude even. He knows how to be calculating and twist words. Though, he isn't one to become physical. Words are more his thing, and tends to talk things out. Unless there is no other choice, he will fight if needed.
In short, he's worked for everything in his life. He learned how to use his body to his advantage, knows the territory and his packmates. He seems to know everything and everybody but himself.
[Intend to enter Tournament]
He doesn't 100% want to, but to avoid being a disgrace, yes.
[Loyalty to Whom]
The pack, his friends, his parents, everyone.
None to all.
Let me know if anything needs to be changed. :)