Age: 4 years and two months
Gender: female
Species: fallow deer

(Credits go to Qiwi-Stock of DA)
Zalta's gracefulness is unmissable. She walks in a manner similar to a queen descending stairs before her throne.
Standing around 83 cm at the shoulder and weigh 40 kg Zalta's physiques is slender, granting her with swiftness. She can even reach high speeds and fit through narrow places. Her legs are long, lanky, and are all white. There is a few barely visible scraps, and scratches from past events but that's about it. Her tail is black on top, followed by brown on the side, and white at the bottom. Her fluffy white rump has the distinctive black outline on each side. Her tan head is rounded with a narrow snout that's white around her mouth, as well as the outlines of her dark brown eyes. The top part of her neck along with the top half of her body comes in a carmel color. White spots and small stripes can be seen only along her back, and flanks. This doe's fur is fuzzy, short, smooth. It carries an aroma of lavender.
The basic
[Calm, flexible, amiable, level-headed, quick-witted, authoritative, optimistic]
She is the embodiment of confidence. From walking, to speaking. Thinking everything through, trying to exclude all possibilities of imperfections, and find strengths. On many occasions her calculative mind creates perfect plans, ideas with multiple layers to it. Her analytical skills is almost admirable. It's a gift she believes was past down onto her from both her sire, and dame. Of course she takes no pride in what she does. It just comes to her naturally, that which she puts to good use. She is very open-minded. If you have a question she'll listen, because there's always constructive criticism. Not everyone is perfect, not even Zalta dispite her logical thinking.
Zalta mostly adapts to any situation pretty well. When faced with a sticky situation. Zalta isn't one to back down which is reckless. But boy does she know how to switch on fighting mode. It's practically game on, or when a panicking crisis rises, she is calm in the midst of it. She'll set her mind towards everyone's safety. Though the little ones are top priority. They must be protected, and watched over at all times. No one is to let any fawn go unattended.
Having said that. When the herd is not in a dire state. She is very chatty and friendly, always lending an ear to others. It's hard to believe that she is the same deer who's mostly serious-minded. But there's no fun being all stuck up on one mindset right? Some may also perceive her as a motherly figure after all she is a mother. A proud one at that. Caring for the young is her specialty. Whether it's stoping any bickering or any disapproving behavior. It'll get disperse with fairness.
Critical thinking
Social skills
A bit on the Reckless side
She doesn't like being under Pressure
Overly confidence might be her down fall one day