
Can there be a horse riding one?


Yay also reserve a male and female student plz


Edited at April 8, 2022 08:45 AM by Mist Fall Wolves

Name: Jenna Hollow Age: (18-22) 21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual-Poly Grade: (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) Junior . Appearance: Jenna has long red hair that reaches her butt. She is 5'4" and weighs 130 pounds. She wears a white crop top and black ripped jeans. She has black laced combat boots she wears but will also wear her red heels at times. She has a navy blue skirt and a gray t-shirt in her closet. She has a slender frame and green eyes. Her skin tone is more of a tan than white. Personality: She is kind and caring but also sassy at times. She doesn't take to rude people and if they are rude to her she is rude back. Jenna isn't someone to mess around with at all. She does have a bad habit of cursing and tries not to. She is actually very sweet when you get to know her but she does have a habit of closing people off. Jenna does have anxiety and depression at times. . Extra Curriculars: Horseback riding/Dive/Track/Volleyball Her horse: . Likes: +Horses+ +Water+ +Sports+ Dislikes: -Rude people- -Bullys- -The cold- . Affiliations: Freinds open Roommate: Open! Pm me! Crush: Open! Significant Other: Open! . Other: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Jack Livingstone Age: (18-22) 19 Gender: Male Sexuality: Gay Grade: (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) Freshman . Appearance: Jack stands at 6'7" and weighs 140 pounds. He has a slender frame and hazel eyes. His skin tone is tan and he has red hair. He has a dragon tattoo on his neck that is eating the sun and moon. He has navy blue rip jeans he wears along with a white tank top. He has muscles and a 6 pack. He has a tattoo that says Escopeta which is Spanish for A shotgun. It is in red ink and has a flag below it. Personality: Jack is chill and is pretty fun to be around. He likes to go out for runs in the morning before class so he is pretty active. He is smart with good grades doesn't really care for class but he keeps them up. Jack has a bit of social anxiety and depression so he doesn't do well in big crowds except with his team mates and friends. He does have a bit of a self esteem issue and doesn't think that great of himself. Jack worries a lot for others and likes to help out with anything he can. He likes to go swimming and do hunting when it is hunting season. . Extra Curriculars: Track/Football/Basketball/Art/Martial arts . Affiliations: Friends open! Roommate: Zavior Niko Crush: Open Significant Other: Open . Other: Edited at April 11, 2022 02:43 PM by Nikki Afton

~~Student Form~~ Name: Kristina "Kristy" Bryan Age: 19 Gender: Female Sexuality: Hetero Grade: Sophomore Appearance: Kristy is short for her age at the height of 5'1. She's only 130 pounds but has strong arms and legs built with muscles. Kristy has dark white skin that resembles the skin of a light Indian. She looks Indian because her grandpa was a full-blood Indian so that made Kristy a fourth Indian. She has chocolate brown hair with tints of blonde due to her highlights that she never recolored. Her hair goes down to her hips because she had never cut it and she let it grow out. It is usually up in two french braids. Her face is small with a flattened circular shape to it. She has a medium-sized nose with a few noticeable freckles, if you look closely, you will see little freckles under her eyes and on her nose. Her eyelashes are about half an inch long. Her eyebrows are slim. Kristy barely puts any makeup on. If she does though, it is usually blush. She has a small frame and a skinny body. It was hard for her to gain weight. It started when she was little, it was really hard for her to gain weight and she was bone-thin. Kristy thought it was just a little kid thing although she grew up with her being almost bone-thin. She had gained muscles through working out more and now she isn't terribly thin. Kristy has large hazel-colored oval eyes with a dark blue ring around them and little amber spots in the iris. Her eyes seem to sparkle if the light hits them right. Kristy is usually wearing something from her large collection of black leggings and hoodies, usually the colors black, navy blue, dark red, or ombre black to white. She likes to wear hoodies just because they are comfortable and she usually wears brown cowboy boots just because she thinks that it suits her style. Personality: Kristy is a very excited and energetic person. She is very good at expressing her excitement by jumping and running. She doesn't like to sit around and watch things happen. She wants to be a part of anything going on or anything about to happen like a run, fighting or even just a talk with others. Kristy has too much energy. She loves racing and doing activities with others. She loves running almost as much as she loves food. She likes the feel of the wind blowing through her hair when she runs. She feels as though it is like a river, smooth and calming. Ever since she was a kid, she had always liked the feel of the wind. Kristy has a mischievous side too. She isn't the best at sitting still. She is always moving around except when sleeping. She hates the feeling of waiting and watching others do things, this is why she may have trouble paying attention in class at points. She hates the feeling of sitting still. It makes her feel a bit useless and uneasy. Extra Cirriculars: Track and Field/Softball Affilations: Open! Roommate: Open! Crush: N/A Significant Other: N/A Other: Edited at May 1, 2022 02:41 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Name: Madalyn Marie Jenkins Age: (18-22) 19 Gender: female Sexuality: bisexual Grade: (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) .Sophmore Appearance: Maddie has light brown hair with blondish streaks. Her hair was originally blonde but grew darker as she turned older. She is fit and well built with a great body with curves. Only to be disguised with baggy clothes. Maddie has tan skin from her heritage of being Hispanic as she is mix. She has freckles around her body and skin disorder of viltigo. But she lets it show not letting it swallow her pride. She stands 5'5 and she weighs 135 pounds. She is small but with feisty attitude. Although she is in physical therapy from playing basketball tearing her a lot and a sprain ankle. So she will be on crutches. Personality: Maddie is a social butterfly with always being friends with everyone around. She has that aura of friendliness or welcomeness that brings people to her. . Mental Illness/Health: PTSD Depression Anxiety not good at the moment Extra Curriculars: .Basketball,Volleyball,Track and Field Affiliations: Twin:Mason Roommate: open Crush: none Significant Other: .N/A Other:
Name: Mason Alan Jenkins Age: (18-22) 19 Gender: male Sexuality: Bisexual Grade: (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) .Sophmore Appearance: Personality: . mental illness/ or etc. ADHD Anger Issues Extra Curriculars: .Football,Basketball, Affiliations: Madalyn (Maddie) Twin Roommate: open Crush: none Significant Other: Nope. Other: Edited at April 11, 2022 01:11 PM by Nirvana_Sky

Edited at April 10, 2022 01:41 PM by Finnick

May I reserve any open spot after you accept/decline these recent applications?