
Reserve Beta Male for Blood Clan


Finished! ^^ Name: Benji ✯ Age: Eight months ✯ Gender: Male ✯ Sexuality: Bisexual ✯ Tribe: Outcast ✯ Rank: Apprentice ✯ Desired rank: Benji is undecided. Either a Fighter or a Mentor ✯ Appearance: Only slightly larger than his sister, Benji stands at 2'5 and weighs about 9 pounds. He has a rather lean, musculor build with sleek fur and powerful shoulders. His tail is slightly longer than average, and it tapered to a fine point at the tip. Benji is a tortoiseshell, resembling his sister's colors. Although, he does have a lot less white than she does. Instead, he is mainly black with dapples of ginger. He has white paws, chest, and tail-tip. He has friendly, good-natured yellow eyes. He has a small scar on his left hind leg, as a result of falling from a tree. Benji carries himself in such a way that it radiates with confidence and courage. ✯ Personality: "No second chances. One chance, then your out." Benji is.. complicated. Although warm, friendly, comforting, and energetic; he is impulsive, viciously unforgiving to those who dare lay harm on his loved ones, and rebellious. He fiercely resents rules and is often disrespectful towards those older than him. He only shows respect to his leaders, the second in command, and the medics. "Oh please, you seriously think I'm going to listen to you?" Benji loves the thrill of danger and adventure, often jumping head-first into things without thinking. He is incredibly couragous and competitive. His skills in hunting benefit greatly from his stealthiness. His fighting mainly relies on his strength and power, rather than skill and talent. Determined and persistant, he refuses to give up even when it seems it may not suceed. "No. I can't give up now. If everyone else quits, who else is there to do it?" Benji is playful and adventurous, with a burning curiousity. He doesn't give second chances to just anyone, you had to be in his inner circle. He talks very quickly, as if there was a time limit you had to speak in. Sometimes, he's caught up in the moment, he leaves out several words and his sentences make no sense when he talks. ✯ Strengths: Hunting Agility Confidence Courage ✯ Weakness: Climbing Impulsive Aquaphobia No second chances with him Acrophobia Claustrophobia Arachnophobia ✯ Crush: Open ✯ Mate: N/A ✯ Offspring: N/A ✯ Kin: Littermate(s) - Emma Sire - Dam - ✯ Other: Tribe Image by somethingorsum on DA Edited at March 30, 2022 10:10 PM by FancyPants

spiritus, arlo and onyx can be mates:)

Reserve BloodClan Medic apprentice please

Reserved! StarFire said: Reserve BloodClan Medic apprentice please

Reserve BloodClan Medic apprentice please srry double post Edited at March 30, 2022 08:58 PM by StarFire

Wait i have a question are Medic cats allowed to have mates/kits or no?

Name: Honey Age: 9 months Gender: Female Tribe: BloodClan Rank: Medic apprentice Desired rank Medic Appearance: Honey is a beautiful calico cat with a slim agile build. She stands at 2,1 and has a very long tail. She has a splash of black fur on her paw. She has gleaming amber eyes. She is different from other calicos because she is a dilute calico. She has a scar on her right paw from tripping over a thorn bush. [IMAGE REMOVED: nonstock, hotlinking] Personality: Honey is a very kind cat she does not like hurting others feelings and whenever someone got hurt she wanted to help hence why she is a medic apprentice. She is quite shy and clumsy she doesn't like talk to cat other then helping them with their wounds. She may come across as rude but she is just very shy. Likes* Kits Helping others Swiming beautiful things Dislikes* mud rude people not being able to help someone death Strengths: Swimimg healing Weakness: Death climbing Crush: Pm me Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Kin: pm me Other: photo by bambislogic on deviant art Edited at March 31, 2022 12:51 AM by Vennenum

Yes they are ^^ StarFire said: Wait i have a question are Medic cats allowed to have mates/kits or no?