Name: Karim
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Pack: Zena Pack
Rank: Delta
Desired Rank: Relatively content with his current position
Appearance: Karim is a large, heavily muscled wolf standing at 33 inches and 140lb, with a dark grey coat and amber eyes, that shift from a dark auburn to a striking honey, depending on his mood. His back and ears are nearly black, while his muzzle, paws and underbelly have a light sprinkle of white among the grey. The white speckles are a lot more prominent during winter months, making him look much older than he is, while they nearly disappear during the summer, turning his coat a mix of black and dark grey.
Dutiful – Vigilant – Strong – Reserved
A solemn and somewhat solitary wolf, Karim is short and to the point in his words, not one to speak unless necessary. He takes his responsibilities very seriously and would do anything to protect the pack. Karim is reserved and always focused on his duties, and aside from training fights with good pack members, it’s rare to catch him loosen up and crack a joke. It would take someone special to unnerve or bewilder this stoic warrior-type.
Likes: Training fights, patrol, peace and quiet, duty, devotion
Dislikes: Disobedience, unnecessary drama, lengthy conversations
Strengths: Brute force, confidence, strategy
Weaknesses: Conversation, diplomacy. While Karim is highly trained and not a slow runner, it is not where he excels. He’ll hold up against most of the warriors, though rarely stand a chance against the hunters. Entertaining or caring for pups is also a task best left someone else, as Karim’s focus is on his responsibilities, and he can be very awkward with the young ones.
Affiliations: Close friends with the alpha of Zena Pack, and her belated mate.
Kin: No living kin
Crush: Might develop ~
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Backstory: Karim was born a single pup to a loner female, and lived by himself for the most part, until he met the Zena pack as a young wolf. They accepted him as one of their own, and Karim was ever grateful to the alphas, swearing to always serve them in any way he could. With his heavy build and skills learnt when he fended for himself, Karim was quickly picked out to be a warrior, but shortly after rose to the rank of Delta. The death of the alpha was a major blow to him, because he felt he had failed his duty to the alphas, and failed to protect his friend. Now all he wants is to ensure Mishka’s safety, though he sometimes find it hard to face her, feeling as if he let her down.
Other: Will revenge bring back what was lost…?

Name: Angelica
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Pack: Loner
Appearance: Her coat is black as a raven, with only a speckled few tips of white, and a shimmer of dark brown in the bright summer months. Angelica is a very elegant, tall, and lean wolf, at 33 inches and 115lb. While she is not the lightest of wolves, she is built more for speed and dexterity, as opposed to strength and brute force. Her movements are graceful, and her ever watching amber eyes usually have a mischievous glimmer in them, as if she’s ready to spark adventure and trouble wherever she goes. She also has a nick in her left ear, which makes it appear a tad shorter than the other one.
Independent – Fierce – Courageous – Fun-loving
A femme fatal, an enfant terrible, Angelica is a headstrong, flirtatious young wolf who believes in enjoying life to the fullest. Often seen laughing or with a wicked smile and an impish gleam in her eyes. She is always seeking out adventure, fun and new situations, and she has a tendency of getting herself in danger, but often find ways to twist out of it. Wild and flirtatious as she can be, loyalty to the people she cares for is very important to her. She holds no regard for laws or rules, and follows her own undefined codex, but despite this and her somewhat wicked nature, she has a good heart, and will not let harm come to any innocent being. Angelica can sometimes seem a bit cold towards others, and has a hard time trusting and open up to others. She also has a tendency to befriend ravens instead of other wolves…
Likes: Adventure, thrill, hunts, chaos, rain & thunder, and potentially dangerous males probably best to shy away from…
Dislikes: Authority, responsibilities, the prim and perfect type that never does anything wrong… Angelica can be both cold and brash in demeanor but has a heart of gold under the tough exterior, and strongly disapproves of anyone who would harm the innocent and weak, or dare harm those she loves.
Strengths: Confident, clever, quick & agile, loyal to those she loves (even if it can manifest in odd ways sometimes).
Weaknesses: Hot tempered and impatient, she has a knack for getting into trouble, whether she intended to or not, and can often be perceived as cold and standoffish, for those not accustomed to her sarcastic quips. Angelica has a hard time trusting people, and letting them in, which results in her feeling lonelier than she might’ve had to be. While not weak, Angelica relies on other strengths to get her out of a tight spot, and will not go into fights she’s not sure she can win – unless her temper gets the better of her.
Affiliations: Shival pack
Kin: The alpha's of Shival pack, Breeze and Navajo, are her adopted parents.
Crush: Open to develop!
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Backstory: Angelica has a hard time with authority, and her rebellious streak has gotten her into more trouble than those around her bargained for… While she meant no harm, she was often at odds with her family and loved ones, and so she left them behind, trying to find somewhere to do some good instead of always causing harm, and to find somewhere she belongs, or someone she belongs to… She misses her pack, and her adopted parents dearly, but simply cannot live by the pack rules. Angelica needed her freedom to come and go as she pleased, and make her own choices, regardless of the others around her.
Other: Revenge is a dish best served as desert!