
ColdHearted, Kelly is accepted.

Name: Amaya Age: 3 Gender: Female Sexuality(optional): Bi Rank: Healer Bird Type: Lilac-breasted roller Wolf Type: British Columbia wolf DNA Abilities: wings Appearance: Amaya is a pitch black wolf with some white patches on her ears, feet, and tail. She has a all white underbelly with some black stripes. Amaya's left ear's tip would be natually bent, meanwhile her other one is straight up. Her feet are all white except her left front paw is black and her right hind paw was also black. The tip of her tail has some black stripes just like her underbelly. Personality: Amaya is a laid back and chill wolf. She loves to help others in need. Amaya despises humans and strangers. When a stranger is near she will be distant and wont open up for a few days. Amaya would always offer to help others as much as she can. She loves helping injured wolves so they always get better. Amaya tends to be hot-headed when she is under to much stress. Likes (2+): Pups flowers Butterflies nice people Dislikes (2+): Mean people thunderstoms Humans the dark Strengths (2+): light on her feet, making her able to move quickly knows a ton about healing others Weaknesses (2+): Being alone strangers a bit hot-headed Crush: Open Pm Me Mate: Open Pm Me Family: Open Pm Me Offspring: Open Pm Me Other: Amaya hates the dark and being left alone. Edited at February 12, 2022 05:52 PM by Moon Valley

Moon Valley, Amaya is accepted except the wolves can only have one ability from the DNA. Sorry if I came off rude but I was unclear.

The Midnight Wolves said: Moon Valley, Amaya is accepted except the wolves can only have one ability from the DNA. Sorry if I came off rude but I was unclear.
its fine she can just have wings then

Okay, thank you for understanding! Moon Valley said: The Midnight Wolves said: Moon Valley, Amaya is accepted except the wolves can only have one ability from the DNA. Sorry if I came off rude but I was unclear.
its fine she can just have wings then

The Midnight Wolves said: Okay, thank you for understanding! Moon Valley said: The Midnight Wolves said: Moon Valley, Amaya is accepted except the wolves can only have one ability from the DNA. Sorry if I came off rude but I was unclear.
its fine she can just have wings then
Of course ^^


Of Course! Ravensrun said: Can I reserve a scout

Name: Skadi(from Greenland was captured and sent here.) Age: 4 Gender: Female Sexuality: bisexual Rank: Lead Scout Bird Type: Raven Wolf Type: Greenland isles grey wolf DNA Abilities: Raven wings growing from back.(mimic she photogenic memorizes everything and can vocalize it back and if she focuses can make her voice project to a different location) Appearance: Skadi is quite a large (36inch that's 3 foot 110 pounds)Dark grey wolf now from mutation she has a blue and silvery sheen to her fur like a raven . Her eyes are a striking bright Gold from the depths of her Kind but strong face. Her wings are Black Ravens wings with the blue sheen to them as well, they are big enough to aid her in battle if need be or to shield her friends from enemys Personality: Skadi is known to be on the friendly side now with her pack. She does wonder by by herself sometimes needing to be alone for awhile and scout to clear her head. She is very loyal to those she cares about and will put up a fight to protect them. She despises humans for what they put her and her new pack through. Likes (2+): Skadi loves spending time with her pack. She may be observant and more likely to listen to others speak and enjoy the company than share her own tales. Sleep is hard her her as she is often plagued by nightmares from all the past with the humans.
Skadi also likes thunderstorms because her old pack of friends would go hunting during them running with the storms Dislikes (2+): cages she hates being locked up, any form of chains, muzzle or being alone small spaces she can get Claustrophobic Strengths (2+): Skadi is very intelligent/witty, she also seems to always know what direction they need to go. Her mimicry helps divert things in there way or as a way to remember information Weaknesses (2+): sedatives, hurting her loved ones she will always fight for her pack Small spaces Claustrophobic Crush: Luke Mate: none (currently) Family: Skadi left her family young as they couldn’t feed everyone Greenland is a icy wilderness. Seals elk Caribou polar bears these are the prey and predators she's had to deal with in her four years before for being captured and brought to California. Her first mate Jairo died in the fight when the scientists captured her. That was a year ago. They were more friends that had become the alpha pair of their smal group of dispersal friends. She still missed her friends the humans killed and the pups she should have had. Offspring: two(deceased at birth due to her experiments) none living. Needs a little time but would love to find a new mate and start a family. Other: None Edited at March 29, 2022 06:24 AM by Ravensrun
